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CA Supreme court chickens out


Nov 29, 2008
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Today the California Supreme Court upheld proposition 8. In a nutshell it said that gays in California have access to all privileges under the law except the name "marriage" and that the people have the last say. And that's ok by them. It was an opinion based solely on the law.

Although they upheld the Prop they also upheld the validity of the 18,000 marriages performed prior to Prop 8. They seemed to want to have it both ways.

I found one part very ominous. That the majority may trample on the rights of the minority. That may set a precedent that will bite someone in the ass somewhere along the line.

Here is the link to the 185 page opinion:


I do not know what's next but we need to concentrate on New England and New York.

Be well brothers,

Today the California Supreme Court upheld proposition 8. In a nutshell it said that gays in California have access to all privileges under the law except the name "marriage" and that the people have the last say. And that's ok by them. It was an opinion based solely on the law.

Although they upheld the Prop they also upheld the validity of the 18,000 marriages performed prior to Prop 8. They seemed to want to have it both ways.

I found one part very ominous. That the majority may trample on the rights of the minority. That may set a precedent that will bite someone in the ass somewhere along the line.

Here is the link to the 185 page opinion:


I do not know what's next but we need to concentrate on New England and New York.

Be well brothers,


Thanks for the update Tuscon.
I for one am now feeling betrayed by the Obama Administration. Where are all the promises to end DADT? Where are the promises to end discrimination against all GLBT people? You want intersting topics Elyiot, here is one. I want to know why we are being asked to be tax paying citizens if my country does not grant me the rights that every straight person in this country takes for granted. I am not a second class citizen and i refuse to be treated as one. If I am not granted my rights I should not be taxed at the same rate. I am tired of being betrayed by politicians IS Obama beginning to feel like Clinton? Did we work so hard to elect him just to be betrayed again. Also i am an artist and Pa and Fl have just about zeroed out their arts finding. So not only will we have no arts thereby reverting to barbarians , we will be barbarians with no rights. The situation in CA makes me want to vomit on their Supreme Court HOW DARE THEY and how can we be silent
I would have thought any form of discrimination would have left a sour taste in his mouth.
Although they upheld the Prop they also upheld the validity of the 18,000 marriages performed prior to Prop 8. They seemed to want to have it both ways.Jayce

The fact they upheld the validity of the 18,000 marriages already performed, to me at least, seems to indicate the door is still open
I for one am now feeling betrayed by the Obama Administration. Where are all the promises to end DADT? Where are the promises to end discrimination against all GLBT people? You want intersting topics Elyiot, here is one. I want to know why we are being asked to be tax paying citizens if my country does not grant me the rights that every straight person in this country takes for granted. I am not a second class citizen and i refuse to be treated as one. If I am not granted my rights I should not be taxed at the same rate. I am tired of being betrayed by politicians IS Obama beginning to feel like Clinton? Did we work so hard to elect him just to be betrayed again. Also i am an artist and Pa and Fl have just about zeroed out their arts finding. So not only will we have no arts thereby reverting to barbarians , we will be barbarians with no rights. The situation in CA makes me want to vomit on their Supreme Court HOW DARE THEY and how can we be silent
I don't know all the facts Lester, but from what I understand this was a California Supreme Court ruling, so Obama and his administration have no jurisdiction in this state matter. And I believe that I heard Obama say during one of the debates that he was not a proponent of gay marriage, but of civil union. I don't believe he has changed any of his views during the campaign. I believe he is a very fair man to all races, nationalities, genders as well as sexual orientation. Before his Presidency is through he may be a champion to the gay community as well. And keep in mind that he has only been President for a little over five months. As I said, I really need to read up on this and I am just speaking from what I believe I recall. If my facts are incorrect, please let me know. Thanks.

We here in the State of Washington, our govourner (not sure how to spell that) sign into law the Everything But Marriage Law last week. I think it is a big step, but yet we still have a long way to go before this state allows gay marriage.
I for one am now feeling betrayed by the Obama Administration. Where are all the promises to end DADT? Where are the promises to end discrimination against all GLBT people? You want interesting topics Elyiot, here is one. I want to know why we are being asked to be tax paying citizens if my country does not grant me the rights that every straight person in this country takes for granted. I am not a second class citizen and i refuse to be treated as one. If I am not granted my rights I should not be taxed at the same rate. I am tired of being betrayed by politicians IS Obama beginning to feel like Clinton? Did we work so hard to elect him just to be betrayed again. Also i am an artist and Pa and Fl have just about zeroed out their arts finding. So not only will we have no arts thereby reverting to barbarians , we will be barbarians with no rights. The situation in CA makes me want to vomit on their Supreme Court HOW DARE THEY and how can we be silent

I can fully appreciate your anger Lester. However Obama never said that he favored gay marriage. He did say that he approved of civil unions. I'm still upset about Clinton approving DADT. It was a lame half-hearted measure that managed to anger and displease those on both sides of the issue. By the time all was said and done DADT did nothing to change the status quo ante. The homophobes in the military kept discharging gays on a regular basis.

I agree that Obama should do more to repeal DADT but the man certainly has a ton of crap on his plate right now. No thanks to A-holes like Cheney and Dubya and the Republican party. I can't fault him too much for putting it on the back burner. I'm not happy about it though. I'm willing to give him some time. He had no say in what the supreme court of the sovereign state of California did. We shall live to fight another day!
I hope you are all right about this I still feel that equal rights for all people is a MAJOR priority. I do not walk in the man's shoes so I cannot say what is in his heart We all know from our very painful history that seperate but equal is not a solution
Despite the color of his skin Obama is still just a politician and they will tell us anything to get our vote (and he didn't get mine) then tell us once in office why he'd discovered that he can't follow through, if he even decides to comment at all...
Despite the color of his skin Obama is still just a politician and they will tell us anything to get our vote (and he didn't get mine) then tell us once in office why he'd discovered that he can't follow through, if he even decides to comment at all...
What exactly did Obama tell us in the election, that he has not followed through on? As I thought I remembered, and Tampa confirmed, he never said he was in favor of same sex marriage, but was in favor of civil union. It seems to me that he is trying to do something about all the issues that he spoke out on during the campaign, from his economic stimulus package, to health care reform, to credit card reform, to closing of Guantanamo Bay. If I have missed something that he has not yet addressed, please inform me. Thanks.

I for one am now feeling betrayed by the Obama Administration. Where are all the promises to end DADT? Where are the promises to end discrimination against all GLBT people? You want intersting topics Elyiot, here is one. I want to know why we are being asked to be tax paying citizens if my country does not grant me the rights that every straight person in this country takes for granted. I am not a second class citizen and i refuse to be treated as one. If I am not granted my rights I should not be taxed at the same rate. I am tired of being betrayed by politicians IS Obama beginning to feel like Clinton? Did we work so hard to elect him just to be betrayed again. Also i am an artist and Pa and Fl have just about zeroed out their arts finding. So not only will we have no arts thereby reverting to barbarians , we will be barbarians with no rights. The situation in CA makes me want to vomit on their Supreme Court HOW DARE THEY and how can we be silent

I am not certain about this Lester. I think that somehow the ruling needs to be appealed to the Federal Supreme Court to over turn it. Now would not be the right time because the US constitution needs to be amended to include freedom and rights regardless of sexual orientation. Currently it does not. I think Obama is turning his attention to the US Military first. Two reasons there. One, he is the commander and chief. Two, Congress writes and amends the uniform code of military justice. Currently the UCMJ considers homosexual acts a criminal offense. Obama cannot change that only congress can. The two must act together. I also think that Obama is waiting for more stated to recognize Gay marriages before pushing for a constitutional decision. If an appeal went to the Federal Supreme Court the US constitution may not be strong enough to win an appeal. An Constitutional Amendment requires the support of the Presidency and a two thirds majority in both houses to ratify it and make the amendment stick. That would give the Federal Supreme Court the power to overturn any States ruling. I do agree with you though...:wink:
I can fully appreciate your anger Lester. However Obama never said that he favored gay marriage. He did say that he approved of civil unions. I'm still upset about Clinton approving DADT. It was a lame half-hearted measure that managed to anger and displease those on both sides of the issue. By the time all was said and done DADT did nothing to change the status quo ante. The homophobes in the military kept discharging gays on a regular basis.

I agree that Obama should do more to repeal DADT but the man certainly has a ton of crap on his plate right now. No thanks to A-holes like Cheney and Dubya and the Republican party. I can't fault him too much for putting it on the back burner. I'm not happy about it though. I'm willing to give him some time. He had no say in what the supreme court of the sovereign state of California did. We shall live to fight another day!

Yes Tampa, we will. In fact , as of noon Ca. time today, we here have raised over 100,000. for the new defense fund. We are going after the "logic" that says it is ok for some gays to have marriage, but not others.

Oh, BTW, Hi, and now you know where I have been the last five days!.

I am,
Marky It is so nice to have you back. I get very passionate where my rights are concerned Yank You and I agree But have you looked at the case of Lt Choi who came out on Rachel Maddow's show and what happened then ? There is a deadly silence form the White house and I heard a promise to end DADT Jayman knows much more than I what that would take but a statement might have been a nice gesture
Yes Tampa, we will. In fact , as of noon Ca. time today, we here have raised over 100,000. for the new defense fund. We are going after the "logic" that says it is ok for some gays to have marriage, but not others.

Oh, BTW, Hi, and now you know where I have been the last five days!.

I am,

Thank goodness you are ok
& thank goodness you were where you were
I think some of us were thinking you may have abdicated & fled the country :001_smile:
Those seven bitches should be so lucky. Hell no I ain't fleeing, I am raising $$ to buy the army we need to destroy the infidels. They never should have fucked with a drag queen. First rule of warfare, NEVER leave your enemy alive in your wake. And this time they left 36,000 of us. Big mistake! Really Big Mistake!
I will be spending a lot less time in here, but I will check in on you guys every so often, so, as Nanny McPhee's little charges would say, "Be-Hive"
Those seven bitches should be so lucky. Hell no I ain't fleeing, I am raising $$ to buy the army we need to destroy the infidels. They never should have fucked with a drag queen. First rule of warfare, NEVER leave your enemy alive in your wake. And this time they left 36,000 of us. Big mistake! Really Big Mistake!

You go girl .... hmmmm that didn't come out right :001_smile:
Like I said in an earlier post on this thread - I feel they left the door open :thumbup:
While raising all this money to be able to get married, maybe some of it can be funneled into outreach programs to gay teens in danger of suicide? I believe our community still has the highest percentage of teen suicides and I fear helping those poor kids is getting lost in the drive to have a different sort of paper to validate our unions...