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Changes with sending messages to models


BSB Owner
Oct 15, 2008
Reaction score
Orlando Florida
For security reasons member won't be able to send any sort of message to models anymore. Our models are being flooded with messages even though I asked never to message them directly. There is a lot of issues with this and I hope you guys understand. You can post in the Tyler, Logan and other model threads directly to chat with the models. Anything that you can say in an pm or email should be able to be said on the message board. If you guys want to talk to the models in person I would suggest trying to win at our be a director for a day contest or come to some of the events in 2010. Thanks for your understanding.

For security reasons member won't be able to send any sort of message to models anymore. Our models are being flooded with messages even though I asked never to message them directly. There is a lot of issues with this and I hope you guys understand. You can post in the Tyler, Logan and other model threads directly to chat with the models. Anything that you can say in an pm or email should be able to be said on the message board. If you guys want to talk to the models in person I would suggest trying to win at our be a director for a day contest or come to some of the events in 2010. Thanks for your understanding.


Hey Mark, is this anything ominous or just a question of the BSBs feeling the burden of responsibility but not having the time?
I think that communicating with our models through threads is the best anyway :)
I don't message models directly here on the site in private in such things as PM's, texting, email or any other means. At least not since Johnny and Derek. Well I guess I have PM'd Cousin Mikey once or twice. But whatever... I know you don't want to give up too much info on why you feel the need to do this. And I thoroughly trust your judgement Mark if you decided that this action has become necessary.

I just want to clarify what you are asking of us more specifically. Are you saying no more PM's at all? I'm guessing that's a yes?

Are you saying no more public messages on their profiles?

I would hate to think that the actions of a few may have the chilling effect of discouraging future models from setting up a profile page and posting in the forum.

Scorpio or others on the Blu staff can help future models adjust the privacy settings on profiles to prevent PM's or even public messages. Just as some members have done. I would certainly hope that we might still be allowed to send favorite models a friend request so that we may see their photos grace our profiles and vice versa.

Would you be willing to set up a sticky thread for some of the more popular models who might consider getting on the forum in the future? Something along the lines of the thread you set up for Logan? Where you asked everyone to post questions or comments for him there? (While at the same time telling everyone not to PM him at all)

It's so unfortunate to see that we are having to lose a great perk because of the actions of a few.
I don't message models directly here on the site in private in such things as PM's, texting, email or any other means. At least not since Johnny and Derek. Well I guess I have PM'd Cousin Mikey once or twice. But whatever... I know you don't want to give up too much info on why you feel the need to do this. And I thoroughly trust your judgement Mark if you decided that this action has become necessary.

I just want to clarify what you are asking of us more specifically. Are you saying no more PM's at all? I'm guessing that's a yes?

Are you saying no more public messages on their profiles?

I would hate to think that the actions of a few may have the chilling effect of discouraging future models from setting up a profile page and posting in the forum.

Scorpio or others on the Blu staff can help future models adjust the privacy settings on profiles to prevent PM's or even public messages. Just as some members have done. I would certainly hope that we might still be allowed to send favorite models a friend request so that we may see their photos grace our profiles and vice versa.

Would you be willing to set up a sticky thread for some of the more popular models who might consider getting on the forum in the future? Something along the lines of the thread you set up for Logan? Where you asked everyone to post questions or comments for him there? (While at the same time telling everyone not to PM him at all)

It's so unfortunate to see that we are having to lose a great perk because of the actions of a few.


I am in full & total agreement with my esteemed buddy Tampa here.

I do totally Like his idea of allowing models to adjust their privacy/security setting to not accept PM's, etc. This would allow the models to make the choice to receive or not receive PM's. Perhaps it could also allow them to selective determine who they do or do not want to receive PM's from. Perhaps Model "A" is ok with PM's from Tampa, but not from me and he could then block receiving my PM's. (of course no Model would ever want to block sweet me.) Where models choose to Block PM's and automatic message would go back to the sender saying something like PM's not accept..

As far as I know there are only 5-6 models who are subscribed to the forum. I think what Tampa suggested and I have elaborated on would be a fair and equitable compromise for all.

Looking forward to hearing back on this.

Live Long and prosper,


P.S. Congratulations are in order for Tampa: He has hit the 2000 POST MARK
Members on this forum can PM and email each other as freely as they wish as they normally do, that has not changed. Unfortunately members will not be able to PM models directly and models will not have the ability to PM members.

Any models that appear on this forum, or any future models that may appear on this forum can only post and communicate with members through threads that are posted on this forum for all of us to see and read.
I do hope this was prudence and not an incident. It will save you the possibility of the legal equivalent of one of those Loony Tune Acme anvils landing on you.
Members on this forum can PM and email each other as freely as they wish as they normally do, that has not changed. Unfortunately members will not be able to PM models directly and models will not have the ability to PM members.

Any models that appear on this forum, or any future models that may appear on this forum can only post and communicate with members through threads that are posted on this forum for all of us to see and read.

So no public profile messages either. Huh?

Hey Tampa,

Actually you should be able to post to their public profile no problem.
If not please let me know...

The only thing we changed was no PM's.


Members on this forum can PM and email each other as freely as they wish as they normally do, that has not changed. Unfortunately members will not be able to PM models directly and models will not have the ability to PM members.

Any models that appear on this forum, or any future models that may appear on this forum can only post and communicate with members through threads that are posted on this forum for all of us to see and read.

I think this is great for security issues. A friend of mine in high school had a guy track him down. Very bad scene. That's why I'm careful.
Hey Tampa,

Actually you should be able to post to their public profile no problem.
If not please let me know...

The only thing we changed was no PM's.


Thanks Chuck! After I had posted that I went to a few profiles and saw that it didn't allow for public messages. Now it does again. So obviously I'm quite pleased. Whatever will give the models the most peace of mind and simlultaneously give us the most access to them, is obviously the goal that we all hope for.

Thanks for letting us know this.

I'm actually surprised that the function wasn't turned off a long time ago, especially since a member or two has publicly stated things on open threads that have sounded way too proprietary of the performers. I can only imagine what kind of private messages the poor boys were getting from the guys like that...
I don't send them messages 'cos they don't send me any. LOL xx

I know! Ain't it a bitch?

You write to tell him that you heard from your psychic that he was about to propose to you anyway. So you tell him that you accept his proposal and that you would love to have a house with a white picket fence, 2.3 children and a dog. You tell them that you have already purchased matching wedding bands and that the adoption paperwork has already been filled out. (Except for the part where it asks for partner's last name.) You ask him if he wants the engraved wedding invitations in gold or silver. This wedding planner named Marlin is pestering me with all these questions. Like whether he can wear a pink chiffon tuxedo to the reception with matching dyed mohawk so that he'll match the flower arrangements. Oy Vey! All these decisions to make and where is the groom to be? Does he ever write back so that I won't have to plan the whole thing myself?!


He's too busy watching the football game with his bros down at Hooter's. He doesn't write. He doesn't call. Sobbbb... :crying: Where is the love?

After the wedding I need to retain a good divorce lawyer. (Just in case)
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I know! Ain't it a bitch?

You write to tell him that you heard from your psychic that he was about to propose to you anyway. So you tell him that you accept his proposal and that you would love to have a house with a white picket fence, 2.3 children and a dog. You tell them that you have already purchased matching wedding bands and that the adoption paperwork has already been filled out. (Except for the part where it asks for partner's last name.) You ask him if he wants the engraved wedding invitations in gold or silver. This wedding planner named Marlin is pestering me with all these questions. Like whether he can wear a pink chiffon tuxedo to the reception with matching dyed mohawk so that he'll match the flower arrangements. Oy Vey! All these decisions to make and where is the groom to be? Does he ever write back so that I won't have to plan the whole thing myself?!


He's too busy watching the football game with his bros down at Hooter's. He doesn't write. He doesn't call. Sobbbb... :crying: Where is the love?

After the wedding I need to retain a good divorce lawyer. (Just in case)
Retain the lawyer before. Just in case. Remember the gorilla in the Bad Jokes thread?
I wanted to say something about this

but I'm too busy crying::crying:
now I'm mad :mad::banghead:
now I'm loosing it:cursing: and then back too...Crying

you guys broke my heart....
I could get you the name of the stuff my best friend takes for his manic depression?
Thanks for your kind consideration baal,
I don't actually have manic depression though.
but, I will keep checking to make sure

P. S. I loved your portrayal as a Gouald in Stargate SG1.
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