Yes & No
I graduated from Loyola College in Baltifmore (now Loyola University - Maryland) with an AB in History. When I chose that my intent was to be a history teacher. All of us who graduated back in those days had a minor in philosophy (Aritotleian Logic, Epistemology, and many philosophy credits of the teachings of St. Thomas Aquinas [his Metaphysics, Summa theologiae, and summa contra gentiles]). The point of mentioning all that is that history was my passion but all the philosophy taught me how to think, reason, and present points of view. While I won't go into all of the details, I ended up doing government analytical work for the Commerce Dept.; then advertising, public affairs, marketing and public relations with, at the time, the largest pr firm in the country in NYC, then to DC for a stint in government relations with the major trade association representing the domestic steel industry, and then my final stop in public affairs for USSteel here in the 'burgh. So did I end up doing what I had originally planned on when I chose histgory - no! But did the discipline of studying that subject and all the philosophy give me the opportunity to pursue avenues I never dreamt of - absolutely. I owe any success I had in my professional business career to the Jesuits and the education they inculcated in me, sometimes at my dismay as I was going through it.