Unfortunately you are showing disrespect, especially to the models. Why do you insist in calling them by their surnames when you know too well their christian names ? I'm afraid the drama on this thread has been caused by you and from what I've read and heard it is not the first time. There is a marked difference from voicing your opinion and being rude: Surely a man of your intellect and seniority can understand that.
This thread has gone out of control and once again "coming attractions" threads have deviated from their intentions to bullshit. See what I mean Mike !!
Oops I've passed 7000

Are you truly that obtuse? I am not addressing them by their "names" at all. They have stage names. Surely you cannot believe they would expose their true identities. Doing so would be an open threat to their personal lives.
As for your saying I am disrespectful by using surnames, am I being disrespectful by calling Adolf Hitler simply Hitler, or Julius Caesar simply Caesar? According to your argument, I am under the impression you refer to Hitler merely by Adolf, and Caesar as Julius.
You are English, I presume. Look up the definition for 'disrespect' and see if calling someone by their surname is included among the definitions.
Also, models rarely discuss their religious tenets and convictions, not to mention their religious faiths, and wisely so. How do you actually know any of them are not of perhaps Muslim or Jewish heritage? Would you ask such a person what his/her Christian name is? I hardly think so.
On here, it is a matter of preference, a matter of choice - the same the models have to be on here. Everyone knows my true Christian name as Jack because I prefer and choose through this preference to be addressed by it. I do not choose or prefer to hide behind a username.
Additionally, if a model does not express feeling disrespectful for my referring to, and addressing him by, his stage surname, why do you don the mantle and defend something of which they have expressed no disrespect?
You say the thread has ventured off - topic to bullshit. Thank you for adding to the kitty herein.
Your sardonic demeanor is duly noted.