Umm ~
I guess this thread took quite a different direction than I intended it to, when I originally posted it! Though, I hope it has been fun. . . for all??? LOL!
I really, REALLY, only meant it to be a kind tribute, to Blake!
I love
JASON - who is my #1 model on Broke Straight Boys - because I think that they are both tremendously beautiful young men, who always turn in magnificent, sexy, and
wildly sexually exciting performances: whenever they do a scene on
Broke Straight Boys And - when they are NOT here: they also take the trouble to share some ideas and feelings and insights, with all of the fans - whether it is on the forum, or, in Blake's case, on YT.
I think that is really splendid, and something that happens on
NO other site I know of: and I like it! And I certainly wouldn't mind if Paul or Adam followed suit, in this regard: because I like them, too!
So - WHO KNOWS? (I certainly don't) whether models get paid a small gratuity for posting here, or not? To me, it doesn't matter, one way, or the other. (Without divulging too much, altogether, I couldn't MAKE A LIVING without getting paid for the things I write: but I write to you guys, because it's FUN. And I am pretty sure that, whatever J. and B. get paid to participate, on here - if they do - it is not such a HUGE SUM as to make the exercise of this option some kind of economic IMPERATIVE. Otherwise, ALL the models would be doing just the same. And in DROVES.)
Stowe, I totally agree with you about what Peter Paige said about
Queer as Folk: that people "came for the
queer, but stayed for the
folk. I am with you on the principle, and the precept, and also the SOUL of the matter. (And, I was fortunate enough to have a very pleasant correspondence with Mr. Paige, Stowe, and he is surely the sweetheart of all time

At any rate, I think the same thing is true of the people who love
Broke Straight Boys OF COURSE we all love the great and memorable SCENES - that is why we CAME! (In ALL dimensions, of the word ;-)
BUT, I think we also STAY, for - not only the FURTHER great scenes which models like
Blake and Jason and Adam and Paul ~ and whoever your favourites might be - but also for: the fun and friendly interactions with friends, here; and ALSO for the opportunity to get to KNOW some of our favourite models, in a very
modest way, here on the board.
I think it is really SWEET that some of our favourite models think it is worthwhile to write and say "hello" to us - let alone go on
Broke Straight Boys TOURS, and give some of us a HUG, in person. (I'll never experience that, because I live so far inside the Arctic Circle, no
Broke Straight Boys tour will EVER be scheduled, HERE - but I am HAPPY - very, very, happy - for all the members who HAVE been able to meet some of THEIR favourite models.)
So, I say, please. . . let's take it a little easy on the models, PLEASE. They are, I suspect, for the most part, just nice, normal guys: who really DO need some money to help them pay for cars, or pay off student loans, or things of that sort. It is not always the case, but it is, often. And I know whereof I speak. A couple of my dearest friends - and no, I am NOT ABOUT to DISCLOSE their names - used to work in this industry (one in Canada, one in Europe): and used the job as a way to get through SCHOOL, and get on to good jobs, and a good future, ultimately. BOTH of them did so, by the way.
SO - when a very few models decide to be NICE to US - and write us some letters on the board, or post some YouTube videos sharing a little of what they are up to. . . I think it is a PRIVILEGE to be accorded this kind of sharing. And I think we ought to treat them, as we would treat ANY OTHER FRIEND, who took the trouble to write us a letter, or send us a Skype-mail.
I believe that some (probably MANY) of the guys who are presently working on
Broke Straight Boys are, in fact, VERY NICE HUMAN BEINGS - and ought to be treated, and respected, and cared-for, in just that way.
And I CERTAINLY believe that Blake is one of these people - and Jason, too: and that is why I started this thread! Had I known ALL the ways this thread would meander, I probably wouldn't have begun it, at all :-((((
However, all that having been said, I hope that, in 2013, we will (one and all) take a moment to take stock of where we are in life, and WHO we are; and to STEP BACK, and take some time to truly LOVE and APPRECIATE the people who are kind to us - whether they are family and friends, the owners and managers of
Broke Straight Boys, or, yes, the
Broke Straight Boys models, too - and that it shall be a WONDERFUL YEAR, for all of us!!!
Your friend,
P.S. Sorry - there is a long commercial prologue to this video; and a rather unfortunate, sectarian, pictorial montage: but the audio is the best I can find: and this is one of the great Leonard Cohen's most perfect songs. And this is the song I always give to all my friends, always - praying just for love. And understanding. If WE do not love each other (especially WE, gay people, historically the most hated and oppressed people on earth) - EVERYTHING is lost. We OWE it to one another, to be kind and gentle to each other, and to heal one another's hurts, as best we can. So I believe, anyway.