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Corey and Aaron


BSB Addict
Oct 26, 2008
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The island next door to Ibiza
Win a few, lose a few.

I knew from before that Corey was cute and sort of humorless; now it turns out he votes GOP, which explains the fact that he, admittedly in a very fetching way, never gets the jokes the first time and comes back with his amended reaction a nanosecond too late, just like the Congress.

As for Aaron. Listen it takes all kinds. I like the Auschwitz paradigm of straightie: zero body fat, useful but not pumped muscles, and a sense of humor in the face of adversity. Aaron obviously has none of these, even to the point of the dreaded MBS (man boob Syndrome).

David tried to make a joke of the fact that there was just No Way Aaron was gonna get to service a BSG, even including the perplexed Corey in the announcement to make it less personal. You can't have the stud in a BSG shoot with a bigger cup size than either of the straightas.
I don't know Slim I would be tapping Aaron for sure there is something about him I think is very hot I like something to hold onto on my men LOL As for as Corey is concerned you probably already know what i would like to do to republicans
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Corey Rules. . .

What a memorable episode featuring Corey. Since his first scene, he's been one of my favorite models. He seems like a pretty laid back person who is quite comfortable just being himself. I love his haircut, his very pale skin, that wonderful smile, the enthusiasm, that quirky sense of humor and of course his uber sexy voice.

I love Republicans too. Go Corey Go!
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No wonder Corey has that dour and serious demeanor. He looks like a lot of Republicans nowadays. Except that he's far cuter than most. Does anybody catch the irony of the fact that his politics are so conservative, yet he decides to come here and do gay-for-pay work to bring in some cash? He's stockpiling money to buy a gun. All for the communist takeover that Republicans are convinced that Obama has planned. And he's getting money by having gay sex on camera. Doing things that many a liberal guy would never consider doing for any amount of money. Gotta love it! LOL The short cropped hair and pale skin are a bit severe for my tastes. Regardless though I think he's cute.

As for Aaron the man boobs are a big turnoff for me also. However I find everything else about him to be quite pleasing. I like his personality. He has a wonderful smile. He's bigger than the usual guys of my type. But I like him. And after going through all the GFP stuff again... and with David strongly implying that he will give him a shot on BSG for his work here...I certainly hope that David does give him at least one scene over at BSG. His body type is bound to appeal to some people.
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I personally think Aaron has an amazing body, one of the best I have seen here:)
I personally think Aaron has an amazing body, one of the best I have seen here:)
I agree - what interest is all this Republican/GOP crap to the rest of the world?
Give us a break and enjoy the sex for what it is
I agree - what interest is all this Republican/GOP crap to the rest of the world?
Give us a break and enjoy the sex for what it is
I think that what you are missing Centurion is that the guys are being facetious about Corey being a Republican. It's not serious criticism. I have not yet viewed this episode, as the pictures of Aaron are a bit of a turnoff to me, but Corey is very hot and actually with the short haircut looks like an Aryan youth, (that was facetious too).:001_smile: But Corey's hotness will get me to watch the video. I will just have to block out half the screen when viewing.:blink:
No wonder Corey has that dour and serious demeanor. He looks like a lot of Republicans nowadays. Except that he's far cuter than most.
Don't fool yourself. Republicans are CUTE. Everything Sean says about Corey is paradigmatically stereotypical of Republican Youth. And those guys are terrifically hot. I think you'd be surprised to find how many of the BSBs who just Make Your Day voted for McCain.

I love Republicans too Sean, my whole family for instance :).
Even though Aaron may be alittle heavier than most of the guys on here and I think a little boob-a-licious he seems to have fun. I would have liked to see him sit on on Corey and go for a ride. All the guys can't be ultra-slim, we need a range of guys or they will all begin to look the same. Aaron has a great smile also.

Watch the republican crap or I will resurect Ronny Reagan to come down there to Florida and kick some democrat ass! lol

I say bring Aaron back and do the gang bang seen mentioned
Watch the republican crap or I will resurect Ronny Reagan to come down there to Florida and kick some democrat ass! lol

That could be quite festive. LOL As long as you come too. Bring it! :thumbup:

I just couldn't resist the delicious irony of a conservative straight boy doing gay for pay. I think Corey's a great guy. And handsome too in his own way.

As for Aaron I think that he is a nice looking guy. He's bigger than my usual type. But then again I would feel very protected wrapped in his arms and seeing his smile. I could think of worse places to be. haha
Corey is So Cool . . .

It's great to know that I am not the only fan of Corey's on here. He has such a cool attitude combined with a laid back demeanor, gorgeous eyes, authentic facial expressions, and some serious sexual intensity. He's just a joy to watch and always delivers a good scene. It's also cool that he goes for the whole blond haired and blue eyed sorority girl types.

Just for the record, one can be a Republican without being conservative. There are plenty of moderate and liberal Republicans out there as well.

Corey can hunt me down any day of the week.
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Just for the record, one can be a Republican without being conservative. There are plenty of moderate and liberal Republicans out there as well.

Dying breed. The far right is actually going to challenge them in the 2010 elections, and with the fervor Glenn and Rush, Hannity, Coulter and O'Reilly seem able to whip up in aid of the cause, they may beat some of the Republicans we know and love, even if they don't beat the Democrats. Talk about reactionary self-destruction. Talk about high-jacking a thread.

Palin anyone?
Dying breed. The far right is actually going to challenge them in the 2010 elections, and with the fervor Glenn and Rush, Hannity, Coulter and O'Reilly seem able to whip up in aid of the cause, they may beat some of the Republicans we know and love, even if they don't beat the Democrats. Talk about reactionary self-destruction. Talk about high-jacking a thread.

Palin anyone?
You are not "high-jacking" Slim. This is a Corey and Aaron thread, and Corey started the Republican talk.:cool:

My Mom, Dad and I are Liberal Democrats. Current guy I am messing around with is a Conservative Republican. Very hot. Says he's not gay but loves getting fucked. Says he just let me fuck him because I helped him with a movie project at school. Well, that's what he said the first night. Hasn't said why he sucks my cock and can almost deep throat it, but he does say 'will you rim me first?' There are a lot of gay Republicans who are really gr8 sexual partners, but feel confortable in the closet. Maybe that's just the ones on campus.
That was the most horrifying video I've ever seen. I don't know what they're thinking or who they are trying to impress with a model like that but, on the flip side, Corey is still handsome, still gets me interested, and I hope he was paid a bonus for having to do the scene with that model.

Of course knowing that Corey is also a Republican like myself just grows my affection for him. I could tell just by looking at him that he was an incredibly bright individual so I'm not surprised that he is a Republican.
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I don't usually make my opinions known about what models I like, and especially not about which models I don't like. In fact I find it kind of rude to come on this forum and say some model is unattractive. But then, that may just be me.

I just want to say I really like Aaron's body, and I do like guys with "meat on their bones" and body hair. I can say there are quite a few models on here who I find far too skinny to be attractive, but I don't want to name names. You might be thinking why don't I just go to bear sites. The thing is, I do, but I like Broke Straight Boys because I'm really into young guys and because it is so well done, the whole innocence factor and the way Dave interacts with the boys. Now I know you are never going to have the chubby young cubs I like on here but please don't banish the guys who are a bit husky or furry. There are some of us who appreciate guys like Aaron, Alden, Caleb and a few other and watch their vids over and over.
Of course knowing that Corey is also a Republican like myself just grows my affection for him. I could tell just by looking at him that he was an incredibly bright individual so I'm not surprised that he is a Republican.

Well alright then! haha ROTFLMAO

I think you're being a bit harsh on Aaron though.
My Mom, Dad and I are Liberal Democrats. Current guy I am messing around with is a Conservative Republican. Very hot. Says he's not gay but loves getting fucked. Says he just let me fuck him because I helped him with a movie project at school. Well, that's what he said the first night. Hasn't said why he sucks my cock and can almost deep throat it, but he does say 'will you rim me first?' There are a lot of gay Republicans who are really gr8 sexual partners, but feel confortable in the closet. Maybe that's just the ones on campus.


Is that the same guy you hooked up with last year after the late night film editing project? That was a hot and funny scene that you related to us as you accidentally seduced a straight guy. Is he the same one? Or another straight conquest of yours? haha:001_smile:
I don't usually make my opinions known about what models I like, and especially not about which models I don't like. In fact I find it kind of rude to come on this forum and say some model is unattractive. But then, that may just be me...

If all you did was run guys down and never said a positive word, then I'd agree it was rude. But a mixture of negative and positive, with no personal attacks on the performers or fellow posters is a different kettle of fish. Still, if you're not comfortable criticizing by all means post more and be the guy who always has a good word. Lord knows every message board on Earth could use more people like you...