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Bored with Marlin


Nov 20, 2009
Reaction score
La Jolla, CA
Please stop using him. He's not interesting nor does he even ACT straight in any way. Snooze fest!! He's a major queen and you can tell it in his responses. Major turn off!!
Thanks Tampa....I haven't enjoyed him in any of his videos. You can tell he's just like queeny and trying to play it so straight. Not believable.
hi guys - first time on the forums - but been a member of Broke Straight Boys for ages - just have to agree - Marlin is terrible - I have never fastforwarded through a show like I did on this present on
Welcome to the forum Charlie! :001_smile:

I look forward to hearing your thoughts on more pleasant subjects. :wink:
While I agree with ALL of your comments, perhaps we should try to a bit more 'encouraging' and less critical...unless, (of course) it's constructive. So, (please!!) let's be critical...but, in a nice way...
While I agree with ALL of your comments, perhaps we should try to a bit more 'encouraging' and less critical...unless, (of course) it's constructive. So, (please!!) let's be critical...but, in a nice way...

How about: I encourage Broke Straight Boys to not use Marlin anymore. If I want queens I'll go to ChiChi LaRue's. :tongue_smilie:
While I hate the fact that I might be instrumental in causing someone to lose their job, I must say that Marlin does seem to lack the higher quality of charisma other models on this site have displayed.

His arrogance never seems to match our level of expectation we usually get from other models that have reacted in a similar manner. I doubt that his "body of work" will ever speak for itself in a final payoff for our expectations.
I think its his last scene on Broke Straight Boys We have only one or two scenes left, but I'm not sure...this maybe his last scene...perhaps Mark can give us an update on how many more scenes are left with Marlin.

However, the good news is that we haven't filmed Marlin for a long time and he is no longer a model with our studio. Marlin is a nice guy and although everyone seems to hate him know...LOL. He is truly a good guy and is working his way through college. His parents through him out of his house because they found out he was gay and was doing porn.

Marlin, was afraid to come out of the closet. He came to us to discover his sexuality. When Marlin arrived here he had no confidence and had very low self-esteem. When we hired him as a model, he was thrilled to death. He thought he won the lottery and it built him up and he felt as if some loved him and cared for him.

When he arrived, he told me his troubles and although I don't really like getting involved, Marlin came to us with very low self-esteem and he felt as if he was worthless. Both Eddie & I encouraged him to be himself and not worry what others think. He did his first few scenes and he made some money and he was thrilled to death and by coming down and doing porn and meeting people that encouraged him, he went back home with a whole new outlook. He enrolled in technical school to work on computers and came clean with his parents about his sexuality. His parents through him out because both his Mom & Dad are "Christians" and didn't want him in there house.

Marlin moved out with a roommate on the money he earned here. I wasn't going to hire him back, but when he called me up and needed to work to pay for school and his apartment with his 4 room-mates, I gave him another opportunity. He can here did his thing, had fun and he used the money wisely.

We no longer hired him and I encouraged him to get work, he got hired in McDonalds and he's been working hard in McDonalds and going to school and paying his rent.

I know I preach many times this is porn, but at times its nice to do the right think and help a young gay boy out to get started in life, this is one of many examples of what doing porn can do to many young guys that struggle in today's world.

So before you continue bashing the model (which I understand) there is always another side to the story and remember the next update is right around the corner!
Welcome to the Forum, Smoker! That was nicely critical!

The vid was a snooze, but it WAS a Monday update.

How about the undies? Dylan's were nice, and Marlin was wearing tighty whities. I know Tightywhitieboy will appreciate at least that about the vid! :001_smile:

Ok, David. You posted just before me. Awww. Poor Marlin. I am very happy you helped him out! Hopefully his parents will realize they love their boy, and accept him back in their home! Awww.....
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I thought Marlin gave Dylan an excellent blow job. It got erect far faster than average, and not only that Marlin had to work with that horrible PA stuck in Dylan's urethra. Marlin even commented how it was banging his teeth. It's happened to me. It really bothers me to a point I'd just as soon skip oral involvement with persons wearing penile jewelry.

There was some kidding around in the preliminaries, but both fellows maintained a wry smile throughout the shoot, which made me think they were anything but queens.

I have complained before, that most of the flix start with everybody getting themselves erect under cover of underwear. Then I've seen a few where they start with a limpie and get it up. The scene where Marlin worked Dylan through his Tighty Whities was extraordinarily hot to me - I like making other people hard, myself!

Yes, Dande01, you are accumulating many credits in the Bank of Karma for your help with young men who are floundering. If you feel a warm fuzzy for your support - it's been earned.

I think its his last scene on Broke Straight Boys We have only one or two scenes left, but I'm not sure...this maybe his last scene...perhaps Mark can give us an update on how many more scenes are left with Marlin.

However, the good news is that we haven't filmed Marlin for a long time and he is no longer a model with our studio. Marlin is a nice guy and although everyone seems to hate him know...LOL. He is truly a good guy and is working his way through college. His parents through him out of his house because they found out he was gay and was doing porn.

Marlin, was afraid to come out of the closet. He came to us to discover his sexuality. When Marlin arrived here he had no confidence and had very low self-esteem. When we hired him as a model, he was thrilled to death. He thought he won the lottery and it built him up and he felt as if some loved him and cared for him.

When he arrived, he told me his troubles and although I don't really like getting involved, Marlin came to us with very low self-esteem and he felt as if he was worthless. Both Eddie & I encouraged him to be himself and not worry what others think. He did his first few scenes and he made some money and he was thrilled to death and by coming down and doing porn and meeting people that encouraged him, he went back home with a whole new outlook. He enrolled in technical school to work on computers and came clean with his parents about his sexuality. His parents through him out because both his Mom & Dad are "Christians" and didn't want him in there house.

Marlin moved out with a roommate on the money he earned here. I wasn't going to hire him back, but when he called me up and needed to work to pay for school and his apartment with his 4 room-mates, I gave him another opportunity. He can here did his thing, had fun and he used the money wisely.

We no longer hired him and I encouraged him to get work, he got hired in McDonalds and he's been working hard in McDonalds and going to school and paying his rent.

I know I preach many times this is porn, but at times its nice to do the right think and help a young gay boy out to get started in life, this is one of many examples of what doing porn can do to many young guys that struggle in today's world.

So before you continue bashing the model (which I understand) there is always another side to the story and remember the next update is right around the corner!

Thanks David for the update...it helps us understand. Marlin did have a great cock (HARD!) and an equally great cum shot...I wish him the best!!
Yes, Dande01, you are accumulating many credits in the Bank of Karma for your help with young men who are floundering. If you feel a warm fuzzy for your support - it's been earned.


Yes David. You have done yet another good deed for a struggling young man who is trying to find his way and keep a roof over his head. And you know that most of us are suckers for the hard luck cases that come your way. We are very understanding for the most part. Like with Ben, Steve and even Torin for instance.

Once you tell us that you don't expect us to swoon over a particular model's looks or performance but then go on to explain his hard luck story...immediately there's a change of tone in how we react to him. At least among those of us Broke Straight Boys members who are in the forum. I wish you had come clean a bit sooner on Marlin's circumstances. (But I thank you for doing it now!) :thumbup1: I'm sure that fewer unkind things would have been said about him had we known his story sooner.

I'm not going to do a 180 and start praising his work. Truth is that many of us didn't think he had the looks and screen presence to make a good porn model. Not being good at porn is hardly a badge of shame though. It's not for everyone. And I'm sure that with more confidence he will find a calling or a niche where his own natural talents can be put to good use.

Of course there are many models on here who play straight but are not totally straight. You know how much it bothers us when we have a model present himself as straight while our gaydars are beeping and zinging off the Richter scale. Such is the case with Marlin. We feel like someone is trying to get one over on us when that happens. If a gay model is presented as gay then we usually respond better to him. So the response to Marlin was a bit more terse (and yes, unkind) than it otherwise would have been.

Porn is not Marlin's calling in life. But I do wish him well. As a fellow gay I do hope that he works through the issues with his family (especially vice versa) and gets himself well established in life. All so that he will have a bright and prosperous future.
Yes David. You have done yet another good deed for a struggling young man who is trying to find his way and keep a roof over his head. And you know that most of us are suckers for the hard luck cases that come your way. We are very understanding for the most part. Like with Ben, Steve and even Torin for instance.

Once you tell us that you don't expect us to swoon over a particular model's looks or performance but then go on to explain his hard luck story...immediately there's a change of tone in how we react to him. At least among those of us Broke Straight Boys members who are in the forum. I wish you had come clean a bit sooner on Marlin's circumstances. (But I thank you for doing it now!) :thumbup1: I'm sure that fewer unkind things would have been said about him had we known his story sooner.

I'm not going to do a 180 and start praising his work. Truth is that many of us didn't think he had the looks and screen presence to make a good porn model. Not being good at porn is hardly a badge of shame though. It's not for everyone. And I'm sure that with more confidence he will find a calling or a niche where his own natural talents can be put to good use.

Of course there are many models on here who play straight but are not totally straight. You know how much it bothers us when we have a model present himself as straight while our gaydars are beeping and zinging off the Richter scale. Such is the case with Marlin. We feel like someone is trying to get one over on us when that happens. If a gay model is presented as gay then we usually respond better to him. So the response to Marlin was a bit more terse (and yes, unkind) than it otherwise would have been.

Porn is not Marlin's calling in life. But I do wish him well. As a fellow gay I do hope that he works through the issues with his family (especially vice versa) and gets himself well established in life. All so that he will have a bright and prosperous future.

I haven't gone back and reviewed Marlins episode, but when Marlin arrived he did claim he was bi. He actually showed me pics of girls he's been with and he's been with females...we did introduce him as bi but as he later on got comfortable, like I stated he came out of the closet and came to terms with his sexuality and I think I mentioned in one of the episodes that he was gay. Before that he was very afraid and unsure of himself about truly coming out of the closet.

In this case, he did have sex with females but prefers to be with males. His bottoming scenes was the first time he bottom and although he did come out of the closet on the Broke Straight Boys set, he had limited experiences with guys. This is a perfect example and the opposite of what we are use to here at Broke Straight Boys Those that think our straight models are gay because they have sex with guys. "Straightboys" claiming they are straight are really gay. A guy having sex with another guy doesn't make him gay, and because a gay guy has sex with a female doesn't make him straight either. I've heard several stories of gay men that had sex with females and they prefer to be with men oppose to women. We can then argue and state that these gay men are not really gay, they are straight and straight men having sex with guys are really gay :confused1:

Something to think about???
I'm so confused! haha

Those are just some of the issues that come into play when we try to pigeonhole people into any kinds of neat, tidy little labels. Especially when it regards something so complex as individual sexuality.
Now don't I feel like the jerk for starting this all? LOL!! Well, I'm glad he's a good kid and I do hope his parents come around. I never like hearing such things. However, it is just my personal opinion as to what I like on Broke Straight Boys I prefer the Diesal, Jordan, Logan, Tyler types. Ya know? I want it as if you plucked them out of some farm or rodeo, or beach and brought them right in! :) Still love your vids and they've allowed me much good jack off time.

Now don't I feel like the jerk for starting this all? LOL!! Well, I'm glad he's a good kid and I do hope his parents come around. I never like hearing such things. However, it is just my personal opinion as to what I like on Broke Straight Boys I prefer the Diesal, Jordan, Logan, Tyler types. Ya know? I want it as if you plucked them out of some farm or rodeo, or beach and brought them right in! :) Still love your vids and they've allowed me much good jack off time.


Nope I agree with this thread...this was charity...but we just helped the kid out. Every so often now and then we throw in charity good deed episodes...we have a lot of hot scenes coming up, some very interesting footage on its way :001_smile:
I have no real problem with Marlin. The one shoot where he did not know how to fuck was kinda lame. But I think he is cute as hell and would love to meet him.

I think there are a lot of other guys on here that are a borefest and act just as gay as he does. Austin is one (well he acts gay, he is not boring). But he gets a lot of shine. I think this site needs more variety in their men.
While I agree with ALL of your comments, perhaps we should try to a bit more 'encouraging' and less critical...unless, (of course) it's constructive. So, (please!!) let's be critical...but, in a nice way...

I'm kind of a softie myself especially when it comes to Broke Straight Boys struggling actors. But trying to ask some of our members to be gentle and encouraging is like asking the spectators of a Roman coliseum to be merciful to fallen glaliators.
Nope I agree with this thread...this was charity...but we just helped the kid out. Every so often now and then we throw in charity good deed episodes...we have a lot of hot scenes coming up, some very interesting footage on its way :001_smile:

As long as it's hot videos like Austin and Jimmy then I'm all hard and ready! That video of them flip flopping was HOT HOT HOT!!!
