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Australian Roman Catholic Church admits child sex abuse


BSB Addict
Nov 2, 2008
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leeds england
From the BBC News - Sorry Grace but I would post it if it was from the UK too :eek:(

The Roman Catholic Church in the Australian state of Victoria has confirmed that more than 600 children have been sexually abused by its priests since the 1930s.
The Archbishop of Melbourne, Denis Hart, described the figures as "horrific and shameful".
They were released in a submission to a state parliamentary inquiry into the handling of abuse cases.
Campaigners say the true number of abuse victims could be up to 10,000.
In its submission, the church said the 620 cases went back 80 years with the majority taking place between the 1960s and the 1980s.
It says it is still investigating a further 45 cases.
In a statement, Archbishop Hart said it was important to be open "about the horrific abuse that has occurred in Victoria and elsewhere".
"We look to this inquiry to assist the healing of those who have been abused, to examine the broad context of the church's response, especially over the last 16 years, and to make recommendations to enhance the care for victims and preventative measures that are now in place," the statement said.
Campaign groups say that many cases of abuse have gone unreported, and they believe the true number of victims is closer to 10,000 in Victoria alone.
Abuse of children by Roman Catholic priests has been a major issue in Australia recent years.
During a visit to Australia in July 2008, Pope Benedict XVI met some of the victims and made a public apology for the abuse.

No need for and an apology Jon, child abuse in any country or situation is completely abhorrent.

I strongly believe in the power of faith and I proudly wear a small gold crucifix, but organized religion sometimes leaves me shaking my head in bewilderment and then dropping it with shame.

And yes, I also understand it's likely the minority taint the majority, but still...in the house of the Lord, really...
There has been many similar instances but not on such a grand scale, here in the UK and particularly in Eire. Kids were probably afraid to tell their parents what happened but I guess as they get older they finally let it all out to counsellors etc. I often wonder wether the life of celibacy has something to do with it ? After all, the clergy are only human and all humans get horny at one time or another. It appears these priests took it out on the hundreds if not thousands of kids.
There has been many similar instances but not on such a grand scale, here in the UK and particularly in Eire. Kids were probably afraid to tell their parents what happened but I guess as they get older they finally let it all out to counsellors etc. I often wonder wether the life of celibacy has something to do with it ? After all, the clergy are only human and all humans get horny at one time or another. It appears these priests took it out on the hundreds if not thousands of kids.

I too have often wondered if enforced or chosen celibacy is an unnatural state for human's and perhaps has contributed to child abuse in some cases, but it would be wrong to generalize.

Although it's a very debatable subject, the urge that causes a person to molest a child is something I simply don't understand...
There has been many similar instances but not on such a grand scale, here in the UK and particularly in Eire. Kids were probably afraid to tell their parents what happened but I guess as they get older they finally let it all out to counsellors etc. I often wonder wether the life of celibacy has something to do with it ? After all, the clergy are only human and all humans get horny at one time or another. It appears these priests took it out on the hundreds if not thousands of kids.
I don't believe that the life of celibacy is what causes pedophilia in the church, but my belief is that it is the opposite. I believe that many young men who grow up with homosexual desires, but know that there was no place for that kind of lifestyle went into the clergy and took the vow of celibacy to mask their homosexual feelings. But as you say Jon, all humans get horny at one time or another, and the children whose parents sent them to church were the innocent victims.

If society would recognize that gay people are put here on Earth by God, just as heterosexuals are, perhaps there would not be the repression of one's natural urges that leads folks into the clergy for the wrong reasons, and innocent children might be spared the molestations.
Victims need to be given the respect their due, not lip service

Dear jon,

As a Roman Catholic, I cannot begin to condone this "unthinkable sin" and the deep spiritual and emotional costs associated with every instance of child abuse. Frankly, I cannot begin to understand how members of our hierarchy could ever have participated in this shuffling around of actively abusing priest, thinking foolishly these abusing priest would "sin no more in a new environment". All these shortsided clerics from Rome and on downward succeeded in was "spreading the infection around that much further" with little concern for the newly to be abused boys and girls they helped provide for the "offending priest". Basically, they acted like pimps in supplying the martetplace with fresh underaged meat! What a total disgrace and abdication of their spiritual duty to guard their own flock!

Adding injury to insult, having this being dealt with in a corporate fashion to minimize settlements of law suits just served to further remove the victim spiritually away from the church and the healing that could be offered their victims in the best of Christian traditions. What a disappointing lost opportunity, spiritually speaking, for the Catholic Church of being apparently incapable to bring most of those innocent victims back from their unrequested spiritual abyss.

I was at the Vatican in Rome in the Fall of 2002 while singing with my Church's Concert Choir Tour through Northern Italy and Rome, where they had groups protesting outside the Vatican's gates, representing victims who were only requested to be heard by the Pope. I saw these people at the time realizing that they were not being given the serious consideration they were due from the Church's Highest in the Hierarchy. What a major disappointment to me then and now! I was reminded of this Bible verse - Matthew 25:40..."What soever you do to the least of my brethren, that you do unto ME"! Doesn't that say it ALL!
I'm not just talking lads that were abused, both sexes were abused. It's not a nice subject to talk about but debate is good and healthy. Some of the most interesting threads on this side of the forum have been about taboo subjects.
If society would recognize that gay people are put here on Earth by God, just as heterosexuals are, perhaps there would not be the repression of one's natural urges that leads folks into the clergy for the wrong reasons, and innocent children might be spared the molestations.

I tend to agree Mikey. I'm not condoning or making excuses for anybody here. Personal responsibility is key. But if the stigma of homosexuality were lifted, then people wouldn't be drawn to some of these professions they have little inclination towards. In hindsight after a scandal it seems obvious that they chose the calling to get them off the hook for not marrying, settling down with a person of the opposite sex and having kids. If a woman wants to be a nun, a man a priest, monk or whatever...let it be for all the right reasons. Piety and devotion to God. Not primarily as a place to hide in the closet...or to do horrific things to children.
Is anybody else unable to read Jon's post? On my monitor it's all faded out.
I'm surprised you've gone down the road of homosexuality. I, and neither did the report mention anything about it being a purely homosexual thing. I suspect that both girls and boys have been abused which, once again points the finger at celibacy.
Is anybody else unable to read Jon's post? On my monitor it's all faded out.

Dear Tampa,

Go to the page where it shows all that are online and at the bottom left or right, temporarily change your black background to white. That is what I had to do to read his quote.

Thanks Stimpy,

I had never known that would be an issue with those who preferred one background over another. Thanks for the help. Your advice was absolutely correct. :)

I'm surprised you've gone down the road of homosexuality. I, and neither did the report mention anything about it being a purely homosexual thing. I suspect that both girls and boys have been abused which, once again points the finger at celibacy.

Dear jon,

I have to agree with jon that there is no basis for only suspecting homosexuals to be responsible for this abhorrent behavior. Sexual abusers of children are "equal opportunity offenders" and just due to the ratio of str8s to gays alone, heterosexuals make up the primary number of sex offenders, despite what all the fundamentalist gay-bashing preachers and/or churches would have us all to believe.


I'm surprised you've gone down the road of homosexuality. I, and neither did the report mention anything about it being a purely homosexual thing. I suspect that both girls and boys have been abused which, once again points the finger at celibacy.

I don't know that it is homosexuality or celibacy, either one. I could spend 15 years without having sex, and never think of having sex with a child, never be tempted by a child's body.............. Child sexual abuse has to come from another place in the brain.:sick:
It seems that somewhere, in another thread, this or a similar discussion was carried out.

In my experience as a member of a religious order, as well as a prostitute, neither celibacy nor homosexuality can be pointed to as a cause of child molestation. Many studies, done by reliable institutions, have concluded time and again that molestation and rape are most often caused by the aggressor's desire to control the victim(s) and, often, to feed off the fear their actions creates. There is a real mental aberration at work here, one which requires much therapy.
sorry, I tried to edit last post, took too long!

Just so you guys know, up until 4-5 years ago, the Catholic Church, in the USA, administered a test to all religious candidates which is called the MMPI, or, Minnesota Multi-Phasic Inventory. Long used by the prison system to categorize felons, the Church thought it was a great tool to use in discerning the validity of a candidate's vocation, or "Calling". The Arch Diocese of San Francisco, along with N Y and several others, did an independent study which found that some of the categories which WOULD be suitable for a vocation, also seemed to indicate a higher possibility of mental insecurity, or instability, and the test was dropped. New ways of helping to discern real religious vocation are now being tried, with a greater emphasis on pre-existing spiritual values, as opposed to a "sudden desire" to become religious.
sorry, I tried to edit last post, took too long!

Just so you guys know, up until 4-5 years ago, the Catholic Church, in the USA, administered a test to all religious candidates which is called the MMPI, or, Minnesota Multi-Phasic Inventory. Long used by the prison system to categorize felons, the Church thought it was a great tool to use in discerning the validity of a candidate's vocation, or "Calling". The Arch Diocese of San Francisco, along with N Y and several others, did an independent study which found that some of the categories which WOULD be suitable for a vocation, also seemed to indicate a higher possibility of mental insecurity, or instability, and the test was dropped. New ways of helping to discern real religious vocation are now being tried, with a greater emphasis on pre-existing spiritual values, as opposed to a "sudden desire" to become religious.

We have to remember that we're talking about something that happened in one of the most modern states in Australia, but these things have been going on since the 1930s. And the numbers quoted suggests a multitude of offenders, so maybe there is an underlying story here that will be revealed after all the investigations comes to light. Who knows.

I don't believe any test similar to those that Mark suggests can sift out potential offenders. I mean, priesthood is something that I imagine most people would go into from an early age and maybe it is not until the celibate years pass by that an inclination to abuse comes along. Sex is a human desire and a very strong one too. To suppress such desires takes a lot of self control and a sober head. It's a very emotive subject which I suppose will periodically raise it's head as such cases are revealed.
Dear jon,

I have to agree with jon that there is no basis for only suspecting homosexuals to be responsible for this abhorrent behavior. Sexual abusers of children are "equal opportunity offenders" and just due to the ratio of str8s to gays alone, heterosexuals make up the primary number of sex offenders, despite what all the fundamentalist gay-bashing preachers and/or churches would have us all to believe.



That's exactly what I'm trying to get at Stimpy. I'm surprised that some members immediately chose to relate this to homosexuality. If such a spontaneous reaction comes from within, what are we to expect from the outside.
I'm surprised you've gone down the road of homosexuality. I, and neither did the report mention anything about it being a purely homosexual thing. I suspect that both girls and boys have been abused which, once again points the finger at celibacy.

True Jon. For myself though I wasn't able to read your post at first. So I was forced to respond only to what others were saying back to you. Now I do know what you said. :)
True Jon. For myself though I wasn't able to read your post at first. So I was forced to respond only to what others were saying back to you. Now I do know what you said. :)
Same here Jon & Tampa. I was not able to read the post either, and as so much has been exposed in recent times involving adult authority figures, (clergy, adult coaches, etc.) and the molestation of young boys, that I apparently inappropriately for your thread, expressed my feelings on that subject.