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Any Partridge Family Fans In The House?


Oct 30, 2008
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Any Partridge Family Fans in the House?

I was wondering if any of you are/were fans of the Partridge Family series on TV in the 70's. I mention it because I went to a concert on July 3rd at Busch Gardens in Tampa. It featured none other than everyone's 70's wet dream David Cassidy. I was only about 8 years old when I first saw the show. I liked it alot of course. But no character more so than David Cassidy. I kinda knew when I drooled over his photo on the album cover that I was not like the other boys. lol He gave my one of the first of many clues that I was a little different.

When girls in my elementary class brought in copies of magazines like Tiger Beat and the like I loved to look at photos of David and my other crush Bobby Sherman. I always seemed to know that I shouldn't show too much interest in the guys in the magazines. How do we instinctively get that defensive mode of self preservation and secrecy at such a young age? I've always wondered about that...

Anyway, the concert... He is introduced on the stage and he walks out in jeans and a nice button down fitted white shirt that's untucked. It's open at the top to show some chest. He looked great! From the distance at least. I was also surprised at how good his hair looked. Last I saw him on TV his hair looked rough. The first thing that struck me when he walked out though was that he had to be very short. Even without other people standing next to him for a point of comparison you could tell he was not very tall.

His onstage persona was great. Inasmuch as he didn't take himself too seriously. He had a self deprecating sense of humor that suited him very well. He would wait for lulls in the vocals of the songs to make quips with the audience. He plugged a new TV show of his coming out on the 22nd in which he says, "Get this. I play a washed up 80's rock star trying to make a comeback." The show is directed and produced by his brother Shaun. Who will ever forget that scene on Hardy Boys when Shaun Cassidy and Parker Stevenson walked down the staircase wearing only their thighty whities? OMG! I don't think network TV would try to get away with that even today. Anyway I digress...

I noticed that there sure were alot of old farts in the crowd. LOL Teasing... No hate mail please! :001_smile: I was thinking that David was only a few years older than I, so I was surprised to see so many people much older than myself. But there were all ages there.

He said at one point that he was wearing a wig. He said in a wistful boyish voice, "Yeah... I just don't have as much hair as I used to." And the audience responded with a sympathetic and playful "Awwwww...." After his first few songs he brought out a stool to sit in front of the microphone. He said there was a time when he didn't ever use a stool on stage. "But you know. Things change." (More sympathetic applause from the audience) "Seems like only last year I was 39. (Laughter from audience) When it was really about...8 years ago." I knew that would still make him too young so I made a note to check on his age later.

At 8:30 pm it was still about 88 degrees with about 95% humidity. A typical sweaty, sticky, gooey, Florida summer evening. He said that if we though it was hot out there in the audience that we should try standing under all the bright lights that he has trained on him. LOL He brought his wife up on stage to sing a duet with him. When she walked up to him the first thing she said was: "OMG! You're soaking wet! The audience roared. He was too! That white shirt was now plastered to his skin like glue. His wife came on stage in jeans, BIG hair and this garish bumblebee yellow and black striped 1970's oversized blouse. It was 1970's deja vu all over again. LOL They sang a duet of "I Think I Love You." It was pretty good.

I know that David's father Jack died tragically in a house fire many years ago now. I heard rumors years ago that he was gay. In spite of the fact that he had been married twice. I heard that he was in a relationship with a man when he died. Does anyone know if that's true?

I checked David's bio later and found that he is only 5'6''. And I could not believe this but he is 60 years old. OMG! Where did the time go? No wonder he has a fan base whose ages go from low 40's to 70's and up.
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Yes. I confess I was a huge David Cassidy fan. When I listen to an oldies station and I hear the opening bars of, "I think I love you". I get excited thinking of sexy young David singing that song to me, perhaps? I remember a Rolling Stone Magazine featuring a very sexy photo of David around 1970 with the headline "Naked Lunch". I'm sure that many young men such as Tampa and myself were equally enthralled with sexy young David. And you mention Bobby Sherman too, another very sexy young man. How would have liked to see a 1969 version of Broke Straight Boys with David and Bobby on the futon?

And I do believe that you are correct that David's dad Jack was gay and involved with a man at the time of his passing. Thanks for the great memories.

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I was wondering if any of you are/were fans of the Partridge Family series on TV in the 70's. I mention it because I went to a concert on July 3rd at Busch Gardens in Tampa. It featured none other than everyone's 70's wet dream David Cassidy. I was only about 8 years old when I first saw the show. I liked it alot of course. But no character more so than David Cassidy. I kinda knew when I drooled over his photo on the album cover that I was not like the other boys. lol He gave my one of the first of many clues that I was a little different.

When girls in my elementary class brought in copies of magazines like Tiger Beat and the like I loved to look at photos of David and my other crush Bobby Sherman. I always seemed to know that I shouldn't show too much interest in the guys in the magazines. How do we instinctively get that defensive mode of self preservation and secrecy at such a young age? I've always wondered about that...

Anyway, the concert... He is introduced on the stage and he walks out in jeans and a nice button down fitted white shirt that's untucked. It's open at the top to show some chest. He looked great! From the distance at least. I was also surprised at how good his hair looked. Last I saw him on TV his hair looked rough. The first thing that struck me when he walked out though was that he had to be very short. Even without other people standing next to him for a point of comparison you could tell he was not very tall.

His onstage persona was great. Inasmuch as he didn't take himself too seriously. He had a self deprecating sense of humor that suited him very well. He would wait for lulls in the vocals of the songs to make quips with the audience. He plugged a new TV show of his coming out on the 22nd in which he says, "Get this. I play a washed up 80's rock star trying to make a comeback." The show is directed and produced by his brother Shaun. Who will ever forget that scene on Hardy Boys when Shaun Cassidy and Parker Stevenson walked down the staircase wearing only their thighty whities? OMG! I don't think network TV would try to get away with that even today. Anyway I digress...

I noticed that there sure were alot of old farts in the crowd. LOL Teasing... No hate mail please! :001_smile: I was thinking that David was only a few years older than I, so I was surprised to see so many people much older than myself. But there were all ages there.

He said at one point that he was wearing a wig. He said in a wistful boyish voice, "Yeah... I just don't have as much hair as I used to." And the audience responded with a sympathetic and playful "Awwwww...." After his first few songs he brought out a stool to sit in front of the microphone. He said there was a time when he didn't ever use a stool on stage. "But you know. Things change." (More sympathetic applause from the audience) "Seems like only last year I was 39. (Laughter from audience) When it was really about...8 years ago." I knew that would still make him too young so I made a note to check on his age later.

At 8:30 pm it was still about 88 degrees with about 95% humidity. A typical sweaty, sticky, gooey, Florida summer evening. He said that if we though it was hot out there in the audience that we should try standing under all the bright lights that he has trained on him. LOL He brought his wife up on stage to sing a duet with him. When she walked up to him the first thing she said was: "OMG! You're soaking wet! The audience roared. He was too! That white shirt was now plastered to his skin like glue. His wife came on stage in jeans, BIG hair and this garish bumblebee yellow and black striped 1970's oversized blouse. It was 1970's deja vu all over again. LOL They sang a duet of "I Think I Love You." It was pretty good.

I know that David's father Jack died tragically in a house fire many years ago now. I heard rumors years ago that he was gay. In spite of the fact that he had been married twice. I heard that he was in a relationship with a man when he died. Does anyone know if that's true?

I checked David's bio later and found that he is only 5'6''. And I could not believe this but he is 60 years old. OMG! Where did the time go? No wonder he has a fan base whose ages go from low 40's to 70's and up.

I do have some memories of the Partridge Family but was not a real fan of the show. However, I do agree/understand about David Cassidy. No question he was hot.

I was a real fan of the Hardy Boys. And with Shaun and Parker how could you not like them???? As a kid, for a short time I was a member of the Shaun Cassidy fan club. I even have a few of his albums he recorded. I believe Shaun is either 50 or 51 now. Yes; time does fly by, but our memories still stay with us.
I was thinking about other hot guys on TV when I was growing up. David Cassidy and Bobby Sherman, and Shaun Cassidy were popular in the late 60's - early 70's, but I remember from my pre-pubescent days, getting very excited seeing guys like Rick Nelson, Tony Dow (Wally Cleaver), Don Grady who played Robbie on My Three Sons, and Luke Halpin (Sandy from Flipper). These are a few of the "hotties" from yesteryear who really got to me. Any of you guys have favorites from TV that got your motor going?

I was thinking about other hot guys on TV when I was growing up. David Cassidy and Bobby Sherman, and Shaun Cassidy were popular in the late 60's - early 70's, but I remember from my pre-pubescent days, getting very excited seeing guys like Rick Nelson, Tony Dow (Wally Cleaver), Don Grady who played Robbie on My Three Sons, and Luke Halpin (Sandy from Flipper). These are a few of the "hotties" from yesteryear who really got to me. Any of you guys have favorites from TV that got your motor going?


I remember Batman and Robin very fondly. There were crotch shots galore of both of them. And as an 11 year old I loved it! lol The oldest son on "My Three Son's" was really cute. There was one episode where he danced in a ballet in skin tight tights. He looked like a sexy fairy tale prince. I just hoped that my great aunt and uncle weren't noticing my quivering lips as I watched it at 8 years old.

For "Flipper" of course I found the oldest boy to be very cute in his habitual swimsuit and nothing else. Even at a very young age I thought that his muscular definition was that of an older kid rather than a 12 or 13
year old. It wasn't until years later that I read that indeed he was about 5 or 7 years older than the role he played on the show.

Do any of you remember Tarzan played by Ron Eli? OMG! What a hunk! He stood there in a loincloth holding his little friend VERY close to his thigh and loincloth. I wanted so bad to be the "boy" on the show. Tarzan would always put his arm around him and bring his head resting against his legs and thigh. I must have been a hopeless gay from about the age of 5. lol Because I so often fantasized (as a little tyke) about being "boy" and having him rest my head and face against his thigh and loincloth. Not that I had any clue what I would do after that! lol It was such a simpler and more innocent time. Nowadays if a show had an almost naked man holding another almost naked boy's face or shoulders so close to a loincloth...there would be a huge and nasty uproar. At the time though (even in black and white reruns) it was a popular kid's show. And popular with the women and gay men I'm sure. Ron Eli in his prime was a total hunk.

What are some of the rest of your favorite shows or hunks of yesteryear?
I remember Christopher Adkins who played in the movie, the Blue Lagoon. Of course I have always been partial to cute looking blonds. Why do you think all of my past lovers and of course my current partner, have been blonds. They are so hot looking. Guess I better settle down, before I have to take matters in my own hands, lol.
I do enjoy reminiscing.
I really never liked David Cassidy or Danny Bonaducci all that much. I liked their music but I was never much of a fan of the show. However; I did have a huge crush on Sean Cassidy. What a Hardy Boy... LOL I think my mom deliberately hid my Da do run run 45. I would play it and sing the song at least 20 times a day. LOL...:wink:

I did appreciate the fact the Shirley was David's step Mother in real life. I was most amused to discover Lurch on the Adams Family (Ted Cassidy) was David and Sean's father. I never could see the resemblance.:001_rolleyes:
I remember Christopher Adkins who played in the movie, the Blue Lagoon. Of course I have always been partial to cute looking blonds. Why do you think all of my past lovers and of course my current partner, have been blonds. They are so hot looking. Guess I better settle down, before I have to take matters in my own hands, lol.
I do enjoy reminiscing.

Oh, my. "Blue Lagoon," that was my first soft porn. Brooke and Christopher both brought me to orgasam many a night as a teenager. I also had some serious fantasies with that young kid (Matt Lattanzi) who starred in "My Tutor." He was a cutie compared to any of the "Partridge Family" cast. :001_rolleyes:
I remember Batman and Robin very fondly. There were crotch shots galore of both of them. And as an 11 year old I loved it! lol The oldest son on "My Three Son's" was really cute. There was one episode where he danced in a ballet in skin tight tights. He looked like a sexy fairy tale prince. I just hoped that my great aunt and uncle weren't noticing my quivering lips as I watched it at 8 years old.

For "Flipper" of course I found the oldest boy to be very cute in his habitual swimsuit and nothing else. Even at a very young age I thought that his muscular definition was that of an older kid rather than a 12 or 13
year old. It wasn't until years later that I read that indeed he was about 5 or 7 years older than the role he played on the show.

Do any of you remember Tarzan played by Ron Eli? OMG! What a hunk! He stood there in a loincloth holding his little friend VERY close to his thigh and loincloth. I wanted so bad to be the "boy" on the show. Tarzan would always put his arm around him and bring his head resting against his legs and thigh. I must have been a hopeless gay from about the age of 5. lol Because I so often fantasized (as a little tyke) about being "boy" and having him rest my head and face against his thigh and loincloth. Not that I had any clue what I would do after that! lol It was such a simpler and more innocent time. Nowadays if a show had an almost naked man holding another almost naked boy's face or shoulders so close to a loincloth...there would be a huge and nasty uproar. At the time though (even in black and white reruns) it was a popular kid's show. And popular with the women and gay men I'm sure. Ron Eli in his prime was a total hunk.

What are some of the rest of your favorite shows or hunks of yesteryear?

I used to look at th e crotch shots a lot too. Onlly I never saw any real bulge. I though they did the drag queen thing with the duct tape. Ouch....!!!!:blush: Now Tarzan with Ron Eli was hot... I loved that. Strange, I had a thing for the Beast Master too... Wolf!!! Hummmm!!! So, now how to I get this back to the Partridge family. Oh, here goes. It may have been interesting to see a Partridge family episode with Keith in a deer skin loin cloth...:001_rolleyes::001_tt2:
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I really never liked David Cassidy or Danny Bonaducci all that much. I liked their music but I was never much of a fan of the show. However; I did have a huge crush on Sean Cassidy. What a Hardy Boy... LOL I think my mom deliberately hid my Da do run run 45. I would play it and sing the song at least 20 times a day. LOL...:wink:

I did appreciate the fact the Shirley was David's step Mother in real life. I was most amused to discover Lurch on the Adams Family (Ted Cassidy) was David and Sean's father. I never could see the resemblance.:001_rolleyes:

My dear friend you are mistaken on the paternal lineage of David and Shaun. Their father was Jack Cassidy. No relation to Lurch. :wink:
My dear friend you are mistaken on the paternal lineage of David and Shaun. Their father was Jack Cassidy. No relation to Lurch. :wink:

It just goes to prove that my parents did not know everything. LOL My dad was the one who told me that. I just never questioned it. However; now that I read it that way I thing I remember hearing thier father was Jack Cassidy somewhere else. Funny, how strongly my mind wanted to believe my dad. It must be one of those flash backs from the "because I said so years." LOL :001_tt2:
I used to look at th e crotch shots a lot too. Onlly I never saw any real bulge. I though they did the drag queen thing with the duct tape. Ouch....!!!!:blush: Now Tarzan with Ron Eli was hot... I loved that. Strange, I had a thing for the Beast Master too... Wolf!!! Hummmm!!! So, now how to I get this back to the Partridge family. Oh, here goes. It may have been interesting to see a Partridge family episode with Keith in a deer skin loin cloth...:001_rolleyes::001_tt2:

On Batman you just saw a large bulge. On Robin you could make out the whole outline in a few scenes. Granted it could easily have been a stunt double but who cared! For sexually aware gay kiddies it was soft porn. LOL
On Batman you just saw a large bulge. On Robin you could make out the whole outline in a few scenes. Granted it could easily have been a stunt double but who cared! For sexually aware gay kiddies it was soft porn. LOL

Wow, I was too busy with my socker bopers to really pay attention. When I did pay attention my mom would not let me watch it because she felt I was being too critical of the show. I asked her one day, " Mom, if they are walking up the side of a building why are their capes stuck to their backs?" That was it TV was off... LOL:wink:
You must have been one of them why kids ....... the ones most parents want to drown after the first 200 why's asked each day...... but out of love.....DONT lol
You must have been one of them why kids ....... the ones most parents want to drown after the first 200 why's asked each day...... but out of love.....DONT lol

Maybe, I liked to ask questions to see what she would say. I used to love her do hickey and thing a mabob explanations. :lol: Yep, I was an instigator.
I was wondering if any of you are/were fans of the Partridge Family series on TV in the 70's. I mention it because I went to a concert on July 3rd at Busch Gardens in Tampa. It featured none other than everyone's 70's wet dream David Cassidy. I was only about 8 years old when I first saw the show. I liked it alot of course. But no character more so than David Cassidy. I kinda knew when I drooled over his photo on the album cover that I was not like the other boys. lol He gave my one of the first of many clues that I was a little different.

When girls in my elementary class brought in copies of magazines like Tiger Beat and the like I loved to look at photos of David and my other crush Bobby Sherman. I always seemed to know that I shouldn't show too much interest in the guys in the magazines. How do we instinctively get that defensive mode of self preservation and secrecy at such a young age? I've always wondered about that...

Anyway, the concert... He is introduced on the stage and he walks out in jeans and a nice button down fitted white shirt that's untucked. It's open at the top to show some chest. He looked great! From the distance at least. I was also surprised at how good his hair looked. Last I saw him on TV his hair looked rough. The first thing that struck me when he walked out though was that he had to be very short. Even without other people standing next to him for a point of comparison you could tell he was not very tall.

His onstage persona was great. Inasmuch as he didn't take himself too seriously. He had a self deprecating sense of humor that suited him very well. He would wait for lulls in the vocals of the songs to make quips with the audience. He plugged a new TV show of his coming out on the 22nd in which he says, "Get this. I play a washed up 80's rock star trying to make a comeback." The show is directed and produced by his brother Shaun. Who will ever forget that scene on Hardy Boys when Shaun Cassidy and Parker Stevenson walked down the staircase wearing only their thighty whities? OMG! I don't think network TV would try to get away with that even today. Anyway I digress...

I noticed that there sure were alot of old farts in the crowd. LOL Teasing... No hate mail please! :001_smile: I was thinking that David was only a few years older than I, so I was surprised to see so many people much older than myself. But there were all ages there.

He said at one point that he was wearing a wig. He said in a wistful boyish voice, "Yeah... I just don't have as much hair as I used to." And the audience responded with a sympathetic and playful "Awwwww...." After his first few songs he brought out a stool to sit in front of the microphone. He said there was a time when he didn't ever use a stool on stage. "But you know. Things change." (More sympathetic applause from the audience) "Seems like only last year I was 39. (Laughter from audience) When it was really about...8 years ago." I knew that would still make him too young so I made a note to check on his age later.

At 8:30 pm it was still about 88 degrees with about 95% humidity. A typical sweaty, sticky, gooey, Florida summer evening. He said that if we though it was hot out there in the audience that we should try standing under all the bright lights that he has trained on him. LOL He brought his wife up on stage to sing a duet with him. When she walked up to him the first thing she said was: "OMG! You're soaking wet! The audience roared. He was too! That white shirt was now plastered to his skin like glue. His wife came on stage in jeans, BIG hair and this garish bumblebee yellow and black striped 1970's oversized blouse. It was 1970's deja vu all over again. LOL They sang a duet of "I Think I Love You." It was pretty good.

I know that David's father Jack died tragically in a house fire many years ago now. I heard rumors years ago that he was gay. In spite of the fact that he had been married twice. I heard that he was in a relationship with a man when he died. Does anyone know if that's true?

I checked David's bio later and found that he is only 5'6''. And I could not believe this but he is 60 years old. OMG! Where did the time go? No wonder he has a fan base whose ages go from low 40's to 70's and up.

OMG Tampa.
I had such a crush on David Cassidy, i used to have pics of him in my school books LOL.
Also the Bay City Rollers, i have all there albums, oh god did i just put that in writing.
OMG Tampa.
I had such a crush on David Cassidy, I used to have pics of him in my school books LOL.
Also the Bay City Rollers, I have all there albums, oh god did I just put that in writing.
The Bay City Rollers. That's another group that I forgot about. SssssSaturday Night was one of their big hits. I guess the young gay kids today feel the same way about The Jonas Brothers and Zac Efron, and the guys on Gossip Girls, like Chace Crawford, I think. I am embarrassed that I know all these guys names. :001_rolleyes:

Well least you know she loved you ........ and she had gr8 restraint lol

Kodi you are way off base, my mother never needed much restraint. I always knew when enough was enough. :thumbup: I had no interest in sex one way or another until I was 9 and received my first BJ. I was always drawing, fantasizing, playing with tonka trucks and other toys, watching TV. and reading encyclopedias until that magic day.:thumbup:
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