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BTS "The New Boys"


Oct 30, 2008
Reaction score
I think this was another really good BTS. It had a little bit of filler, but was still quite nice. It was great meeting Dimitri and Ronan Kennedy right as they arrived. The same goes for seeing Blake again. I loved seeing Blake! Yes. It was nice seeing Jake too. I'm glad they explained that Blake was only coming in for a social visit and was not expected to film. No we know that he has no new films in the can, even if many of us hope that that will change in the near future.

I was disappointed that so many of our now beloved models were not wearing seatbelts in the car. In Florida it's illegal not to wear a seatbelt. I just don't see any sense in not wearing one nowadays, whether it's enforced by an actual law or not. Who are you impressing by not wearing one if you go through a windshield or are injured unnecessarily? I can only hope that Sabrina and Damien will become more insistent on it for any passengers in the car. Of course without eyes in the back of her head she can't always know what's going on behind her.

I enjoyed hearing some of the backstories of the models. If I had Ronan Kennedy as my CNA in a hospital I think I would get better much faster with him taking care of me and his beautiful face and smile greeting me each time he entered the room. :001_wub:
I wanted to share a trick I use to watch the BTS vids in a fuller and wider screen than is normally possible. I hit the F-11 key to remove the top and bottom tool bars of the computer screen. That way when I take the BTS vid to full screen mode it makes the picture look much bigger than normal. Once it finishes and you want your toolbars back, you merely hit the F-11 key again and it restores everything back to where it was. I hope the rest of you who haven't tried it before like the look as much as I do. :)
Well, this is one bts which I would have liked to have been longer. Finally an airport run that didn't have poor Sabrina schlepping around the airport looking for errant models. There wasn't much new information given since we had other bts with the new guys earlier. Paul is ever the delightful guy and is always a joy to watch in these types of scenes. Blake look really rested and in good shape. Like tampa, I hope at some point he will come back to do scenes; but if not, if he has moved forward with his educational pursuits, that is good because he is moving ahead with his life. As my dear friend mikey always says, this porn model business has a short shelf-life and is not meant to be one's life work.

I usually don't bother grading bts scenes, but I was thoroughly entertained by this one, so I gave it a 5, excellent in my grading system.
I agree with my friends Tampa, Stowe and johnny that this was an excellent BTS, and I found out that Dimitri was recommended to the site through a friend of Kaden Alexander, so Seattle is a hot bed for Broke Straight Boys Good to know that Seattle is more than the home of the Seahawks, Microsoft, Starbucks, Boeing and Peterh! lol :001_cool:
Damn, I want to be Sabrina! That was fun...and it had Blake in it. :001_wub: I sure hope we see lots more of him.
LOL Beth. I think if Sabrina leaves the mansion, then there is definitely a job there for you..

I know of one member of Beth's family who would plead and insist on frequent "Bring Your Daughter to Work" days. haha
they ALL look like guys I would set up with my female friends. the camera work was good. seeing blake a dchristoper video a nice experience. paul's weirdness demands attention and gets attention. I love it!
with jake out of the running, the long-haired boy is best of the bunch.
I would liked to have had 3 more minutes with them.
I loved watching this bts as I always love getting to see the guys fresh from the airport before they've done anything. I have to say I love Sabrina as I think she looks like a really nice person who in an ideal world I'd love to have as a freind. I agree with Tampa about the seat belts though as a family member died from not wearing there's so to me it's important that they should be worn when ever possible. I know I'm sad but I think I love the bts just as much as I enjoy watching the scenes as it allows me to get a more balanced view of the models as a whole and how they live when in the mansion. Dan
I'm kind of confused, if Blake wasn't coming to do a scene why was he there? If he's there for the weekend why not do a scene? First he says he's busy with school but after i thought about it, the semester is over unless if he's taking summer classes. He said he hasn't filmed a scene since last year in July. It kind of seems like maybe he doesn't want to do a scene? If it wouldn't have been for Paul being in this it would have been pretty boring, his voice mail messages were hilarious. I wonder if he could do a whole scene with an accent? Well, that's probably not a good idea.
I know I'm sad but I think I love the bts just as much as I enjoy watching the scenes as it allows me to get a more balanced view of the models as a whole and how they live when in the mansion. Dan
In that case I too am "sad" Dan for I watch most of the BTS, while I watch less than half of the actual scenes unless the models especially appeal to me, I usually skip them. I've come to appreciate models like Johnny Forza and Brendan Beale through their BTS as physically neither one is my type, but I now really like them as people and love watching them in the BTS.

In the case of this video, it was top notch with three hot new guys to the site, plus fan favorites Blake and Paul, and at this point I have "Ronan Kennedy fever" and love to watch him smile, laugh or just be on the frame, and I'm still smitten with Dimitri too, so overall this was pretty much a perfect behind the scenes to my taste. :thumbup:
I'm kind of confused, if Blake wasn't coming to do a scene why was he there? If he's there for the weekend why not do a scene? First he says he's busy with school but after i thought about it, the semester is over unless if he's taking summer classes. He said he hasn't filmed a scene since last year in July. It kind of seems like maybe he doesn't want to do a scene?
Excellent point and question about Blake, Ben. Indeed, why was he flown to Denver, and picked up by Sabrina as if there for a regular shooting schedule for him, but then for him not to appear in anything besides a BTS? Good question indeed!!! :001_unsure:
Excellent point and question about Blake, Ben. Indeed, why was he flown to Denver, and picked up by Sabrina as if there for a regular shooting schedule for him, but then for him not to appear in anything besides a BTS? Good question indeed!!! :001_unsure:

I'd say it has to do with the TV show. I think it's the same reason Paul grew out his hair again. They probably had to go back and fill in some "rough spots" that whomever is buying the series didn't like. Just sayin'.:2c: