Really good job for your first time back man. Thank you so much for all your efforts here! You look great.
As one of your biggest fans I almost feel like a quick apology and explanation are in order. I have had alot going on in RL that has kept me very busy over the last couple days. After leaving home before 7:00 a.m. yesterday I didn't get in until almost 1:00 a.m. this morning. I watched your vid just before going to bed exhausted but very happy and relaxed.

I just didn't have the time and energy to give a review worthy of your efforts here.
So I just have to start by saying how happy and relieved I am that you are back with us once more doing scenes and chatting with us in here. I like the longer hair! I much prefer the longer hair over the shaved head look. Having said that, it is still such a dramatic change that it takes a minute to get used to. LOL I imagine for instance it's like when you go a week or more without seeing your son and you see how much he's changed. The difference can be a bit shocking at first. You need a few minutes to get used to the newer look. But of course you realize he's the same wonderful person you have loved so very much all along. Then you can't imagine him looking any more perfect than he does right now. Until 2 weeks later when you go through the same process all over again. lol Falling in love with the different look on him because your original love for that beautiful person inside will never waver. Different points of comparison and interpersonal relationships perhaps. But much the same way I feel about my Colin.
Since I am a bit of a baseball fan I will use some sports analogies here to describe the scene. A much beloved and very talented and successful player unfortunately has to go on the disabled list for a few months. Upon his triumphant return his many fans are ecstatic. The first couple innings of the game the baseball star is doing well but also playing it safe for a little while. His moves are a little bit tentative and his timing just a little bit off as he's getting his mind and body back into the game. His body is fully capable so he has to calm down the jitters in the that both mind and body are in sync and back into the "zone".
The fans in the stands see this process evolving as the innings proceed and are cheering him on the whole time. Because they know how talented he is and what he's capable of. He's not trying for a grand slam in the first inning. He's happy with a couple of base hits that keeps the game moving in the right direction while building up his own confidence. By the ninth inning he is no longer overthinking what his body is doing and wondering whether it will do what he tells it to do. He's letting the pure enjoyment of the game push away the first day nerves. With much more confidence now he hits a solo home run. The crowd goes wild! His many fans leave the stadium happy because they know that things will only get better for him from here.
I think you did great on your first day back Colin. You were flashing your adorable smile. Your eyes sparkled. You looked happy to be here. You were just a little nervous. Your fans were/are thrilled to have you back. I'm happy
for you that you are making some additional money again. I'm sure it's coming in very handy right now.
As far as your performance here, your body looked great. Your movements were tentative and you were keeping your freaky side in check. The fact that you were holding back and were a little apprehensive in places where you normally would have just charged fearlessly ahead, (LOL) was perhaps disappointing to some...yet very understandable under the circumstances of how long you've been away from this. There have been many new changes lately. And 99.9% for the better I might add. With new people working on the camera set, new camera angles being tried out and experimented with, different positions and expectations from the models... It's not the same vibe and energy level that was on the set even 3-4 months ago. I know you will thrive in it though because you are a natural.
Thank you for coming back to us Colin. I would have been crushed if you had suddenly decided to give up doing video work. Thank you to the powers that be for bringing Colin back to his adoring "fam" here. If anybody is going to get our money I'm so happy when it goes to people like Colin. He is always trying to please his many fans, and is always willing to put in the work to do it.
Love you Colin! haha