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CJ & Brett


BSB Addict
Nov 28, 2008
Reaction score
State of Confusion
Well now, I think I found out where our dear Kodie has been hiding! Fish Slapping? OMG! He'd be SO proud. This was however a small surprise compared to the performance of these two. Good job. 'scuse me but I gotta go watch it again!
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Well now, I think I found out where our dear Kodie has been hiding! Fish Slapping? OMG! He'd be SO proud. This was however a small surprise compared to the performance of these two. Good job. 'scuse me but I gotta go watch it again!

I miss Kodie & his bloody fish slapping :crying:
Yes you are right Your Majesty he would be proud.
I believe I understand how some folks take exception to the descriptive language some of the models use, however, I am sophisticated enough to realize that the language which I firmly believe is embellished for effect, is used for just that reason, to add to the realism. As such, I can let it slide. Now, a nice white wine, perhaps a pinot grigio, a light reduction sauce, a little dill and lemon, and some asparagus spears steamed and served with flaked almonds would do nicely. Ah yes, it's time to eat boys, er, time to eat comma boys!
I believe I understand how some folks take exception to the descriptive language some of the models use, however, I am sophisticated enough to realize that the language which I firmly believe is embellished for effect, is used for just that reason, to add to the realism. As such, I can let it slide. Now, a nice white wine, perhaps a pinot grigio, a light reduction sauce, a little dill and lemon, and some asparagus spears steamed and served with flaked almonds would do nicely. Ah yes, it's time to eat boys, er, time to eat comma boys!

It is better if they are not in a comma, but then to each his own. :lol:
Well now a very nice and long awaited change of pace. Both guys are great and at several times I had to laugh my ass off. The sound at the beginning was terrible with the wind but what ever no big deal. I am also not sure how to take it when the one model that finished first left the set. I thought that was sort of rude and figured it would spoil the scene but it didn’t seem to have much effect. This still don’t feel too much like home yet for some reason but it sure beats the gutter we started in.
When CJ said, "Where do you want me to cum?" I'm yelling at my computer:

"Cum on the fish! Cum on the fish!"

He didn't hear me. Too bad.

Was it Abe yesterday who noticed the new reliance on props? He's right. Me, I like props and have used them often in videos. The right prop is great for a gag and can show insights into a character. You know who was the king of props? Steve McQueen. Next time you see him in a movie, notice how often has something in his hands. Think of the opening and closing scenes in The Great Escape, where McQueen is throwing the baseball against the walls of his prison cell. It shows his frustration and ads an arc of continuity to the movie. Simple but brilliant.

Steve McQueen never got slapped in the ass by a fish, though. I loved it. It made the guys laugh and one of the problems of the new videos is they've often been downers. Lighten up, guys! You're getting paid to have sex! Or this case, get slapped with a dead fish.

OK sex, OK acting, a better than average script and much more energy in the models than we've generally seen so far. I'll even forgive Clay for not reshooting the opening scene on a less windy day or with a proper windscreen on the microphone. Shit happens when you make videos.

I give it a 4.
Poor guy

Ok I know everyone will say, 'why did u feel sorry for him, he was paid', but heres why I MISS David. He would have reached a deal, but wouldnt have let the stooge CJ just bolt off. The poor other guy probably wished he was still out fishing instead of set up for embarrasment, maybe paid for it but thats not the point.
Fish Slapping

The fish slapping and feet fucking is a tad bit much for me. I find nothing at all sexy about where this site is heading which is nowhere. I am just about done.
Ok I know everyone will say, 'why did u feel sorry for him, he was paid', but heres why I MISS David. He would have reached a deal, but wouldnt have let the stooge CJ just bolt off. The poor other guy probably wished he was still out fishing instead of set up for embarrasment, maybe paid for it but thats not the point.

What a difference a few days make. This was a good scene. There were a few things that could have been better, but what an incredible improvement over 'feet' and most of what preceeded it. Reminded me of some of the early episodes on Broke Straight Boys 1. Much improved Job guys. Stay on this track and you'll be in business. Thanks.
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When CJ said, "Where do you want me to cum?" I'm yelling at my computer:

"Cum on the fish! Cum on the fish!"

He didn't hear me. Too bad.

I give it a 4.

I'm in a mood today! I find lot's of funny lines in this thread. So Smiley, I need to know how many fish you've cum on, and did they get mad if you got them in the eye? Or were they just frigid like the one in the video? ROFL!:001_tt2:
It amazes me how many Broke Straight Boys members believe the "story" of the video. I hate to burst your bubble, but these guys seek out or are recruited to do this, not picked up at the beach. There are legal forms to fill out and they know at least basically what's going to happen in the video.

For me there's nothing better than a humorgasm, and I loved the fun and originality. My gaydar tels me that we will see Brett bottom soon. :thumbup1:
I'm in a mood today! I find lot's of funny lines in this thread. So Smiley, I need to know how many fish you've cum on, and did they get mad if you got them in the eye? Or were they just frigid like the one in the video? ROFL!:001_tt2:

I hope it had been in the frigid before the shoot, it would certainly have been smelly if it hadn't.
Hot Vid

These guys were great. I especially liked how 'not gay' CJ really seemed to enjoy the blowjob.

I didn't mind that he left at the end. I thought it lent an air of realism to it. I actually thought that was a nice touch. Wouldn't want to see it all the time. That would seem faked. But this time it was okay.

More of this!!
I felt sorry for Brett because I got the feeling the whole scene was about degrading Brett.
Fish Slapping ? Come on.... really! (that fish had to stink bad.)
Brett is cute

I agree that Brett was shown in a poor light. Fish, I don't think so. I wish we could get away from the talking. PLEASE!!!! i am expressing my opion and my opion only. I think Broke Straight Boys in total is a great site
we do it right after yogurt time

So Smiley, I need to know how many fish you've cum on, and did they get mad if you got them in the eye? Or were they just frigid like the one in the video? ROFL!:001_tt2:
From a movie that's in my Top 10 of all time, Auntie Mame:

Dwight Babcock: I dropped by the Bixby School. And what do I find? I find he isn't even registered there, he never has been. So I've been hunting through every low, crockpot school in this town, and I finally found him in the lowest of them all.
Auntie Mame: Mr. Page is a progressive educator...
Dwight Babcock: There they were, a schoolroom full of them: boys, girls, teachers, romping around stark naked, bare as the day they were born.
Auntie Mame: I assure you that the children under Mr. Page's care were engaged in normal, healthful, broadening pursuits.
Dwight Babcock: Broadening? You show them what you were doing when I broke into that place. Go ahead, show them.
Patrick Dennis: We just playing Fish Families.
Dwight Babcock: Fish Families!
Patrick Dennis: It's part of "constructive play".
Dwight Babcock: Now, listen to this.
Auntie Mame: Show me now, darling, show me.
Patrick Dennis: Well, we do it right after yogurt time. Mrs. Page and all the girls crouch down on the floor under the sun lamps. And they pretend to be lady fishes, depositing their eggs in the sand. Then Mr. Page and all the boys do what gentlemen fish do.
Auntie Mame: [two-beat pause] What could be more wholesome or natural?
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Ms. K, I think Brett's leaving was part of the script. It helps define his character as a Wham-Bam-Thank You, Mame, err, Sir, kind of guy.

Maybe this is simply out of the hope that Clay is defining his characters over a course of episodes, trying to add some depth into these guys' portrayals. He's got marginal actors at the best, but they are comfortable with getting up immediately after sex, getting dressed, and leaving. That they've done before. :biggrin:
No way that Brett could catch such a big fish with that tiny fishing rod. It was bought fresh from the shop. And fresh fish smells like the ocean, it does not stink. Brett was not degraded at all, both guys really laughed and had fun!

If you think Brett didn't suck cock before, watch how his hand professionally twist and turns CJ's cock. This is a great video.