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College Dudes Gay Porn Behind The Scenes


BSB Owner
Oct 15, 2008
Reaction score
Orlando Florida
I ran across some old College Dudes behind the scenes. Sorry these are old pictures so not the best quality. College Dudes isn't a free bonus site but you can either subscribe to it at College Dudes.com or look under our classics section on Broke Straight Boys at https://members.brokestraightboys.com/classics.php for free weekly updates.

Kurt Wild - https://www.collegedudes.com/model/NDk=/Kurt-Wild

Brad - https://www.collegedudes.com/model/NTQ=/Brad-

Caden - https://www.collegedudes.com/model/NTM=/Caden-Woods

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Thanks, I have saved most of the guys over the years.

The site really did have some amazing guys especially around 2010-2014. When I bought College Dudes I had a really hard time working. The content turned me on so much I was jacking off so many times a day it was crazy. :ROFLMAO:

The site really did have some amazing guys especially around 2010-2014. When I bought College Dudes I had a really hard time working. The content turned me on so much I was jacking off so many times a day it was crazy. :ROFLMAO:
Thanks for sharing Mark. While others dismiss the past, I celebrate great music, art and porn too. Just because something is old doesn’t mean it isn’t still good. Great stuff. :pornshoot: