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Damn! Mike Robbins Overload

Slimmie, did you just tell me there was no Santa Clause? :crying:Now my heart is broken. Next thing you know, you will be telling me there is no JIMMIE.:scared:

Santa Claus is real, he just doesn't exist. Jimmie is here with me now, standing behind me getting his thumbs right into my shoulder muscles. Yeah, right there fella, down a little, yeah, harder. Oh. Yeah.

Stop for a minute and send Kiannie a message. Yeah you can lean over me, unless you wanna sit down. Cool, lean over and type your message. Gee your skin smells good. Is that Juicyfruit by the way?

Hi Kiannie. I'm lookin' after your Slimmie till you get here. We are all three gonna have the best time. I'm gonna pick you up at the airport. Slimmie understands how it is between us. He wanted to flip a coin at first but when he saw my face he said he'd wait at home. Let us know your flight arrival time, ok? Love, Buddy Skaggers (Jimmie Slater)
you GO Ms K!I am right there with you, (Laughing)!

Whether I agree or disagree is completely irrelevant. I have not laughed this hard on the forum in quiet a while. Praise, welcome to the forum, I am sure we will love to have you around.
I watched the scene with Sexy Shane and Josh by themselves, and the hotness of it all almost melted my computer screen. Child, I had to bring in a fan... And then we get to that 3 way, and things got cold real quick. I think about what could've been and it brings a tear or two to my big brown eyes.

Could've been Sexy Shane and little newbie Josh all by themselves moaning and groaning in man love. Sweat pouring off their young, toned, trim bodies. Kissing and sucking, sucking and kissing. Pounding away on that futon that we have all grown to love so much. It could've been something beautiful... but instead ...damn! Somebody hand me a kleenix. I need a moment to compose myself. Talk amongst yourselves.

Fresh Face, Fresh Voice... PRAISE

Dear Praise,

There were many of us who lamented the very same thing. The scene featuring Josh and Shane by themselves, without an unwanted third party joining in and ruining the hottness, was simply hot beyond words. Their passion was so obvious!

And plus, you could see the disappointment on Josh's face when in walked Mike R. You could tell the last person he wanted to have to share Shane with was Mike R., even though they're supposedly friends in real life.

Hopefully the scenes with Mike R. in them will be ending soon, and we'll be treated to many more with Josh and Shane! :001_tongue:

NO SUCH THING AS TOO MUCH MIKE! lol, as high priestess of the the Robbins Island, i dub today the official Mike Robbins Rememberance holiday!
bye! thats okay, im not a fan of bush anyhow...and by bush i mean vagina
Oh Abe, you can come to my island. I would be honored to share JIMMIE with you.:thumbup1:

The pleasure would be all mine Ms. K! And cuz I like you so much, I'd insist on you having him all to yourself, cuz I know how much you adore him. :001_tongue:
Sweet baby Jebus! Enough already. I like Mike Robbins as much as the next guy, but please stop the madness. How many scenes have we seen him in the last month or two. And they just keep coming....one after the other. My head is spinning. Is he blackmailing somebody? Is he part owner of the company? Is sucking extra wiener on the side?

There is such a thing as too much of a good thing. I know he is no longer with the company, but I think i have seen enough of that white boy naked.
Tell him to put some clothes on and get off my computer screen. I have held my tongue long enough, and I can't hold it no more. I've come undone.:wink:

Fresh Voice, Fresh Face........PRAISE!


Welcome to the forum. It is always good to have new members getting involved. While it is true he is no longer filming with the company, the videos have been made and they don't toss them because a member may have lost some of his appeal. It would be a waste of money to toss them. Also, based on our (forum) requests we want to see the videos in the order they were shot, so that is way in a short time you might seem the same model(s) several videos in a row.

As background, each week David and company plan out which models to bring to Florida. They stay a week (unless it totally does not work out for the model). In this week time frame a model may be in from 1-3, perhaps more videos. Usually, it starts with something simple and then builds to a grand(?) final video. The the following week, new models come in and the cycle repeats itself. If a model has been good, is hot, members request more, they will at some time be asked back for another round of videos. David has stated that a models shelf life is very short and very few are still around a year later. Michael is close to his year and he is gone.

So I hope this gives you an idea as to how and why we may see one model for several videos in a row.

And remember there are hundreds and hundreds of members here and we all have our own opinions so it is not easy to please everyone one every day.

Keep on posting.

Live Long and Prosper,

We think Mark is just spooling out the D&E material in readiness to begin releasing a new product that he and Sha will be filming themselves. A couple of us have spotted this and think Mark has anyway said so in so many words. I'm not too OK with it, but Mark is an excellent guy and anyway I recognize that I'm too much like my daddy, the first person I heard pronounce that old conservative proverb, "If it ain't broke, don't fix it".

I've come to depend on the present Broke Straight Boys format so much that the idea that the episodes aren't going to be filmed by David really worries me, like having to face up to there not being a Santa Claus.

Hey Slim Sweetie,

Is there something you know that your not sharing????? Is this speculation, rumor or fact? If these changes are coming, how come we have not hear this directly from management? Slim, my old friend, every time someone here starts a rumor, it gets out of control so I do hope you are not opening a can of worms.

Live Long and Prosper,

Santa Claus is real, he just doesn't exist. Jimmie is here with me now, standing behind me getting his thumbs right into my shoulder muscles. Yeah, right there fella, down a little, yeah, harder. Oh. Yeah.

Stop for a minute and send Kiannie a message. Yeah you can lean over me, unless you wanna sit down. Cool, lean over and type your message. Gee your skin smells good. Is that Juicyfruit by the way?

Hi Kiannie. I'm lookin' after your Slimmie till you get here. We are all three gonna have the best time. I'm gonna pick you up at the airport. Slimmie understands how it is between us. He wanted to flip a coin at first but when he saw my face he said he'd wait at home. Let us know your flight arrival time, ok? Love, Buddy Skaggers (Jimmie Slater)

Slimmie, Slimmie, Slimmie.:w00t: You are crazy, and it makes me love you even more. I'm so glad Jimmie is giving you a great massage. You work too hard, so you definitely deserve it.

As for finding Jimmie in your airport, or any other airport I find myself in, he should probably rethink that. I am positive, I would drag him to Florida and hand him over to David myself, so we could get him back on the futon. But of course, that would be on my way home, after a wonderful vacation.:001_tt2::001_tt2::001_tt2:
I see the next in a looooooooooong series of Mike R scenes has just been released today. I didn't bother downloading or watching it, because I feel like I've already seen it 100 times before lol.

I see we have yet another threeway with Preston, Ashton, and Pig Pen (I mean Leon lol) coming up.

Mark, David, anyone, how much longer until we can expect to see some new scenes with new guys besides the same ones we've been seeing scene after scene the last several weeks?

I like Mike R but have to admit I've seen enough of him for now. This may sound weird but one of the things I find the hottest about him is when he stares at another guys cock sitting next to him jackin off or while the other guy is getting head from someone else. For some reason the idea of a str8 guy being turned on looking at another guys cock just does it for me. I sometimes wonder just how str8 he is? I'm betting if he were to tell the truth he would say he's Bi. I'd almost bet money he'd be willing to have sex with a guy off camera. It might take a few drinks or something, but I think he enjoys man sex to much to be doing it only for the money!
Hey Slim Sweetie,

Is there something you know that your not sharing????? Is this speculation, rumor or fact? If these changes are coming, how come we have not hear this directly from management? Slim, my old friend, every time someone here starts a rumor, it gets out of control so I do hope you are not opening a can of worms.

Live Long and Prosper,


I only know what I read on the forum. Maybe I've been putting too many twos and twos together, but if you've read Mark's and David's posts here you've probably picked up the same vibes I have.

As I said before, I expect they'll eventually say something about it on the forum. In the meantime more speculation is probably futile. Funnily enough I was as concerned for them, and what this might mean to their site, as I was for us, who love the product so much as it is. We'll know soon enough whether those of us who've been reading the tea leaves have jumped to the wrong conclusion. But thanks for your concern dear man.

Just one more observation while I'm here. It amazes me to see how many good people have been jumping on the anti-MikeR bandwagon. It also amazes me, if it's true that producing porn, a non-essential luxury in terrible economic times, is an uphill battle at the moment, that so many guys are finding so much fault with Broke Straight Boys, that's it's boring, that they're gonna cancel, that there's too much Diesal, ditto MikeR. My god, I'd be sending my hugest congratulations to Blu and D&E for continuing to provide a terrific product in a format that we all find brilliant at a quality level that is awe inspiring (Tyler appearing for a sec in the frame to rate the scene, Shane's torso literally dripping with 3 brands of semen, was so CLEVER) rather than whining about it. David is a genius and Mark is a hero to keep his work online when porn sites are collapsing all around. Two of the bonus sites I used to like a lot have withered away while we've been hating on this one. I'm just saying, if you've ever licked ass before this might be a climate in which a bit of it would be appropriate. These guys, management and models, are doing the same great job they've been doing for years. I for one am loving the updates, absolutely loving them.
Oh, I don’t think any ass endeavor, licking or kissing, is going to work here. I think you could say we're in a dump cycle - much like we were during the changeover to HD, when they wanted to clear all the old product out of the files before the new product began showing. It seemed then like we were getting the same models over and over again and all pretty much the same scenes. It's also quite obvious that there are no schedules being followed in any order, as we've been jumping back and forth quite often from six to eight months. And, anyway, scheduling has nothing to do with D&E - it is done entirely in Denver by Blu, the owner of Broke Straight Boys In the past D&E has hired models and filmed scenes and then sent them to Blu for webcast at their discretion.

Apparently, on another thread, the owner of Blu has announced that he will be hiring the models from now on, which would indicate he intends to also film the scenes. That would explain the last few weeks' dump schedules, the hints at 'all new models,' and the sudden appearance of a distracting new 'model-to-be,' fresh from a Men's Wearhouse, to divert the masses. It could also explain why, after the disasters brought about recently by the overuse of pm's, room was suddenly found to triple the space for them.

This is all just casual speculation, of course. I really dread the idea that any of it might be true, but I'm a writer and I look for plots to tie things together. So many things have been going on lately and this one seems to make the most sense.

Anyway, to throw a couple of metaphors in the Cuisinart: is it opening a can of worms when you read the handwriting on the wall? Mene Mene Tekel Uphrasin. Daniel, get away from those lions and translate!
Mike did bottom sort of in an episode with Drew. Use the search to find it.
Oh, I don’t think any ass endeavor, licking or kissing, is going to work here. I think you could say we're in a dump cycle - much like we were during the changeover to HD, when they wanted to clear all the old product out of the files before the new product began showing. It seemed then like we were getting the same models over and over again and all pretty much the same scenes. It's also quite obvious that there are no schedules being followed in any order, as we've been jumping back and forth quite often from six to eight months. And, anyway, scheduling has nothing to do with D&E - it is done entirely in Denver by Blu, the owner of Broke Straight Boys In the past D&E has hired models and filmed scenes and then sent them to Blu for webcast at their discretion.

Apparently, on another thread, the owner of Blu has announced that he will be hiring the models from now on, which would indicate he intends to also film the scenes. That would explain the last few weeks' dump schedules, the hints at 'all new models,' and the sudden appearance of a distracting new 'model-to-be,' fresh from a Men's Wearhouse, to divert the masses. It could also explain why, after the disasters brought about recently by the overuse of pm's, room was suddenly found to triple the space for them.

This is all just casual speculation, of course. I really dread the idea that any of it might be true, but I'm a writer and I look for plots to tie things together. So many things have been going on lately and this one seems to make the most sense.

Anyway, to throw a couple of metaphors in the Cuisinart: is it opening a can of worms when you read the handwriting on the wall? Mene Mene Tekel Uphrasin. Daniel, get away from those lions and translate!

The plot thickens!

Even Golden Girls' run didn't go beyond 7 seasons. Not saying that's what may be happening here, but hopefully we won't be seeing a spin-off like Golden Palace lol!

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Ah, Abe, I think you may be expecting a spin-off. Sorry. When Happy Days turned to Mork and Mindy and Joani Loves Chachi and Laverne and Shirley ,in every case somebody from the old show carried over to the new. Every indication here is that this is not a spin-off, this will be all new. Nothing's getting carried forward. So say goodbye to David and Shane and Diesal and Slater and Mikey and Tyler and probably the futon. Blu says "new" and I gather he means it. So lol if you want to, but I find the loss sad. Broke Straight Boys, like Happy Days, filled a niche - there's certainly nothing else out there that comes close.
Ah, Abe, I think you may be expecting a spin-off. Sorry. When Happy Days turned to Mork and Mindy and Joani Loves Chachi and Laverne and Shirley ,in every case somebody from the old show carried over to the new. Every indication here is that this is not a spin-off, this will be all new. Nothing's getting carried forward. So say goodbye to David and Shane and Diesal and Slater and Mikey and Tyler and probably the futon. Blu says "new" and I gather he means it. So lol if you want to, but I find the loss sad. Broke Straight Boys, like Happy Days, filled a niche - there's certainly nothing else out there that comes close.
I've never agreed more Rifle, with one of your post's. I even loved the Happy Days references, (especially when you mentioned my heart throb Chaci. That boy was hot! :thumbup:)

But I completely agree when you say, "I find the loss sad. Broke Straight Boys, like Happy Days, filled a niche - there's certainly nothing else out there that comes close". Amen.
I even loved the Happy Days references, (especially when you mentioned my heart throb Chaci. That boy was hot! :thumbup:)


Undie was wondering what the hell is a 'Chaci'. So did Chaci really do Joanie?



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