just had to start this thread.
denver and coling together for the first time.
in a few more hours, i will be watching colin and denver, the internet and my computer willing.![]()
i saw this scene as an interesting interplay between two straight boys.
toward the rough side, but understand that that is the style colin enjoys and i thought denver showed that he could help colin enjoy himself and get off at the same.
as a continuing fan of colin and a growing fan of denver, as i read your comments, i think of a man who farts in an elevator and get off on the next floor. only you left behind words that if read with thought would hurt.
i have broken up with lovers with more care than that. it was true when i said, 'it's not you, it's me! i'm an asshole and you shouldn't have to deal with it any longer than is necessary to come to the same conclusion.'
i love the guys and i thought the camera work was great.
thanks for making it happen, mark, clay ... .
thanks for the time, energy and willingness you put into this scene.
if you have only one person say liked this scene, then i will be another 1!
I liked the scene I didn't love it though. Colin knows I love him with all the positive comments I leave. But this scene was his first back and it just shows how awesome Colin is and that it will take some time for him to be At 100% again. Only reason I say that is because if how great we know he is. I didn't see as much passion from him as I was expecting but I have every bit of faith that Colin will wow us again. Ps Colin you look way hotter clean shaven and with the really short hair. Denver is amazing.
Dear Colin & Denver,
Getting back into the saddle again is not as easy as it may appear. My dear sexy Colin needed first to be sanded down abit to get some of the accumulated surface rust off. Nothing more than that and I felt Denver went a long way to easing Colin back to tip-top fucking shape. However, showing passion Colin is capable of demonstrating is more a mindset issue that is well within Colin's grasp and I am confident it will cum back after getting back into the groove. I am not disappointed with you Colin. I understand it is mostly that your dance card, along with your trusty prostate, has not had the pleasure of being punched in a while. Just like learning to ride a bicycle, it will all return to normal soon, very soon I imagine.
Denver you did a Grand Job and my biggest regret from this scene was that you did not turn over and let Colin have a go at your perfectly fuckable ASS too. I think a flip-flop would have been the perfect addition to making this scene truly outstanding.You did a great job sucking Colin's cock and you got Colin off just great by speeding up the tempo before he let go a big load at your urging. Bravo to you Denver. A touch of passion here and there can only help that much more. Your oral skills were at the top of their game.
Thanks guys for the Grand Reopening of Colin'sreceptive ass. It had been missing-in-action from Broke Straight Boys for quite some time.