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Blake Bennet answers a few questions: Video

Sheer jealousy

Trust me'; Texas has more to offer than just "wide open spaces;" we are a big state with a diverse group of "opportunities."
Grace and I can't afford to send Blake a ticket, and it is a long swim to Tasmania or Holland.

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Grace and I can't afford to send Blake a ticket, and it is a long swim to Tasmania or Holland.

Hmmm....maybe we could compromise on this swimming idea. Blake could swim to Holland in the northern Summer and then Tasmania in the southern summer, which is arriving any minute now!
I tried to put a little spin on this just to see how it goes and evolves over time.. I seem to be picking up some skills as i play with my editing software. its basic and nothin fancy, but maybe i will actually get a good editing program if i pick this up more.

uj said Jet Jacks? that what i got from what u said. am i wrong?
Awesome Video

Hey Blake.

Awesome video mate. Loved hearing you talk to us like we are mates sitting around having a beer.
The most awesome part was were you commented that you wanted to visit Sydney, Australia!! Woo hoo --> That's me, if you ever come 'down under' let me know, I can show you the sights :)

Cheers :w00t:








lol, everyone knows my majors! Geology, Astronomy, and Meteorology with minor in Volcanology.
Hey Blake.

Awesome video mate. Loved hearing you talk to us like we are mates sitting around having a beer.
The most awesome part was were you commented that you wanted to visit Sydney, Australia!! Woo hoo --> That's me, if you ever come 'down under' let me know, I can show you the sights :)

Cheers :w00t:
that would be incredible. must go to the Sydney Opera House

Thanks blake
i really didn't know your majors. I still think you need to come to pittsburgh and
see our hillman hall of gems and minerals at carnegie museum of natural history
Thank you, Blake! XOXOXOXOXO

Dear Blake,

Thank you for this wonderful series of conversations that you are sharing with us, via YT. I think it is such a good idea, for so many reasons. . . .

First, one of the things that sets this site, and this board, apart, is that - unlike so many American sites today - it is really a community of people who (for the most part!) really enjoy each other's company, and truly appreciate the models not just as performers, but also as people. Your efforts do a lot to advance that cause.

Second, in the broader scheme of things, I think it is SO important for the erotic video industry to CHANGE, and I mean, CHANGE a LOT. For so many years, it has been kind of a "cash-and-carry" business - insert your credit card, collect your orgasm here. There has got to be a better way to do things. . . .

By so generously sharing some insights into your life, experience, and feelings, you are helping people to know and understand that models are people TOO - for the most part, nice, caring, hard-working people - and I think these efforts will help to change people's perception of, and attitude toward, those who work in this business.

I have had a number of friends who have worked in this industry, and have always felt that it is a great kindness that you do for us: sharing beautiful experiences of sexual bliss; inspiring and encouraging the fans; tiding over the fans who might be between relationships, or who are having trouble finding the relationship that is right for them; and encouraging safer sex - both by example, and by giving people an outlet for feelings that are good and natural, and need to be expressed.

(I wonder how many times some person who was getting lonely and frustrated, and might have contemplated doing something risky, came here and enjoyed a Blake video, or a Jason video, felt relieved and contented, and thought, "OK, I'll be fine, now" - and then was able to wait and HANG ON, until something really good and RIGHT came along??? I wish some enterprising and creative social scientist would do a study, but. . . I REALLY feel, in my heart of hearts, that you guys are saving lives. Seriously.)

That's all a little heavy, and serious, but, on a lighter note. . . . you are such a sweet, charming, and beautiful man! (Jason, don't get jealous, now - you know you are my #1 ;-)))

I have always loved people from Texas - my Dad lives there half the year; and one of my sister's piano teachers was from there, also - and what a gentleman he is. I sometimes think that people from up north (I'm from Canada) get the wrong idea about people from the south. . . . you all have such beautiful manners, and kindness and courtesy toward other people - it is very refreshing: I never met a person from Texas I didn't like!

Also, Blake, I wanted to mention - you have such a beautiful and melodious voice! (I am guessing you are a second tenor, or first baritone???) Anyway, it was so interesting to hear that you have been so involved in choral music over the years - because choral music is one of my first loves: I used to sing in high school and university choirs, and it was such a joy!

The first thing we ever sang in university choir was Vivaldi's "Gloria" - and every time I hear it, I can SMELL the fresh-cut grass, on the quad, and SEE the leaves, turning gold and scarlet. THANK YOU for reminding me of all that, and GOD BLESS YOU, Blake.

And keep on SINGING: you're a fine, sweet, and extraordinary person.

All the best,


P.S. I hope you get back to Europe, soon. Paris is my favorite city, and I am always so, so happy there. . . I'd take you and Jason to dinner at Brasserie Bofinger - if we were ever all there at the same time! (I'm saving up to take my boyfriend, asap!)

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No where in my life has someone's life so imitated art!

Dear Blake,

Thank you for this wonderful series of conversations that you are sharing with us, via YT. I think it is such a good idea, for so many reasons. . . .

First, one of the things that sets this site, and this board, apart, is that - unlike so many American sites today - it is really a community of people who (for the most part!) really enjoy each other's company, and truly appreciate the models not just as performers, but also as people. Your efforts do a lot to advance that cause.

Second, in the broader scheme of things, I think it is SO important for the erotic video industry to CHANGE, and I mean, CHANGE a LOT. For so many years, it has been kind of a "cash-and-carry" business - insert your credit card, collect your orgasm here. There has got to be a better way to do things. . . .

By so generously sharing some insights into your life, experience, and feelings, you are helping people to know and understand that models are people TOO - for the most part, nice, caring, hard-working people - and I think these efforts will help to change people's perception of, and attitude toward, those who work in this business.

I have had a number of friends who have worked in this industry, and have always felt that it is a great kindness that you do for us: sharing beautiful experiences of sexual bliss; inspiring and encouraging the fans; tiding over the fans who might be between relationships, or who are having trouble finding the relationship that is right for them; and encouraging safer sex - both by example, and by giving people an outlet for feelings that are good and natural, and need to be expressed.

(I wonder how many times some person who was getting lonely and frustrated, and might have contemplated doing something risky, came here and enjoyed a Blake video, or a Jason video, felt relieved and contented, and thought, "OK, I'll be fine, now" - and then was able to wait and HANG ON, until something really good and RIGHT came along??? I wish some enterprising and creative social scientist would do a study, but. . . I REALLY feel, in my heart of hearts, that you guys are saving lives. Seriously.)

That's all a little heavy, and serious, but, on a lighter note. . . . you are such a sweet, charming, and beautiful man! (Jason, don't get jealous, now - you know you are my #1 ;-)))

I have always loved people from Texas - my Dad lives there half the year; and one of my sister's piano teachers was from there, also - and what a gentleman he is. I sometimes think that people from up north (I'm from Canada) get the wrong idea about people from the south. . . . you all have such beautiful manners, and kindness and courtesy toward other people - it is very refreshing: I never met a person from Texas I didn't like!

Also, Blake, I wanted to mention - you have such a beautiful and melodious voice! (I am guessing you are a second tenor, or first baritone???) Anyway, it was so interesting to hear that you have been so involved in choral music over the years - because choral music is one of my first loves: I used to sing in high school and university choirs, and it was such a joy!

The first thing we ever sang in university choir was Vivaldi's "Gloria" - and every time I hear it, I can SMELL the fresh-cut grass, on the quad, and SEE the leaves, turning gold and scarlet. THANK YOU for reminding me of all that, and GOD BLESS YOU, Blake.

And keep on SINGING: you're a fine, sweet, and extraordinary person.

All the best,


P.S. I hope you get back to Europe, soon. Paris is my favorite city, and I am always so, so happy there. . . I'd take you and Jason to dinner at Brasserie Bofinger - if we were ever all there at the same time! (I'm saving up to take my boyfriend, asap!)


Dear Blake and Ambivalent,

Your response today inspired me to say I too am a Second Tenor. I have toured with my church's choir in Northern Italy and Rome in 2002. We gave 10 concerts in Italy, performed before the then current Pope at Basilicaan, we sang in St. Peter's Bascilica for a Sunday Mass, and then gave a performance at St. Ignatius Church in Rome...

St Ignatius 1.jpg

...the home of the Jesuit Order before an audience of 1400 in this spectacular church sanctuary

One of my fondest memories in my local church was singing the "Canon in D Major" by Johann Pachelbel.

Coincidentally, this was also used as the theme music for an iconic movie known as "Ordinary People" that I relate to personally. I heard this beautiful song in my Church the very Sunday I had agreed to talk with our choir director about joining. In November when this took place, it recalled the opening scenes of this movie with fallen leaves blowing over manicured lawns on a beautiful breezy fall day and I felt this music spoke directly to me, and I was totally swept away by it all, remembering the opening clip to the movie "Ordinary People", you just viewed, a truly landmark film.

As a high school counselor for 36 years, I had the occasion to save a boy with a loaded gun in his mouth shortly after this film was introduced nationwide. I had to talk the gun out of his hand and afterward, after handing over the gun, he came to me completely broken down, weeping from all the sorrows and false emotional manipulations occuring for years in his family life, almost paralleling exactly the movie. The kids at my school already knew the boy's mother was just like the character portrayed by Mary Tyler Moore. After his graduation from high school, he entered college but his bi-polar disorder was too much out of control and he soon left to return to his home town. He was the same person that ultimately lived with me on and off for the next 17 years and another successful attempted suicide, saved only by being air-lifted by helicopter to Memphis(60 miles away) for proper care. No where in my life has someone's life so imitated art!

I cannot adequately express the raw emotions that entered my mind when our choir was again asked to preform the iconic "Canon in D Major". This was the most special moment I have ever had in my choir experience. I always since viewing the movie, had a special place in my heart for the star Timothy Hutton...


portraying such a truly fragile and vulnerable young man in time of dire need.



PS Watch this clip before the clip featuring Timothy Hutton as additional background...

Stimpy -

Thank you for this very powerful, and beautiful, reminiscence. It truly touched my heart!

Love, your friend,
Thank you Stimpy for being there that day and for many years after. The boy you are talking about truly needed you and you responded with love, the only way to respond to a person in need!
Check out this Blake video too Tampa... answering Grace question, and mine : -)

I saw it. I just responded on the wrong thread. haha Great job Blake! I look forward to seeing you answer more questions. :)
Mark, imagine all models on BrokeStraightBoysTV would do this... in the forum. Blake changed this forum with his videoblog and set a new standard!

could train the candidates in basic video editing.
Dear Beth:smiley-love001: As I live thousands of miles away in old Amsterdam... I stand far above such suggestive suspicion.

Oh Rob,
Wherever you live and whatever position you prefer, I'm sure you could always fly in for the boys!