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I am curiuos, mellow


BSB Addict
Nov 28, 2008
Reaction score
State of Confusion
In recent weeks, I have noticed several forumites mention fraternal associations during their college years. I asked myself, "Self, do you suppose these forumites would be interested in telling of their college fraternity days?" And my nosy self said, "Why, yes, I believe they would." So, while we wait the arrival of new vids, and between posts on the glories of Paris, and while we remember and share the pain of lost friends, how about we share some interesting moments from our wild and wooly ( or even hairless) days at the old Alma Mater.

My story begins in lonliness, but ends quite differently. I was approached to join Lambda Chi Alpha in the fall of 1979, while attending CSU, Sacramento. I was told that being a brother would lead to all sorts of new things, friendships,adventures, and memories to last a lifetime. I had recently broken up with my first real BF, and wasn't really looking, since I was busy wallowing in misery and the english classics, but I figured, hey, free beer, what the hell! So, ok, I'll check it out. Short version, I became an Associate member in the fall of 79, and went thru Ritual just before Thanksgiving of that year.

I spent two years as an active brother, lots of parties, new friends and even a couple of quickies with other bro's, (bro's before ho's they used to say!)

I graduated, became an alumnus, and moved on with my life. Flash forward to 2001. By this time, I am a foster father to several young boys, and spending most of the little free time I have, online in a site called Gay Dads. I met several interesting characters, and in the course of PM's, I get a sneaking suspicion about one of them., But, what are the chances, I mean, really? So I ask , " Were you ever in a fraternity?" "Yes, you?" "Yes, which one?" "Lambda Chi, why?" "Shut the Fuck up!. Me too". "Serious? Blah Blah" Turns out he joined in 1980, at UNM. One thing led to another, and eventually, I sent him a plane ticket so he could visit.

At the airport, I recognize him from a photo, but do not reveal who I am, just stand there watching him search for me. After 15 mins or so, he's looking for his cell phone and my number, walks up to me and asks if I can help him remember a number, I say "sure, what is it?" He proceeds to read me my number . Then he opens his phone to dial it, gets it wrong, asks me, and I tell him the number, adding his name at the end of the sentence. He says thanks, starts to redial, stops, looks up and starts grinning. I knew I was gonna marry him right then. I did. Three different times! (Just to make sure it was legal, here in california)

Brothers who became friends. Friends who became lovers. Lovers who are brothers. The circle is complete.

I am happy, always, :001_tt1:
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What a great story, Marky!! You are bit of a scamp, too!! Making the poor guy worry so! Loved this!
Marky, that is the most wonderful story. I never joined a fraternity although I had the worst crush on an Alpha Psi Omega president. Oh, my God, I did every thing but his laundry - I fed him, mixed his drinks, cleaned up the bathroom after he threw up. My gay friends gave me hell for it - but you know - love. Then he and a bunch of his buddies took a gay student who was rather open (quite unusual for the sixties) out to the river and beat him up. I never spoke to the asshole again. In fact, for five years I sent every card, letter, Christmas gift and announcement I received back marked "return to sender." I didn't hear from again for twenty years. Then one summer we went back to work on my masters and a friend brought a drunk baseball player to a party I threw and the baseball player asked me if I'd ever heard of this guy. I said "Yes." Did you know he's a judge for the State Employment Commission? I had no idea. "Yeah, he used to have his chauffeur pick me up about twice a month so he could blow me in his office." I have to say the baseball player was a cute little blonde with a typical broad butt and a wonderful backwoodsy drawl. I still have a picture of the APO pres in 1964 sitting on the commode in my bathroom passed out with his head in a lavatory. I have absolutely no feelings for him of any kind - except buried deep in my subconscious there is a tiny spark of a wish that one of his tricks would some how, some where, just once beat the crap out of him in memory of that student he took to the river.

I'm not quite sure this is where Marky wanted this thread to go, but since you posted...........

He sent you cards and gifts for 5 years?!! WTF?!!

Is there some way you could get the photo out in public? It probably doesn't matter anymore, but I am livid he would do that to the young gay boy! I hate violence of any kind! Why is it always the latent gay, that choose to lash out at themselves through another?!! It disgusts me. I share your wish, but on the other hand, I suppose he joined in to belong and hide.............. Simply disgusting!!
I'm not quite sure this is where Marky wanted this thread to go, but since you posted...........

He sent you cards and gifts for 5 years?!! WTF?!!

Is there some way you could get the photo out in public? It probably doesn't matter anymore, but I am livid he would do that to the young gay boy! I hate violence of any kind! Why is it always the latent gay, that choose to lash out at themselves through another?!! It disgusts me. I share your wish, but on the other hand, I suppose he joined in to belong and hide.............. Simply disgusting!!

Perhaps the cards and gifts were a hidden psychological attempt to gain forgiveness for a crime he somehow knew had offended his "friend" Rifle. becoming a judge may have been an attempt to bring justice to a situation he had cheated in his earlier years? Atonement takes funny turns in life! As for the blow jobs? Well, guilty people often inflict punishment on themselves; " This is what I deserve, to be used like the filthy faggot I am, for the way I treated that poor kid. All I am worthy of is to suck some guys dick!"

The way I see it, he needs our prayers, and God's forgiveness.

I am,
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Perhaps the cards and gifts were a hidden psychological attempt to gain forgiveness for a crime he somehow knew had offended his "friend" Rifle. becoming a judge may have been an attempt to bring justice to a situation he had cheated in his earlier years? Atonement takes funny turns in life! As for the blow jobs? Well, guilty people often inflict punishment on themselves; " This is what I deserve, to be treated like the filthy faggot I am, for the way I treated that poor kid. All I am worthy of is to suck some guys dick!"

The way I see it, he needs our prayers, and God's forgiveness.

I am,

Marky, you know who I am. You have read my posts. I have said some things to people in my life I wish I could take back. Haven't we all? I will say, I have been mocked more times than I can count, because I defended/befriended the weak, or ill equipped to deal with society. I just couldn't be as mean to people as so many others were. I will say that the people I am closest to, have never been evil to the lessor than. They wouldn't be my friends if they were. The majority of these guys are straight, and are my very good, kind friends. They would NEVER verbally or physically hurt a gay person, or anyone else. Yes, I will forgive, but it just makes me sick that he hurt an innocent person to hide himself. You can hide, but why hurt someone else?
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I feel absolutely horrible. Marky told that wonderful romantic story and it triggered such a fraternity downer from me. Forgive me, please. In an attempt to lighten this up, let me issue a challenge. In your high school or college years what was your best one night score? On homecoming night of my junior year in high school, I made out with the vice-president of the student council behind the concession stand, blew the quarterback in his garage after the game, and got screwed by the drum major in the back of the band bus. (Of course the vp and drum major were the same person - but I'm going for points here). Next. . . .

How many points do you get for the whole first string? Offensive line) And I only played 2 mins in the third quarter. One night, $25.00 for pizza. $10.00 bucks for the guy that bought me the condoms, No parents, (priceless). Of course, I WAS a whore, but you knew that from other posts, right? lol!

And why should you feel bad Rifle? Don't, there is no reason for that! (Unless its cuz I won more points! LMAO) Next!

I am,
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To quote the old Baptist Hymn, "I surrender all." Shall we say you won the points and the spread . . .

Well, I will admit that I was spread, but I never surrender, and that's my story, and I'm sticking to it! LOL!:wink:
Great story marky! I was in a fraternity but nothing really happened with any of my frat brothers. Saw lots of dicks though. lol.