I very much appreciate the thread you have opened, and im sorry i made it take a sour turn for the opposite of its intended purpose. "/
can you forgive me? :\
Dear Blake,
As the ANGELIC DOCTOR, St. Thomas Aquinas, always taught (and no, I am not a lapsed or present cleric, as some people suspected, when I ventured forth into the gay bars, when I was a little lad of 25, just because I had read a book, or two): no forgiveness is POSSIBLE, when no SIN has been committed, in the FIRST PLACE.
Blake, I fear that
I was the one ~ or I, with the unintended assistance of others, who perhaps might have thought otherwise, in gentler moments ~ responsible, for causing this thread to be just a little *less* than I had originally HOPED. Can you, forgive ME? If that is possible, I should be quite thankful!!!
Blake, I know that all your friends and fans, on
Broke Straight Boys, are hoping that you had a very happy Christmas, indeed. I am hoping that you - your family, and your friends - are one and all, hale, hearty, happy, and well. And we hope that you have a WONDERFUL NEW YEAR, full of friendship, fun, success in all you do - and all the love your heart desires.
You know that you are VERY loved, and treasured, here.
The Original "Silver Bells", with Bob Hope. This movie is over 60 years old, and is slightly politically incorrect in certain moments (though I hope not AWFULLY so): and so I beg forgiveness for this ALSO, amongst my many OTHER sins. But it is a lovely song, and so I share it.