Long time forumite
This is a scene that I am definitely looking forward to, on April 11.
This is a scene that I am definitely looking forward to, on April 11.
Nobelegg there about the same age right
I don't think it is the best paring. But Vadim Black is gone.So who would you pair Tyler with? I would hardly call Damien Kyle a prune.I have to say I am surprised in you. Maybe they could have paired him with JJ. But please Damien Kyle is a beautiful boy.What maybe 24 or so ? I don't know who else? Because the group of boys seems to be shrinking. But prune? That just was not very civil of you.Which you have been trying to be lately.
Just sad you said that.You are the one who tells me to speck up.Just made me sad.You just drops back 6 weeks. So tell me off in your big words. I can take it.
Damien Kyle your a beauty don't take it to heart.
So Be IT.
Hope there more into it the last two with Damien Kyle he was just there just do it and go dont look like he likes his job any more
Hope there more into it the last two with Damien Kyle he was just there just do it and go dont look like he likes his job any more
Damien I am sorry. I am 58 so everyone looks about 24 to me.At the most.