BSB Addict
Slimmie, did you just tell me there was no Santa Clause?Now my heart is broken. Next thing you know, you will be telling me there is no JIMMIE.
Santa Claus is real, he just doesn't exist. Jimmie is here with me now, standing behind me getting his thumbs right into my shoulder muscles. Yeah, right there fella, down a little, yeah, harder. Oh. Yeah.
Stop for a minute and send Kiannie a message. Yeah you can lean over me, unless you wanna sit down. Cool, lean over and type your message. Gee your skin smells good. Is that Juicyfruit by the way?
Hi Kiannie. I'm lookin' after your Slimmie till you get here. We are all three gonna have the best time. I'm gonna pick you up at the airport. Slimmie understands how it is between us. He wanted to flip a coin at first but when he saw my face he said he'd wait at home. Let us know your flight arrival time, ok? Love, Buddy Skaggers (Jimmie Slater)