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Bedroom Etiquette

I think this list is great. It makes humorous suggestions for real life issues.

I remember another issue that I was told by a friend in college. He said that after his BF came after sex that he (the BF) had to immediately get out of bed to clean up the splatter. Even if it was just his own. He couldn't stand to have it touching his body. I can understand wanting to clean it up. You certainly don't want to leave it there till next week. But again it kind of ruins the moment if you can't wait a couple minutes at least to enjoy the afterglow with your partner. As I think about it I'm sure there are lots of neatfreaks out there who would agree with the BF. What do you guys think?

It is organic. Let it sit a bit and just bask in the after glow. Then clean up together. Take a shower together and do it again in the shower. Now, there is a really clean solution that can wor for everyone LOL... :001_tt2:
Please Guys, I cannot emphasize enough that if you have a partner, if either of you snore excessively, or if your snoring wakes either of you up, PLEASE see a specialist. There is a condition called Sleep Apnea which can be moderate to severe. In its moderate form, it may only disturb your sleep occasionally. But, left untreated, it can progress to the point where you can be deprived of sufficient oxygen to survive. You may actually stop breathing for extended periods of time, Severe organ, and tissue damage can result in early death, as well as the onset of several other sleep deprivation illnesses. I know. I speak from experience Carl saved my life. He told my doctor that I snored too much. Tests showed that I already had signifigant damage at the age of 45. Thank God it can be reversed. There are several ways to treat the condition, but over the counter sprays and strips areby far the least effective.

The solution for me was using a face mask. Others have had surgical intervention. Some have had to use a nasal cannula, but anything is better than the alternative.

Once again Jayman, I find myself thanking you for bringing up another important health issue.

Listen to your mother!

You are welcome. Thank you for helping enforce the message and get it out there.
I had always heard that those C Pap machines (Sp?) were very noisy and disrupted the sleep of the wearer as well as the partner sleeping next to them. Usually forcing couples to sleep in separate rooms. A neighbor showed me his just yesterday and I couldn't believe how quiet it was. So the technology is improving. Many people need the machines and aren't aware of it.

Again thank you too Tampa. It is a serious health issue.

Well done all of you
I don't anticipate us ever seeing each other again. I was genuinely curious though as to whether that was normal behavior in bed.

It would have been for me. Actually, get dressed and leave would been more like it. I hate sharing space intimately outside of sex.
It would have been for me. Actually, get dressed and leave would been more like it. I hate sharing space intimately outside of sex.

Well ill know not to try heat talking you in a backgammon game lol

Not if you your a wam bam thank you man kind of guy.

hell maybe you dont even say thankyou ... where's my whip
It would have been for me. Actually, get dressed and leave would been more like it. I hate sharing space intimately outside of sex.

Sound like me when I was younger. LOL:biggrin:
Oh, I say thank you. I just like my space outside of intimacy. Trust me. After the dry spell I'm in I'll be screaming thank you from the rooftop after the next time I get fucked...
Oh, I say thank you. I just like my space outside of intimacy. Trust me. After the dry spell I'm in I'll be screaming thank you from the rooftop after the next time I get fucked...

I hear you Baal. Hang in there things are going to be changing here real soon for you..:001_unsure:.
I thought it was Tampie that had the crystal ball ?

But Jayman has a pair of them! :biggrin:

Actually I trust Jayman's prognosticating. He channels it from a higher realm. If Jayman tells Baal that his dry spell will be ending soon then I don't doubt that that's the case. And neither should Baal.
Ok I Belive....Baalie glad to hear your dry spell is just about over .... Sorry Tampie Jayman just never told me about his balls........ he just told me about yrs....... i cant know what im not told
It is organic. Let it sit a bit and just bask in the after glow. Then clean up together. Take a shower together and do it again in the shower. Now, there is a really clean solution that can wor for everyone LOL... :001_tt2:

Take out the me..... and put in a friend lmao
But Jayman has a pair of them! :biggrin:

Actually I trust Jayman's prognosticating. He channels it from a higher realm. If Jayman tells Baal that his dry spell will be ending soon then I don't doubt that that's the case. And neither should Baal.

As do I! Baal, I think there's a sale on lubrication products at Walgreens. It sounds like you better stock up, buddy! Enjoy! :001_rolleyes:
As do I! Baal, I think there's a sale on lubrication products at Walgreens. It sounds like you better stock up, buddy! Enjoy! :001_rolleyes:

LOL Wow, thanks guys... Baal hang in there things will get better soon.:001_rolleyes: I'd say by August.
Tampa, I think you may have over reacted a bit. No offense! I over react by the minute! LOL! It was your first time with him. Expectations to high?

I am one who passes out after sex. My BF and I were pretty much Cum and Go lovers, but we did cuddle occasionally. Not for long, as we BOTH fell asleep!

One of my GF told me I should pee after sex. I said what for? She said it was healthy. No shit! One time after a particularly vigorous round, I passed out, as I was wont to do. I woke up with my dick stuck to the sheet! I had to pee, and I went to the bathroom. Thank God there was a towel close by! I had to bite on it as I peed! I tore as I got out of bed!

Ok, too much information. I pretty much routinely pass out after sex. I like to cuddle, but can't manage to do it for long. I'm in Zzzzzz land.

What I am trying to say is, he may not have been rude, just sleepy.

Paris........... you stuck to the sheets............ what were you using for lube supppppppppper glue lol
I was going down memory lane with some old threads of mine. While I don't have anything fascinating and new to add to this at the moment, I thought newer members might enjoy some of this conversation. It includes posts by several members who aren't with us right now. But hopefully they will one day return. Slim, Jayman, Kodieboy, Parisnoyd, Ray...as well as many others are still greatly missed.

Please feel free to post if you have anything to add. :)
Tampie........... this lady feels let down too

A woman meets a man in a bar. They talk; they connect; they end up leaving
together They get back to his place, and as he shows her around his
apartment, she notices that one wall of his bedroom is completely filled
with soft, sweet, cuddly teddy bears. There are three shelves in the
bedroom, with hundreds and hundreds of cute, cuddly teddy bears, carefully
placed in rows covering the entire wall!

It was obvious that he had taken quite some time to lovingly arrange them
and she was immediately touched by the amount of thought he had put into
organizing the display. There were small bears all along the bottom shelf,
medium-sized bears covering the length of the middle shelf, and huge,
enormous bears running all the way along the top shelf. She found it
strange for an obviously masculine guy to have such a large a collection of
Teddy Bears but doesn't mention this to him and actually is quite impressed
by his sensitive side.

They share a bottle of wine and continue talking and, after a while, she
finds herself thinking, "Oh my God! Maybe, this guy could be the one! Maybe
he could be the future father my children?"

She turns to him and kisses him lightly on the lips. He responds warmly.
They continue to kiss, the passion builds, and he romantically lifts her in
his arms and carries her into his bedroom where they rip off each other's
clothes and make hot, steamy love. She is so overwhelmed that she responds
with more passion, more creativity, and more heat than she has ever known.

After an intense, explosive night of raw passion with this sensitive guy,
they are lying there together in the afterglow. The woman rolls over,
gently strokes his chest and asks coyly, "Well, how was it?"

The guy gently smiles at her, strokes her cheek, looks deeply into her
eyes, and says:

"Help yourself to any prize on the middle shelf"

That is great!!! I'm so glad this thread got bumped since I never found this one before!!! Bill got a good laugh out of it, too!

Continuing on with the thread...