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Well, now, see, for Graham Norton, I should the Tardis would make it a threeway already.
The Tardis is mostly referred to as a she so ik!
Yes, but Tennant would want Miss Tardis and Graham would want Mr. Tennant and the Tardis would love having both snuggled cozily inside. You, on the other hand, could be safely at home in Phoenix playing Close Encounters of the Third Kind with Logan and Jordan. Now that may not be good scy-fy, but it's certainly sterling fantasy!!!!
In my younger days I dreamed about Peter Davison a few times but it was always as himself, not in character...
I'm on midnight shifts this coming week for the department they transferred me away from, Toys, this coming week. Kinda telling that I'm on the team and not the current department manager. Expect 37% more crankiness...
You mean you won't be the usual ray of sunshine that you normally are? LOL :001_smile::001_tt2:

Seriously though just make the best of it Baal. I know that shift sucks. Good luck!

I wanted to ask if anyone knew if "V" was gone for good. Did they cancel it already. I was so looking forward to it. And I was finally getting into the storyline when it went off air over the holidays. I assumed that it was just pre-empted by Christmas programs but then it didn't come back on. Does anyone know the inside story?
I've decided I hate people. Maybe it's working in retail. Fair warning: I think I'm going to try misanthropy. Fair warning...
Agreed. The more I deal with people, the more I like my cat. I've spent 20 plus years in customer service-from being on the phones, to training to management. Getting laid off last year was the best thing that could have happened to me, as it allowed me to start my business, and do something I love. Not making enough to live on, and will have to get another day job, but putting it off as long as possible-I dread going back into customer service. However, at 44, it's kind of hard to do something new.
I've decided I hate people. Maybe it's working in retail. Fair warning: I think I'm going to try misanthropy. Fair warning...

LOL Baal. And just how will we notice the difference? You weren't exactly warm and cuddly before. haha But you know we still like you.

I do know what you guys mean about being in customer service. It made me cold and shy around other people. And that's not where I started from at all. I would get home exhausted from a 12 hour day of dealing with customers, my employees, etc. Many days I would deal with so many jerks that I would think that John Q. Public is just ignorant. Having to defer and be solicitous to total strangers all day long takes a toll. Not all the customers or employees were so awful to deal with of course. Many were wonderful people. But even one or two a day can ruin a whole day for you. Especially customers and employees who are trying to rip you off. And being pricks to you in the process.

Once I got out of customer service I was able to get out of my shyness and distrust of people and start seeing the good again. It has taken me a few years to open back up to people again. And to trust once more.
It's forty-five in Phoenix, AZ, and I am freesing!

in the summer it's to hot and in the winter it's to cold. Is there any pleasing you.:lol: hey everyone hope all is well. Gotta go be back on when I can.:crying:
in the summer it's to hot and in the winter it's to cold. Is there any pleasing you.:lol: hey everyone hope all is well. Gotta go be back on when I can.:crying:

I don't claim to be consistent. :tongue_smilie:
Some New Poster Should Just Use The Name Narcissus

It'd save time...
Hello everyone you you are all in good spirit's and good health today or night.
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