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Anyone mind helping me save money?


Jun 19, 2009
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This is really arrogant of me I know ; asking members of Broke Straight Boys for their reviews of two of the competition. But please forgive me, I'm a really tight-fisted bastard and if any of you guys can give me the inside scoop on College Dudes and Corbin Fisher I don't have to spend money to find out for myself!

In for a penny, in for a pound ; are they both as high-quality as Broke Straight Boys? I love Broke Straight Boys, will I feel the same way about either of these?

Oh and if any of you can think of a site that features slightly (a lot will be even better!) rougher trade than Broke Straight Boys I would be most pleased. There is something special about broke parolees not true?

I'm fully expecting a reply from Honoured Site Owner along the lines of : "Jesus H Christ Bitch are you out of your perverted little mind!?!"

I am a bit, yes.

Look at the previews for Amateur Straight Guys. They specialize in white trash sex, which might be close to what you're talking about...
Go to the Bonus site HSBoys. Find Rear Stable from Raging Stallion. I watched one on page 3 scene 8 Lubejob. Yeah, rough. Not for me, but that may be what you are looking for?
That's right Baal. Don't forget to mention the extra bonus on ASG of getting to see the owners', Doug and Jay's dicks on their out of shape bodies. LOL This is a site where the owners actively involve themselves in the shoots. Combine that with all the tattoos and piercings of some of their "favorite" models and I decided to pass on a membership. But then again there's an audience for every genre. Amateur Straight Guys though is the antithesis of CF.

CF goes for the more of the clean cut all-American boy look. It's a very good site. It does not have a forum however. BCB though does have a forum like here. Since it's one of Mark's sites it has to be good. I haven't joined yet though because of finances.
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This is really arrogant of me I know ; asking members of Broke Straight Boys for their reviews of two of the competition. But please forgive me, I'm a really tight-fisted bastard and if any of you guys can give me the inside scoop on College Dudes and Corbin Fisher I don't have to spend money to find out for myself!

In for a penny, in for a pound ; are they both as high-quality as Broke Straight Boys? I love Broke Straight Boys, will I feel the same way about either of these?

Oh and if any of you can think of a site that features slightly (a lot will be even better!) rougher trade than Broke Straight Boys I would be most pleased. There is something special about broke parolees not true?

I'm fully expecting a reply from Honoured Site Owner along the lines of : "Jesus H Christ Bitch are you out of your perverted little mind!?!"

I am a bit, yes.



College Dudes ain't really the competition as it is Blu Media. It's just not shot by D&E. The quality is GREAT, you can get HD! The boys are cute and most (so far) have been uncut. The boys are a combo of Str8, bi and gay. There is the old pitch about money and then the boys get to it. It is not rough for rough's sake though. You can also get a discount for being on Broke Straight Boys See Mark's Thread "Launched a new site".

If you liked Jason Matthews, you'd like Kurt Wild. You can see both of them on Collegedudes247. Kurt Likes to get pounded - HARD!

While I like to watch some kink and rough sex every once in a while, I went with BCB for 2 reasons: First and Foremost: Support Blu and 2 the price - Mark made a deal that is really incredible considering the quality of boys and production. Less than 120 Rand at today's exchange rates.

I understand your desire to maximize your porn "dollar" (Rand just doesn't work in that statement). I don't think any of us are truly made out of money (Mark, Dave, and Eddie are probably the exceptions which I do not begrudge them in the least). That's why I like Broke Straight Boys/College Boy Physicals/Straight Boys Jerk Off/BCB and all the extras we get with them - economy of scale pays off with the variety.

Be well,

This site, Corbin Fisher, and Straight College Men are the sites I will never stop going to as long as I have internet access...
Paris is a big CF fan. I do like CF myself. I am not sure what they pay those guys over there but their format is basically the CF education that kind of happens mostly in the bedroom. They guys kind of mentor each other through being exposed to gay sex from their First BJ to being topped. Great content. Kissing must be mandatory or something. Either that or they are working the models based on popularity on the site. Who knows those guys seem to pretty much kiss, suck cock, and get fucked like real champs and for the most part the really appear to be enjoying themselves. It kind of gives me the feeling like many of them are bisexual and just coming into gay sexual exploration and beyond.

As good as the porn is I am as tight fisted as you. I love what Broke Straight Boys has to offer at an affordable price. CF is very pricey. What I do there is periodically go in browse new models and determine which ones I might fancy watching. Make a list. Then I buy a 30 day membership about once a year and download everything of interest and leave until the next year. Why because it is just porn. It has no other substance for me.

With Broke Straight Boys you never can tell what you are going to get on the futon. The extra sites are a huge bonus because there is always something for everyone. So, far for my money I would tell you that Broke Straight Boys seems to be the most complete overall package dollar for dollar. Other than my credit card company changing cards on me, I have pretty much been a faithful regular monthly subscriber here. With the Forum and all of the added sites there is always something to watch or do in here. Besides, Broke Straight Boys has introduced me to some of the most wonderful people in the world in here. I really feel like Broke Straight Boys is as much more about being a family as it is a porn site. Mark, David, Scorpio, Patrick, Tyler, Chuck, Amber, Derek, Johnny, and all of the others associated with this site work really hard to keep this sites direction very friendly toward its members. I guess overall I consider Broke Straight Boys like the Wal-Mart of porn. They try to provide the best product, service, and support for their customers that they can at an affordable price kind of minus the return desk. :thumbup:

There are some sites out there that are really pushing the term straight and gay for pay to the limits and they give you a great show with great video quality. However; that is all you get once or twice a week. Often their are no extra perks like the Forum, and bonus sites. Broke Straight Boys is perhaps the most reasonable deal on the web for content and bang for your buck.:thumbup:
Yeah, I'm a big CF fanatic, as a few of you know!! :lol:

The update on 7/2 was really something! Ty got fucked by Connor. I have always liked Connor, but Ty is a twit. LOL! His O scene was wild. I rate Ty's O right up there with epeleptic seizure prone, Dawson, only a little wilder! LOL! Even better was Connor's reaction to him! "What da hell?!!" LOL!

Now CF has teamed up with Bel Ami Several models from each studio did shoots together. So I of course had to join Bel Ami too. I can't help it. I like pretty things. :blush::drool:

As Jayman said, Broke Straight Boys has a lot to offer. The most to offer actually. I love David and what he gets happening on the futon. There are so many bonus sites included in this package, there isn't enough time in the day to enjoy them all. Then there is this forum. I have made friendships on a porn forum for fuck sake!! Who knew? :thumbup:
Bel Ami is too air brushed for my taste though I have to admit bad 'acting' is helped out when you don't understand a word the pornster is saying! Does BA have CF content yet? I just might join for the duration of the joint project. I'm hoping this is the start of other studios doing 'inter league play' too. I'd love to see Broke Straight Boys's Tyler topped by CF's Brett or their Travis ridden by Logan!
Bel Ami is too air brushed for my taste though I have to admit bad 'acting' is helped out when you don't understand a word the pornster is saying! Does BA have CF content yet? I just might join for the duration of the joint project. I'm hoping this is the start of other studios doing 'inter league play' too. I'd love to see Broke Straight Boys's Tyler topped by CF's Brett or their Travis ridden by Logan!

BA posted 4 CF vids, while CF had only posted 1 BA vid. CF now has posted 3 BA vids, and BA has posted 5 CF vids. What's up with that? This is my first experience with BA, but I like what I've seen so far! I don't like "reading" my porn, but I am happy that they do post captions. I have only been a BA member for a couple weeks. My faves so far are Luke Hamill and Sebastian Bonnet. Luke is the blonde in the first BA vid CF posted. Luke and Seb are very naughty and horny boys! They have great senses of humor, too! LOL! The first BA vid I watched was those 2 with identical twins. Outrageous! LOL! If you sign up with BA through CF, you will save $5 a month.

Brett topping Tyler would be wonderful to behold! I love Brett's deep voice and guttural grunts and moans! I think Logan would freak out if he topped Travis! Logan is still a newbie! :lol::lol:
Brett has a voice? It's his legs and what he does with them I like best...
BTW, where are you finding the BA videos posted by CF? All I see when I log on is the ACM site and options to look at fish if I join ACS...
BTW, where are you finding the BA videos posted by CF? All I see when I log on is the ACM site and options to look at fish if I join ACS...

As I happen to like fish........... never mind. :001_smile:

Go to the extracurricular tab. Below Pete's Attic you will see a tab for the BA weekly exchange. The BA vids are posted there. The order they have been posted goes left to right. The one on the left has wild Luke Hamill in it. He is the blonde and this vid was done exclusively for the CF members. The BA members can't see this one. The middle one you have to see. Big dick on Trevor and Keith is pretty and they had fun in the tub! The solo is pretty, but I prefer the solos on Broke Straight Boys and CF by far. Enjoy!

One more thing. I'm not sure what vids will be posted where for the exchange. BA posted Derek and Travis from CF. That vid will not be posted on CF. It was done exclusively for the BA members. The other CF vids BA posted you have probably already seen. One was Josh and Travis with his hands free O. The BA members love Travis! Me, too! You may not have to join BA to see the joint venture. I'll keep you posted.
Brett has a voice? It's his legs and what he does with them I like best...

LOL! He does have many great assets! :thumbup1: His legs are grand, but it's his voice that gets me!
How many other people subscribe to Broke Straight Boys and CF? Maybe we could start our own mini-forum. Heck, we could spread the word and maybe other CF members would join here just to have access to the forum!
This is really arrogant of me I know ; asking members of Broke Straight Boys for their reviews of two of the competition...

That little bit has caught my eye every time I come to this thread and I have to say, Broke Straight Boys really doesn't have any competition! For the broke breeders doing gay for pay, Broke Straight Boys makes it all feel one hundred percent real and unscripted, even with tidbits in the forum that suggest now and then that might not be the case. That they can sell me on the fantasy despite my knowing about the man behind the curtain speaks volumes for how head and shoulders this site is above the rest! I get other things from my other subscriptions I find equally valid but Broke Straight Boys will always have my heart and my money!
How many other people subscribe to Broke Straight Boys and CF? Maybe we could start our own mini-forum. Heck, we could spread the word and maybe other CF members would join here just to have access to the forum!

I only know of a few, and they are infrequent subscribers. Broke Straight Boys and CF are the 2 sites I don't plan on leaving any time soon. Both have entirely different concepts. Broke Straight Boys is coercing the guys to fuck. CF is teaching the guys to fuck. CF has no forum. I asked Pete in an email, and Pete emailed me back and said there is no plan for a forum. We get his radio show though. BA has a forum, but there are only one or 2 posts per day. One reason for this may be that you can watch a vid and add comments. Lots of members do that. Broke Straight Boys forum is so much more enjoyable. It is a friendly Forum! There have been several BA members that joined CF just from watching the few vids shown.

Now Broke Straight Boys has to do something like this. The more the $ merrier!