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Braden poll

What is your opinion of Braden?

  • I can't stand him.

    Votes: 10 18.2%
  • I don't like him in spite of his big dick.

    Votes: 8 14.5%
  • I don't like him, but would probably like him better if he had a better personality.

    Votes: 6 10.9%
  • I neither like nor dislike him.

    Votes: 3 5.5%
  • He's ok, but if his personality was better I'd like him more.

    Votes: 9 16.4%
  • I do like him, but he's not one of my top 10 favorites.

    Votes: 6 10.9%
  • I love him, he's one of my favorites!

    Votes: 13 23.6%

  • Total voters


BSB Addict
Nov 1, 2008
Reaction score
What is your opinion of Braden?

Keep in mind the following:

  • Options 1-3 are considered disapproval of him (NOT favorable).
  • Option 4 is dead average, you neither like nor dislike Braden.
  • Options 5-7 are approval of Braden (favorable).
Don't forget to vote! Feel free to comment as well, but commenting only without voting does not include your vote in the overall result.
his personality is trash.
I dont know ther is something about the guy that gets me excited when he rips his clothes off. Braden is a hot guy maybe too hot and Im sure this will open a door for his porn future and I believe he will be screwing folks for a lot more money. Take that guy Sebastian for a moment he acted like a damn robot in his scenes saying yes and think of how much he probibly got paid to have a guy piss in his mouth.(I hope)
Although I have voted, I still have a big unfilled hole

What is your opinion of Braden?

Keep in mind the following:

  • Options 1-3 are considered disapproval of him (NOT favorable).
  • Option 4 is dead average, you neither like nor dislike Braden.
  • Options 5-7 are approval of Braden (favorable).
Don't forget to vote! Feel free to comment as well, but commenting only without voting does not include your vote in the overall result.

Dear Abe,

I realize that his sausage may be very tantalizing and delicious to some at first sight, it is just when you add in his one-speed only robotic pelvic thrusts and his robotic conversations that you begin to feel maybe he has one too many computer chips to make the Broke Straight Boys member's cut. I have a fully grown and fully wrinkled blood hound that has more exciting expression on his face than Braden - even with his hollowed out stump with a piss slot at the end. People frequently mention how arrogant MikeR was once his ego got out of check. Well, MikeR is going to look pretty tame when this cracker becomes more impressed with his manly looks. I love manly men tempered with human compassion and selflessness to the point they show some humility giving them much needed and a more honest perspective on life.

Braden has no redeeming quality I can see, irrespective of his jumbo wiener. It just goes to prove the old adage that "you can not make a silk purse out of a pig's ear." Braden reminds me of the Sesame Street Muppet and diva in two vital ways. First of all, his nose resembles Ms. Piggy's and because this was defined at conception, I don't hold that against him. Secondly, just like Ms. Piggy or any diva for that matter, Braden will only do a "few of the things actually required of all Broke Straight Boys model . The balance not completed becomes the reassigned duties added to co-workers/models to fill in for those duties he slacks off. Huum, slack...huum maybe slackard? That is it. A good descriptor for Braden. After all as a straight boy he has his standards. Certain things like putting some honest effort into his sucking dick, well that's simply beneath him (like only continuous slurping on a dick more that 5 seconds or there abouts) cause he claims to be "straight"- of all things!

Braden's robotic, if not temperamental, dick is only good for a very few tortured thrusts for the bottom before loosing its magic juice. They make a "Fleshjack" with endurance enhancing properties specifically designed for Braden and his ilk with performance problems. He would be well advised to probe, and probe, and probe some more his much needed Flesh Jack until he gets his "straight act" honestly straight and "de-wimpified"! It still would be robotic due to his core nature but, at least his spewing too soon would hopefully get under control.

Though I know not Braden in any "biblical-sense" as God is my witness, even so he leaves a permanent bad taste in my normally cum-loving pie hole and my noodle is totally lump to boot. As for his frequently mentioned massive dick, if it's so very impressive, THEN LET IT SPEAK FOR ITSELF! I honestly cannot say as a life-long dick lover/crotch watcher, that I am even interested enough to make note of his veiny stump! I'd rather watch another stump like the Obama haters listed below: Rush Limbaugh or Ann Coulter or even His holiness the new and improved Glenn Beck spewing all his Christian/Mormon hatred for Obama just like what you'd expect from some hate-filled Muslim zealot. Don't get me wrong, I support Obama most of the time although his commitment to gay issues could be greatly improved! These Obama haters mentioned above, however, fall in the same "hopeless category" just like Braden, but for totally different reasons.
LOL cumrag27 tell us how you really feel. I agree for the most part about Braden. I don't really like his personality much when he's not fucking and when he is fucking there's really no personality to speak of.

sorry, but...

:thumbdown: I absolutely avoid watching his updates. He has the opposite of the desired effect on my libido.
Wow, cumrag27, what did he do; fart on your best suit? I think Braden is very sexy. I'd like to see him get into his scenes a bit more. The fact that he doesn't is distracting for me in the videos, but you're kind of taking things to the next level, don't you think? You don't like him. I think we get that, but some of your statements seem like they're hitting a little 'below the belt.'
Well checking in with the poll numbers, the majority (by a rather slim measure) have an unfavorable opinion of Braden. Here are the numbers as they stand currently:

53.84% have an unfavorable opinion.
5.13% have neither an unfavorable nor a favorable opinion.
41.02% have a favorable opinion.

While not completely down the center, it's pretty close.


Well checking in with the poll numbers, the majority (by a rather slim measure) have an unfavorable opinion of Braden. Here are the numbers as they stand currently:

53.84% have an unfavorable opinion.
5.13% have neither an unfavorable nor a favorable opinion.
41.02% have a favorable opinion.

While not completely down the center, it's pretty close.


Considering there's only 43 votes, it's hardly conclusive. I'm pretty sure Broke Straight Boys has a few more than 43 members. I love you guys, but this rather vocal minority is hardly reflective of Broke Straight Boys in general.

Truthfully, this poll is a rather mean-spirited way to express your dissatisfaction for a particular model if that's the way you feel. If you don't like him, don't watch him. There's a number of guys on the site that don't interest me in the slightest. I would even go so far as to say they turn me off, but I'm not going to take a poll and try to get them ousted from the site.

Even if, by some odd chance, the poll numbers so far are reflective of reality, then it's clear that Braden has a 'love him or hate him' kind of vibe. If you hate him, well "Que sera sera." Get over it. It's only a few days in between updates. No one is standing over you with a wire hanger making you watch the latest update. Lighten up a bit.
Considering there's only 43 votes, it's hardly conclusive. I'm pretty sure Broke Straight Boys has a few more than 43 members. I love you guys, but this rather vocal minority is hardly reflective of Broke Straight Boys in general.

Truthfully, this poll is a rather mean-spirited way to express your dissatisfaction for a particular model if that's the way you feel. If you don't like him, don't watch him. There's a number of guys on the site that don't interest me in the slightest. I would even go so far as to say they turn me off, but I'm not going to take a poll and try to get them ousted from the site.

Even if, by some odd chance, the poll numbers so far are reflective of reality, then it's clear that Braden has a 'love him or hate him' kind of vibe. If you hate him, well "Que sera sera." Get over it. It's only a few days in between updates. No one is standing over you with a wire hanger making you watch the latest update. Lighten up a bit.

How can you call the people who dislike Braden the vocal minority, when you just pointed out that the 43 people who voted on this poll don't reflect the membership at large. You don't know if the people who dislike Braden are in the minority or not. All we on the forums, and management, can do to assess a model's popularity is to look at polls like this, read through the comments on the model's videos, and see how the model's videos are rated. Not to speak for the poll taker, but I feel safe to assume that none of these polls that were done were for the purpose of getting anyone removed from the site. That would be pointless since they film so far in advance even if D&E were to look at these poll results and make a change immediately, the change wouldn't affect what we see for months to come. And anyway, I don't think the forum holds that much power anyway. I think management takes some of our feedback into account, but I don't think any model so far has been fired due to a lack of popularity. Some of the models who have been fired happened to be some of the least liked. But the reason they were fired was because they were unwilling to grow and change and try different things. That's what happened with MikeR and Braden, they were unwilling to change it up, so they were shown the door.

The forums are a place to give our input to management and discuss and debate the things we see on this site with other members. Sometimes we'll like a certain model/scene, sometimes we won't. It's not being mean to share a negative opinion. I dislike Braden, he's a boring performer. I generally never watch his scenes. Unfortunately I watched his last crap scene due to a high rating, but he still sucked IMO. So I'll never make that mistake again. I think Braden fans should feel grateful for this poll. Before it, I would have sworn he was hated more than this poll is reflecting he is.

I've noticed you Americans use the word "hate" quite liberally. In England if you say you hate someone, it is really nasty.

Incidentally the poll is biased towards the dislikes. There are only 2 lines which compliment the guy, the other lines can be taken as dislikes.
Truthfully, this poll is a rather mean-spirited way to express your dissatisfaction for a particular model if that's the way you feel. If you don't like him, don't watch him. There's a number of guys on the site that don't interest me in the slightest. I would even go so far as to say they turn me off, but I'm not going to take a poll and try to get them ousted from the site.

Even if, by some odd chance, the poll numbers so far are reflective of reality, then it's clear that Braden has a 'love him or hate him' kind of vibe. If you hate him, well "Que sera sera." Get over it. It's only a few days in between updates. No one is standing over you with a wire hanger making you watch the latest update. Lighten up a bit.
I totally disagree with your premise Johnny. The reason that the poll was created was to get some feedback from the forum on the popularity of a controversial model on the site. I feel confident it was not the intention of the poller, to have Braden ousted from the site. And we in the forum do not have that power anyway. I consider the polls, as well as the forum in general, as a fun place for like-minded folks to share our opinions on the site, the scenes and the models.

To quote your own words Johnny, I would suggest that you "lighten up a bit". In a world filled with life and death situations, this is only a porn site, and this is a diversion from the harsh realities of life in 2010. I see the poll as a harmless, fun diversion from the life and death realities that we encounter every day in the "real world". Have fun here, vote or do not vote, but I would implore you to "lighten up". :001_smile:
You misunderstand. The 'vocal minority' are the people who participate in these forums. In particular, they are the people who participated in this poll. 43 (now 53) members (out of thousands - hence minority) who 'speak' in the forums (hence 'vocal'), constitute a 'vocal minority' as compared to the thousands of people who belong to the site. I thought it was self explanatory. I apologize if that was somehow unclear.

What I find distasteful about this poll is that it basically calls Braden out. People never do this sort of thing with a model they like. Instead, they post in the forum 'Wow, that was hot.' or 'What I really liked was...". So the moment you see a poll with a models name on it, you know it was posted by someone who dislikes that model and wants to garner support. I find that catty and mean - not 'harmless fun' as mikeyank seems to feel. It naturally attracts the people who dislike that person and those who feel a need to stand up for him in his absence.

It's not that I think that people with negative opinions should 'keep quiet.' After all this IS a forum. But I do think there are more constructive ways to do it than to post an essentially worthless poll. (I say worthless because, in case you haven't noticed, it's the same small group of people who always post on the forums. That kind of participation is excellent for discussions - but terrible for statistics.)

I apologize if my tone was harsh. Please bear in mind that I had just spent 15 minutes reading posts that personally berate this guy. I'm not one to stand idly by when someone is attacked - either physically or verbally - regardless of my own feelings toward him. I mean, holy shit, this guy is probably one of the few true broke 'straight' guys on this site and people want to personally attack him for not being comfortable doing certain things and not having chemistry with other guys?!

Now, I understand that these issues may be of concern. After all, what this site really sells is a certain fantasy. We want to believe our 'straight' guys will have a gay experience and really like it. That's part of the thrill. In fact, a select few will feel that way, but most won't. The fact that Braden is one of the ones that doesn't really get into gay sex and can't seem to act as though he does is probably a cause for concern - but how about discussing that in a forum - in that context? Perhaps this guy would be better off in a different career. An actor who can't act IS a problem - but it's not a reason to attack the guy or to call him out.
I totally disagree with your premise Johnny. The reason that the poll was created was to get some feedback from the forum on the popularity of a controversial model on the site. I feel confident it was not the intention of the poller, to have Braden ousted from the site. And we in the forum do not have that power anyway. I consider the polls, as well as the forum in general, as a fun place for like-minded folks to share our opinions on the site, the scenes and the models.

To quote your own words Johnny, I would suggest that you "lighten up a bit". In a world filled with life and death situations, this is only a porn site, and this is a diversion from the harsh realities of life in 2010. I see the poll as a harmless, fun diversion from the life and death realities that we encounter every day in the "real world". Have fun here, vote or do not vote, but I would implore you to "lighten up". :001_smile:

I'm sorry that you disagree with me. I agree that the forum in general was INTENDED to be, as you say, a "a fun place for like-minded folks to share our opinions on the site, the scenes and the models." However, it seems to be becoming less so.

Originally, that seemed to be the general feel of the forums. Lately, what I seem to be seeing is an increase in people 'bitching and moaning' about what and who they don't like and cutting other people down. Frankly, that vibe is making it feel less fun.

As far as lightening up - you needn't worry, Sir. I'm not going to lose sleep over who likes who in a porn site forum. However, as you point out - it is a place to share opinions and I'm simply sharing mine. I'm sorry if you don't happen to agree with it.
You misunderstand. The 'vocal minority' are the people who participate in these forums. In particular, they are the people who participated in this poll. 43 (now 53) members (out of thousands - hence minority) who 'speak' in the forums (hence 'vocal'), constitute a 'vocal minority' as compared to the thousands of people who belong to the site. I thought it was self explanatory. I apologize if that was somehow unclear.

What I find distasteful about this poll is that it basically calls Braden out. People never do this sort of thing with a model they like. Instead, they post in the forum 'Wow, that was hot.' or 'What I really liked was...". So the moment you see a poll with a models name on it, you know it was posted by someone who dislikes that model and wants to garner support. I find that catty and mean - not 'harmless fun' as mikeyank seems to feel. It naturally attracts the people who dislike that person and those who feel a need to stand up for him in his absence.

It's not that I think that people with negative opinions should 'keep quiet.' After all this IS a forum. But I do think there are more constructive ways to do it than to post an essentially worthless poll. (I say worthless because, in case you haven't noticed, it's the same small group of people who always post on the forums. That kind of participation is excellent for discussions - but terrible for statistics.)

I apologize if my tone was harsh. Please bear in mind that I had just spent 15 minutes reading posts that personally berate this guy. I'm not one to stand idly by when someone is attacked - either physically or verbally - regardless of my own feelings toward him. I mean, holy shit, this guy is probably one of the few true broke 'straight' guys on this site and people want to personally attack him for not being comfortable doing certain things and not having chemistry with other guys?!

Now, I understand that these issues may be of concern. After all, what this site really sells is a certain fantasy. We want to believe our 'straight' guys will have a gay experience and really like it. That's part of the thrill. In fact, a select few will feel that way, but most won't. The fact that Braden is one of the ones that doesn't really get into gay sex and can't seem to act as though he does is probably a cause for concern - but how about discussing that in a forum - in that context? Perhaps this guy would be better off in a different career. An actor who can't act IS a problem - but it's not a reason to attack the guy or to call him out.

Too funny. I'm the one who created the Braden poll, and I'm also the one who created a couple polls about people I *do* like. So when you state "...the moment you see a poll with a models name on it, you know it was posted by someone who dislikes that model and wants to garner support", you'd be wrong.

I was merely curious what the overall consensus was from those who chose to participate in the poll was all. There doesn't have to be a rhyme nor reason as to why a person chooses to create a poll, for crying out loud anyone could create a poll asking in their opinion, what is the color of the sky?

The intent was not to "call Braden out" as you claim, but instead to see how his overall numbers would look after people took the time to vote. I suppose you think an actor's Q rating is also designed by some loser who is only being "catty", and wants to see how much others hate a particular actor or actress?

You misunderstand. The 'vocal minority' are the people who participate in these forums. In particular, they are the people who participated in this poll. 43 (now 53) members (out of thousands - hence minority) who 'speak' in the forums (hence 'vocal'), constitute a 'vocal minority' as compared to the thousands of people who belong to the site. I thought it was self explanatory. I apologize if that was somehow unclear.

What I find distasteful about this poll is that it basically calls Braden out. People never do this sort of thing with a model they like. Instead, they post in the forum 'Wow, that was hot.' or 'What I really liked was...". So the moment you see a poll with a models name on it, you know it was posted by someone who dislikes that model and wants to garner support. I find that catty and mean - not 'harmless fun' as mikeyank seems to feel. It naturally attracts the people who dislike that person and those who feel a need to stand up for him in his absence.

It's not that I think that people with negative opinions should 'keep quiet.' After all this IS a forum. But I do think there are more constructive ways to do it than to post an essentially worthless poll. (I say worthless because, in case you haven't noticed, it's the same small group of people who always post on the forums. That kind of participation is excellent for discussions - but terrible for statistics.)

I apologize if my tone was harsh. Please bear in mind that I had just spent 15 minutes reading posts that personally berate this guy. I'm not one to stand idly by when someone is attacked - either physically or verbally - regardless of my own feelings toward him. I mean, holy shit, this guy is probably one of the few true broke 'straight' guys on this site and people want to personally attack him for not being comfortable doing certain things and not having chemistry with other guys?!

Now, I understand that these issues may be of concern. After all, what this site really sells is a certain fantasy. We want to believe our 'straight' guys will have a gay experience and really like it. That's part of the thrill. In fact, a select few will feel that way, but most won't. The fact that Braden is one of the ones that doesn't really get into gay sex and can't seem to act as though he does is probably a cause for concern - but how about discussing that in a forum - in that context? Perhaps this guy would be better off in a different career. An actor who can't act IS a problem - but it's not a reason to attack the guy or to call him out.

"Vocal minority" or not but one of the only ways management is going to get any kind of pulse for what the fans want or like, is by people speaking up. It sucks for those who want to remain in the shadows but thems the breaks.

I disagree about the intent of the poll calling anyone out. The first poll that was put up was about Leon because people seemed to be split on him and I guess abush11 or whoever put up a poll wanted to take the pulse of the forumites and see what everyone's take on him was. I guess it seemed a good enough idea so more polls were put up about different models, not just Braden. And in each of these polls there are options for people to say whether that person is liked, not liked, or if someone is indifferent. Someone who hates these modes is just as likely to participate in the poll as someone who likes the models. Braden is the only model I really strongly dislike, but I still participated in the other polls for models I liked. In most of these polls the majority of votes have swung favorably for the model, even Braden. A poll isn't any less useful a tool to talk about a model than a regular thread, since there's plenty of opportunity after you vote to post why and what it is you don't like about the model. There's still plenty of normal discussion about these models, along with the polls.


The intent was not to "call Braden out" as you claim, but instead to see how his overall numbers would look after people took the time to vote. I suppose you think an actor's Q rating is also designed by some loser who is only being "catty", and wants to see how much others hate a particular actor or actress?


I've already apologized if my tone was harsh, but I'll do it again anyway. No I would not think that a well-organized poll that took an appropriate sampling of an adequate number of people was 'catty' so long as it was not done for a single person at a time.

Okay, I get it. You say you didn't mean it that way, that you weren't calling him out. Fine. As I said, I had just spent 15 minutes reading posts that berated this guy. I'm sure it colored my perception. I haven't seen any of the polls posted for people that you (or anyone else) likes - though I suppose I'll probably start seeing them now.
