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BTS Hanging With the Boys


Oct 30, 2008
Reaction score
I just discovered we had this new BTS update. I had missed it so far today.

I thought it was great! I really enjoyed seeing Dakota in action where he showed his considerable personality. haha My only mild critique of the scene is that the audio was hard to understand in several spots. Of course not every standard room in a house is good for acoustics. There were several snippets of dialog that I could not make out. (Especially at the dinner table with so many people talking at once.) Nonetheless I found all the guys to be delightful in their banter and wisecracking. I hardly know where to begin for what is only a 17 minute video. haha

I loved seeing the rapport with Sha and the guys. It warmed my heart to see all of them (some of straightest models of the site) give Sha a warm hug when they arrived. The stories and dinner conversation had me cracking up. I also never get tired of watching new guys get pranked with that mask. lol I did wonder who the guy was sitting with Mark at the end of the table. I suspect he's either a College Dudes model or just a friend who was over for the day? Dakota's stories of punching a woman during sex to see if she would come back, was both cringe inducing and funny all that the same time. Since I was sure he was only joking I allowed myself to laugh. :)

What are some of the favorite parts for the rest of you?
Thank you Tampa as I had completely forgotten when it was due to come out and so when I noticed this thread it reminded me and so I watched it straight away. I to loved seeing the way that each model gave sha a big hug when they arrived and the hugs looked genuine and so it really touched me. I also loved the way that sha had sandwiches ready for the guys for when they arrived at the mansion as it truly is like a big happy family. I loved seeing the models in such a relaxed environment and being themselves as it allows me to see the person behind the scene. I liked seeing Dakota so relaxed and telling all the stories but I hope he was talking in jest about punching the women during sex but even taking it as a joke I still found it hard to here but I guess that's just me. I was so happy that it showed such a happy Kaden Alexander as well as when ever I see him happy and with that amazing smile and laugh of his it always warms me up inside as he is just so cute, and of course the one and only Tyler White my favourite of all models past and present it was so nice to see his bubbly self and cheerful nature as I can never get enough of him and that voice of his really gets me going in a good way, I don't know what it is nut when ever I hear him talk I just feel so lets say exited. Ive said it before and I know alot of members won't agree with me but id love it if there were webcams in and around the mansion when the models are in as id love to watch there natural playful nature all the time. Finally I just have to say that the food looked amazing. Dan x
I too went back on today and saw this post and it reminded me to see it. Thanks Tampa. Liked it a lot. BTS are always good. We see the guys as they are. Agreed danleeh I hope he didn't punch a woman in the face.
Hey, Tampa, and Dan -

I am a big fan of all the BTS stuff - and I enjoyed this scene. Dakota is. . . just an incredibly adorable, human being.

What really caught me off guard, though, and made me smile was Sha, making sandwiches for the guys, before they showed up.

One of my favourite movies of all time is, My Own Private Idaho. And one of its iconic (and funniest) moments is when Mike (River Phoenix) has fallen into a deep narcoleptic sleep in his Dad's trailer, and Scott (Keanu Reeves) wakes him up with a tray of food, exclaiming, Look, Mike. . . SANDWICHES!!!

Oh, the first time I saw that in the theatre, I fell on the FLOOR, laughing - it is just this weird, silly little moment, but so hilarious - AND tender. I have been trying to find it on YT to share with you, since I first joined. . . but no luck - so far. (Of course I'll keep looking.)


*The famous campfire scene* ~ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eG9AH2J82zc

P.S. Thanks to the models and to Sha, for a wonderful slice of life, at the Broke Straight Boys house :)
Thanks Guys would have just passed it by. It was fun. Got so caught up in Anthony almost missed it...Lazy Sunday.
I watched it last night and was not as impressed as I've been in many other BTS. There was just something "off" about the banter between the guys in my opinion. These type of settings often make me feel like I wish I could be hanging out with them, but I didn't feel that way this time, but I do have two comments.

The last three or four minutes were excellent with Tyler and Dakota talking right after leaving the set of the Tyler fucks Dakota scene. Their conversation was real as to how they felt at that moment after the scene, and they were both proud of the spontaneity at the end of the scene. I will have to go back and check it out. Dakota also referred to still having Tyler's dried cum on his body as they had not yet showered.

I was also intrigued by the young man at the table sitting next to Mark. Did anyone else see that "chemistry" between them, as if something might be going on between Mark and the young man? Could he be Mark's boyfriend????

But overall this did not rank as a favorite of mine in the BTS category, but I do appreciate the variety of types of behind the scenes that are presented to us. Many work for me, and some do not.
I watched it last night and was not as impressed as I've been in many other BTS. There was just something "off" about the banter between the guys in my opinion. These type of settings often make me feel like I wish I could be hanging out with them, but I didn't feel that way this time, but I do have two comments.

The last three or four minutes were excellent with Tyler and Dakota talking right after leaving the set of the Tyler fucks Dakota scene. Their conversation was real as to how they felt at that moment after the scene, and they were both proud of the spontaneity at the end of the scene. I will have to go back and check it out. Dakota also referred to still having Tyler's dried cum on his body as they had not yet showered.

I was also intrigued by the young man at the table sitting next to Mark. Did anyone else see that "chemistry" between them, as if something might be going on between Mark and the young man? Could he be Mark's boyfriend????

But overall this did not rank as a favorite of mine in the BTS category, but I do appreciate the variety of types of behind the scenes that are presented to us. Many work for me, and some do not.
I agree with you in regard to the end with tyler and dakota as I loved hearing how they felt after the scene and I would love it if there were more bts with the various models talking about how they felt the scene whent and how there feeling post scene. Dan x
SUNDAY: My least and most day of the week. My least favorite and most boring.

SATURDAY: I took Linda (my ex) out to dinner yesterday for what would have been our 39th wedding anniversary. Even though we divorced in 1986 we still have continued to celebrate July 19th. Earlier in the day I had been washing clothes, vacuuming the carpet and cleaning the kitchen. At one point Linda walked over to pick up Harley (my dog) for a bath and to let him hang out with her dog. In the late afternoon we left and went to our local pub for hamburgers. It was a good day and night.

Now, back to today. It was a lazy and boring morning. After fixing breakfast I ate and watched all the news of the day. When the news was over I put on music. I am not one to watch TV throughout the day. I washed the breakfast dishes, got the clothes off the line and folded them. All done, I started fixing supper. I made shrimp Alfredo over pasta. While the pasta was cooking I surfed the TV stations for something to watch. Nothing! I then logged onto the forum and saw Tampa's post about the BTS. Hooray! I found something to watch while I have supper.

I will be feasting on three of my favorite hot guys while I feast on my supper.

Thank you, Tampa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dakota is the SHIT! The more I see of this guy the more I like him. It was so sweet that he said grace. I like authentic he is, I have the feeling that what you see is what you get. That scene between him and Tyler sound amazing, can't wait to see that one! Then again I think Dakota put a lot into his scenes and usually goes for that something extra, hope we get to see a lot more of him. I want to see him run through the whole stable of boys.

I think Kaden Alexander is cute and has a smokin hot body but the more he talks the less interest I have in him. Tyler seemed kind sweet and quiet in this. Not sure I'd want to eat dinner with these boys though, there's a time and place to talk about fucking and the dinner table is not the place for that, if they had been sitting at my table I would have put the kabash down on that and steered the conversation to something more appropriate for the table. I thought it made them look really immature and low class. Overall I really liked this video.
Dakota is the SHIT! The more I see of this guy the more I like him. It was so sweet that he said grace. I like authentic he is, I have the feeling that what you see is what you get. That scene between him and Tyler sound amazing, can't wait to see that one! Then again I think Dakota put a lot into his scenes and usually goes for that something extra, hope we get to see a lot more of him. I want to see him run through the whole stable of boys.

I think Kaden Alexander is cute and has a smokin hot body but the more he talks the less interest I have in him. Tyler seemed kind sweet and quiet in this. Not sure I'd want to eat dinner with these boys though, there's a time and place to talk about fucking and the dinner table is not the place for that, if they had been sitting at my table I would have put the kabash down on that and steered the conversation to something more appropriate for the table. I thought it made them look really immature and low class. Overall I really liked this video.

I do agree with you Ben about "appropriate conversation" at a dinner table. But, the only thing I put into a different perspective was, where this dinner was. It's the mansion where the boys are housed while filming scenes. I guess, under those circumstances, that WAS appropriate dinner conversation as, they weren't just random dinner guest invited for an occasion. It was.....work related? That's the only part we see differently.:smile:
Dakota is the SHIT! The more I see of this guy the more I like him. It was so sweet that he said grace. I like authentic he is, I have the feeling that what you see is what you get. That scene between him and Tyler sound amazing, can't wait to see that one! Then again I think Dakota put a lot into his scenes and usually goes for that something extra, hope we get to see a lot more of him. I want to see him run through the whole stable of boys.

I think Kaden Alexander is cute and has a smokin hot body but the more he talks the less interest I have in him. Tyler seemed kind sweet and quiet in this. Not sure I'd want to eat dinner with these boys though, there's a time and place to talk about fucking and the dinner table is not the place for that, if they had been sitting at my table I would have put the kabash down on that and steered the conversation to something more appropriate for the table. I thought it made them look really immature and low class. Overall I really liked this video.
Benben, I totally agree with the portion of your post that I highlighted, including Tyler being quiet and sweet. As I said in my earlier post, there was something "off" to me about the whole tone of the conversation between Dakota and Kaden Alexander, and they weren't as likeable to me in this setting, as I usually find the Broke Straight Boys boys to be off set hanging with Sha, Sabrina and Mark at the house.
I also have two "irrelevant bits or useless" observations; 1) Dakota saying that was his 2nd time at the mansion, makes me think this was shot a while back. His reference to "Good Looking" models, was considerably "open minded" a compliment from a guy. Also 2), Tyler's reference to models being "cute". I wasn't sure if he was referring to personalities or physical appearance?
Benben, I totally agree with the portion of your post that I highlighted, including Tyler being quiet and sweet. As I said in my earlier post, there was something "off" to me about the whole tone of the conversation between Dakota and Kaden Alexander, and they weren't as likeable to me in this setting, as I usually find the Broke Straight Boys boys to be off set hanging with Sha, Sabrina and Mark at the house.
My dearest mikeyank
Sorry my love . But I have to agree with Ben Ben on this. For the line of work the boy's were there for.
Seemed to talk a little to much about pussy, tits, and ass at the Dinner table. Tyler seemed the only one with any manners.
But what do I know ? I haven't had dinner with a bunch of straight guy's ??? In a long time. Like maybe trying to hard to have us believe...
Sometimes less talk is better. And I should know. lol
xoxoxo johnny
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I also have two "irrelevant bits or useless" observations; 1) Dakota saying that was his 2nd time at the mansion, makes me think this was shot a while back.
I quickly checked Tyler's scene partners and realize that as the 1000th episode was released on 4/15/14 and included Kaden Alexander and Dakota, (plus Paul & Damien who live in Denver), this behind the scenes was most likely shot when the boys first arrived for that set of scenes.

Much like you betu, I like to read for "clues" about dates and chronology here, as some read tea leaves. lol
My dearest mikeyank
Sorry my love . But I have to agree with Ben Ben on this. For the line of work the boy's were there for.
Seemed to talk a little to much about pussy, tits, and ass at the Dinner table. Tyler seemed the only one with any manners.
But what do I know ? I haven't had dinner with a bunch of straight guy's ??? In a long time. Like maybe trying to hard to have us believe...
Sometimes less talk is better. And I should know. lol
xoxoxo johnny
Actually Johnny, I think that you, Benben and I all agree on this point, that some of the "macho talk" was over the top.
I just discovered we had this new BTS update. I had missed it so far today.

I thought it was great! I really enjoyed seeing Dakota in action where he showed his considerable personality. haha My only mild critique of the scene is that the audio was hard to understand in several spots. Of course not every standard room in a house is good for acoustics. There were several snippets of dialog that I could not make out. (Especially at the dinner table with so many people talking at once.) Nonetheless I found all the guys to be delightful in their banter and wisecracking. I hardly know where to begin for what is only a 17 minute video. haha

I loved seeing the rapport with Sha and the guys. It warmed my heart to see all of them (some of straightest models of the site) give Sha a warm hug when they arrived. The stories and dinner conversation had me cracking up. I also never get tired of watching new guys get pranked with that mask. lol I did wonder who the guy was sitting with Mark at the end of the table. I suspect he's either a College Dudes model or just a friend who was over for the day? Dakota's stories of punching a woman during sex to see if she would come back, was both cringe inducing and funny all that the same time. Since I was sure he was only joking I allowed myself to laugh. :)

What are some of the favorite parts for the rest of you?
tampa that would be mark fiancé
I watched it last night and was not as impressed as I've been in many other BTS. There was just something "off" about the banter between the guys in my opinion. These type of settings often make me feel like I wish I could be hanging out with them, but I didn't feel that way this time, but I do have two comments.

The last three or four minutes were excellent with Tyler and Dakota talking right after leaving the set of the Tyler fucks Dakota scene. Their conversation was real as to how they felt at that moment after the scene, and they were both proud of the spontaneity at the end of the scene. I will have to go back and check it out. Dakota also referred to still having Tyler's dried cum on his body as they had not yet showered.

I was also intrigued by the young man at the table sitting next to Mark. Did anyone else see that "chemistry" between them, as if something might be going on between Mark and the young man? Could he be Mark's boyfriend????

But overall this did not rank as a favorite of mine in the BTS category, but I do appreciate the variety of types of behind the scenes that are presented to us. Many work for me, and some do not.
its wis true we didn't shower yet. but thats what usually happen, like myself after a scene we usually talk to each other about as i smoke a cig then its off to get clean lol
I agree with you in regard to the end with tyler and dakota as I loved hearing how they felt after the scene and I would love it if there were more bts with the various models talking about how they felt the scene whent and how there feeling post scene. Dan x

such a great idea because like i said we do usually talk after a scene before we shower
I was also intrigued by the young man at the table sitting next to Mark. Did anyone else see that "chemistry" between them, as if something might be going on between Mark and the young man? Could he be Mark's boyfriend????

tampa that would be mark fiancé
Thanks Tyler for confirming that what I thought I saw, I did see indeed. Congratulations to Mark and his fiancé. They make for a very handsome couple.