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Brokies' Politics


BSB Addict
Oct 26, 2008
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The island next door to Ibiza
We were talking today about which political party we thought various brokies probably belonged to. I thought Jimmy might be a Tea Party patriot because he sticks to his principles and is pretty straight arrow. Also he sort of grits his teeth and gets on with all the sex I've seen him engaged in, or maybe detached from is the better description (granted we haven't seen his style with a girl, but...) and I've always imagined that the TP people have sex only because it says you should be fruitful in the Bible, but not for any other reason.

Then someone said, "What does that make Rob, is he Obama?" And I said maybe Rob is a mainstream member of the GOP doing his best to humanize his colleague in the Tea Party, following Reagan's caveat to free speech, "Don't ever say anything bad about a fellow Republican."

But all that might be erroneous. Please, please you guys. It's a weekend. You've got time: pick a bunch of brokies, both past and present but maybe with the emphasis on BSB2, and tell which are Democrats and which are Republicans and why, why being the most important part. Are there any Libertarian brokies besides Leon, or is he way Liberal? Tell us. Brokies can participate. Hell, if Brokies participated this would be one chilled and merry thread. What about *Mark, Chuck, Clay, Stéphane, & Sha? Is Mark a Republican because he's a small business owner, or a Democrat because he's gay?

*Sorry to digress, but they sound like a famous brokerage firm from 70 years ago (Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Beane)
I don't think that Jimmy is a Tea Party type at all. If Jimmy ever was a tea partier, he has now gone rouge, like Levi Johnson, the Palin daughter's "baby daddy" showing his Johnson on the web.

But Jimmy seems pretty easy going, doing the gay porn thing, and he also told us that he defended a gay kid in school who the bullies harassed. I get the feeling that he is a liberal kind of guy.

Rob Ryder might be a Republican, as he plans to get very rich, and will be conservative. :wink:

I'll bet that Stimpy has some thoughts on this subject, particularly some of David's hotties from BSB1.
I think Rob is an Independent, who see's the values of both sides, as well as the dangers of falling too far into the extremes of either.:thumbup1:

Colin is definitely Liberal.:ohmy:

And.......statistically military men, like Mick, are usually Republican.:001_rolleyes:
I don't think that Jimmy is a Tea Party type at all. If Jimmy ever was a tea partier, he has now gone rouge, like Levi Johnson, the Palin daughter's "baby daddy" showing his Johnson on the web.

But Jimmy seems pretty easy going, doing the gay porn thing, and he also told us that he defended a gay kid in school who the bullies harassed. I get the feeling that he is a liberal kind of guy.

Rob Ryder might be a Republican, as he plans to get very rich, and will be conservative. :wink:

I'll bet that Stimpy has some thoughts on this subject, particularly some of David's hotties from BSB1.

I agree with you, Mike. Tea baggers can be crazy, but in some ways I think they have gotten a bad rap. For the most part, they are just totally ANTI TAXES to the extreme. I don't think that tea baggers have any one position regarding many social issues at all, they are just frantic about low taxes and limited government...one of the cornerstornes of modern conservatism.

To be honest, I suspect that many of the Broke Straight Boys performers are busy living their lives, doing whatever it is they do when they're not in front of the camera, not necessarily volunteering for their local congress person or blogging about thier favorite political issues but I could certainly be wrong.
I don't know about Jimmy being a tea-bagger, but I do see him listening to Rush Limbaugh and nodding his head. He's very dogmatic and doesn't seem all that open-minded. He is hesitant to try new things and sticks with what he knows. That to me is not the definition of a liberal, but seems to exemplify someone from a red state, or at the very least, a Libertarian. Cole seems like a democrat, and Rob is more independent, leaning to the liberal way of thinking. Colin, seems to be a liberal, but probably has conservative leanings. The others, I have no idea, since they haven't been vocal enough for me to get a feel for them.
Fellas, you know how I shudder in my boots throwing Political labels around!

I don't think that Jimmy is a Tea Party type at all. If Jimmy ever was a tea partier, he has now gone rouge, like Levi Johnson, the Palin daughter's "baby daddy" showing his Johnson on the web.

But Jimmy seems pretty easy going, doing the gay porn thing, and he also told us that he defended a gay kid in school who the bullies harassed. I get the feeling that he is a liberal kind of guy.

Rob Ryder might be a Republican, as he plans to get very rich, and will be conservative. :wink:

I'll bet that Stimpy has some thoughts on this subject, particularly some of David's hotties from BSB1.

Dear Mikeyank and fellow forumites,

Thanks for having so much faith in my psychic abilities. At this late hour, I am just going to take a stab at identifying brokies party affiliation. I will get back to it in more depth tomorrow.

Ms. Kianna was mentioning ex-military men as probably having more leanings for the GOP because they tend to be more conservative politically. Of the Broke Straight Boys-1 crew, I remember:

  • Nathan who was straight but enjoyed and specialized in bottoming. He had served in the Navy, was a pragmatist with little emotion, and I could see him having definite Republican leanings.
  • Leon came from Colorado, loved sex, had a competitive nature, and I could think he might be Republican or Tea Party. I feel the "Grungy period that so put off people was more his rebellion against his contractual agreements with Broke Straight Boys" and not a preference he necessarily followed after leaving Broke Straight Boys's tutelage. With Leon selling medical marijuana legally and the tirelessly enterprising spirit of another brokie, Tank Shane, I can see both of them resisting to pay their taxes and being in the Tea Party fold.
  • Brady, who was studying to be a doctor, had lost a kidney when he was only 6. All I can say is that if I ever came down with a fatal disease, I cannot imagine a person better qualified with a sunnier disposition, having the kindest eyes, and possessing that warm reassuring smile of his to break the bad news to me than that lovable Brady. He has such a big heart that surely he can't be concerned with mundate things like the deficit, cutting social security or medicare benefits, or wanting to disband our brand of national health care. He is simply too compassionate and kind hearted. I would likewise imagine Logan to have Democrat leanings too. He has too sharp an intellect and wit to be anything else. Ashton was definitely a Democrat too, as he realized his stupidity for having White Power tatooed on his back in his teens. I think he was enlightened by making this foolish mistake early on and was the better for it.

My psychic powers need recharging at this point. Look for further announcements soon.

Sincerely labelled out,

Is Broke Straight Boys Management considering an erotic calendar for Christmas?

I purchase several erotic calendars yearly for Christmas from Calendars.com which has an ample variety of Gay/Lesbian calendars for any taste one might have. I saw former Broke Straight Boys, Austin Grant, in one of my 2010 calendars; he was there in all of his nude glory with a hardened cock and a seductive smile. It was indeed impressive! What excellent advertisement for Broke Straight Boys!! So, I thought that perhaps Broke Straight Boys Management would consider such a notion and allow the membership to vote for 12 of its handsome and well-endowed with well-structured bodies to be a monthly favorite. Forum, what do you think?
I purchase several erotic calendars yearly for Christmas from Calendars.com which has an ample variety of Gay/Lesbian calendars for any taste one might have. I saw former Broke Straight Boys, Austin Grant, in one of my 2010 calendars; he was there in all of his nude glory with a hardened cock and a seductive smile. It was indeed impressive! What excellent advertisement for Broke Straight Boys!! So, I thought that perhaps Broke Straight Boys Management would consider such a notion and allow the membership to vote for 12 of its handsome and well-endowed with well-structured bodies to be a monthly favorite. Forum, what do you think?

Terrific. We could also have their political affiliation as part of the list of statistics.
Concerning the Tea Party:

From the inception of their name and mistaken association with tea bagging, there is much visual imagry available of the "scrotum of a Loose and Low hanging Hound Dog or maybe even Elephant as a party symbol" that comes to mind. Since they are against all regulations, wouldn't it be too fitting.

Maybe the two testicles could represent both Houses of Congress and the prick could float among Congressional hard-core pricks such as: Eric Cantor, Mitch McConnell, Rick Santorum(in Nazi uniform), Jim DeMint, Paul Ryan, Jeff Sessions, Chuck Grassley, and John Boehner(tearfully hoping to be teabagged).


Stimpy, severely tea'd off

PS Seeing that Rick Santorum shares the same faith as I, namely Roman Catholic, I feel completely qualified and feel it absolutely necessary as my religious responsibility to compare him with any NAZI you might ever want to mention. In a culture where size REALLY matters, Rick may be the biggest "CONGRESSIONAL PRICK" OF THEM ALL! Although I must admit, Eric Cantor(Alpha Male?) is chomping at the bit to exceed Santorum in bragging rights! Eric just needs a better costume!


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Do any Brokies vote

The tea party is a bunch of people that don't think. I don't like Jimmy, but I hope he's smarter then tea party membership. The tea party will wreck the United States, Ruin Social Security, put Medicare recipients out to die, and there latest act of hate cut the budget so that FEMA can help hurricane and earthquake victims. This WAS a country that helped those of us when the need arose. Now, Thanks to the tea party if you need help, bother someone else or die.
I think our models are better then that..
The tea party is a bunch of people that don't think. I don't like Jimmy, but I hope he's smarter then tea party membership. The tea party will wreck the United States, Ruin Social Security, put Medicare recipients out to die, and there latest act of hate cut the budget so that FEMA can help hurricane and earthquake victims. This WAS a country that helped those of us when the need arose. Now, Thanks to the tea party if you need help, bother someone else or die.
I think our models are better then that..

Last I heard Tobey, it wasn't the tea party who wanted to cut FEMA, but instead Ron Paul the Libertarian.
:thumbup:We, Roman Catholics, are very divided politically especially in the US. The higher you're up in the hierarchy the more conservative you are. For those of us on the front lines, the working clergy and religious, we are basically with the people and are very liberal - maybe too liberal. Now as for the models, Bottoms are generally liberals and tops are basically conservatives. (There are conservative Democrates (Jackasses) and liberal Republicans (Marthas).
Who was it more likely to be?

Hustler Porn mogul Larry Flynn is at it again. He thinks Rick Perry might be bi. Oddly enough my gaydar started beeping at quite a rate when I first saw him speak and gesture too.

So if Perry was having an affair with someone in the porn world, who would it have been? I mean of course which brokie was Rickers likely to have been seeing? I keep thinking Jimmy since they look a little alike, but Jimmy's 100% straight. And is Perry top, bottom or vers?

I'd have to say that I think Perry would be a big old bottom! Who with? I can't say, but definitely a bottom.
I'd have to say that I think Perry would be a big old bottom! Who with? I can't say, but definitely a bottom.

DEfinitely. And if Flynn has his way, there will be stories to back it up. He's a total bottom. My gaydar tells me so lol...
I would have to agree

DEfinitely. And if Flynn has his way, there will be stories to back it up. He's a total bottom. My gaydar tells me so lol...

I think Jack and Rob are log cabin Republicans.

That is very funny, and probably true. :lol:

Fellow forumites,

I guess even the Republicans, but especially the "Log Cabin" variety, deserve some "eye candy" while they dismember the National Health Plan and our "Safety Net". I would hate for the GOP to have nothing in their life they can enjoy.



PS Both Rob and Jack are always welcomed back to this side of the aisle, should they stray!
DEfinitely. And if Flynn has his way, there will be stories to back it up. He's a total bottom. My gaydar tells me so lol...
Hey! You guys are talking about the governor of my state! BUT I AGREE 100% WITH Y'ALL!