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can we have some men of color


Aug 8, 2011
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Being of color myself i do find all men sexy and would like to see more then just white guys here.
I agree!! Personally, I really have thing for well built Asian men... just like Daniel Dae Kim. :: swoons ::
I agree. We do need men of color on here, not just on the bonus sites!!
I would love to see more blacks as models on Broke Straight Boys

I understand, with our history of slavery and racial descrimination of blacks in America, it might be extra difficult recruiting any black models, gay or straight, because of the greater cultural stigma blacks apply to being homosexual or bi-sexual in their largely Bible-based culture.

Not that homosexuality doesn't exist in black culture, it is just that it has such universal comdemnation from so many black fundamentalist churches and churches have traditionally been the basis for dealing with problems imposed on black society by whites in the US. Living one's life avoiding "detection" as gay..."being on the down low " as it is referred to only makes it even more difficult for gays finding sexual acceptance in the black heterosexual community. Although I see the parallels with this issue and "civil rights", black community and religious leaders generally resist any direct comparisons to civil rights with seeking gay rights. In fact it seems any comparison is considered "insulting" to the fight for civil rights.

Personally, as a Broke Straight Boys member, I deeply regret that we have had so few black models in the history of this site. In my own life I have had an affair with a black guy many years ago and I do not feel I have any personal prejudice against one's race. Blacks have a lot to offer that we seem to unfortunately miss out on as a gay site.


one annoying thing that has occurred in porn is that the term "Twink" has become equated with mostly whiteness and euro-Latins/lightskinned while "Thug" has become equated with mostly blackness and blatinos. On a camhouse site the owner reportedly has banned black models with the excuse that blacks are less attractive to the members and so bring less revenue -- racism and capitalism. Sometimes there is the occassional "black twink" but note the modifier as a major studio "H" just added a single "black" twink to fuck and be fucked by the white twinks...then ther eis "thughunter" which reputedly "finds" blacks who consent after monetary inducements to be fucked by whites with black-ass-obsessions. In the US veryone is exposed more to a historically and persistently racist US culture that constantly emphasizes the superiority of whites and the inferiority of blacks. Few messages of creating a society rooted in generating and emphasizing human dignity and seeing each person as a human with value exist. Expecting porn to do this is a nice idea and a place to start.
Personally, I don't care about which color, I like them all. If they are good looking and willing, Great, Bring them on.
Personally, I don't care about which color, I like them all. If they are good looking and willing, Great, Bring them on.

Here, here...I agree, "cum one, cum all!":welcome:
I don't mind any colour is great but I have to agree I mean seriously there needs to be some latino, asian or black people on here even mixed race like seriously everyone on this site is white lol nothing wrong with white people but it has literally just occured to me it is not majority or predomantly white people on this site THEY ARE ALL WHITE someone could easily have this site shut down due to racial prejudice :/ :xmas2undecided:
Hey; this would be nice. But any guy of whatever race should fit the intended profile of the site--straight, broke boy. On another site that I used to subscribe to there was one scene with a white guy and a black guy. Both were well endowed and they jerked each other off and you could tell they were fascinated by the other's dick. I would have loved to see them suck each other off and to see one of them get fucked, but that didn't happen. Anyway, it was still hot.
Only if you have been a good boy...

Hey; this would be nice. But any guy of whatever race should fit the intended profile of the site--straight, broke boy. On another site that I used to subscribe to there was one scene with a white guy and a black guy. Both were well endowed and they jerked each other off and you could tell they were fascinated by the other's dick. I would have loved to see them suck each other off and to see one of them get fucked, but that didn't happen. Anyway, it was still hot.

Dear curious887,

I too would welcome a sizeable increase of guys of all nationalities and colors, whether blessed or cursed with a sizeable endowment or not. I would like to think Broke Straight Boys is representative of the society we live in and, without the injection of more men of color, true diversity of Broke Straight Boys models appear to be on the pale side/one flavor, namely vanilla. Ity makes me wonder what unique opportunities are we missing? I have said this since I first joined back in March 2010.

I believe in equal opportunity for all races and creeds!


Dear curious887,

I believe in equal opportunity for all races and creeds!



Well Stimpy, I want to agree with you.......but a have some reservations.

Yes, Yes, and Yes......



All I can say is...TAKE ME TO YOUR LEADER

Well Stimpy, I want to agree with you.......but a have some reservations.

Yes, Yes, and Yes......




Dear Ms. Kianna,

Yes, Yes, Yes, and Ooops! I guess my remarks extend only to the yes column. I have never been to Area 51 and, if this is any indication of what they have to offer, I guess I must admit that my equal opportunity mantra does not extend all the way to Area 51. Are you happy now?

Sincerely earthbound,

i am just thinking that guys like from ms. k were to find themselves at the studio and were available, we would being them.
i have heard it said in the industry that straight men of color are more reluctant perform and those willing to perform rarely seem straight.
if you find them, i will watch. if they are entertaining to me, i may want to see them many times.
it would be nice to have a way of rating future models on appearance. like a mini interview. this is me!
i am bias toward my own species.
Dear Ms. Kianna,

Yes, Yes, Yes, and Ooops! I guess my remarks extend only to the yes column. I have never been to Area 51 and, if this is any indication of what they have to offer, I guess I must admit that my equal opportunity mantra does not extend all the way to Area 51. Are you happy now?

Sincerely earthbound,


It could be a whole new site. Brokestraightaliens........or.......Brokearea51ians...


There have to be some broke, straight men of color out there who would like to engage in sex acts with another man, if the price is right!! Even if they just want to be sucked, or fuck another guy. I mean, we already have a WHITE ONE doing just that! That way, Broke Straight Boys wouldn't be guilty of racism! Just sayin'!