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Anyone been with a guy that stank


BSB Addict
Nov 2, 2008
Reaction score
leeds england
If you didn't notice, i've been away for a few days visiting my grandparents and they don't have internet so there was no Broke Straight Boys for me.. But there was Grindr :eek:). On Monday I got a message from a good looking lad of 21 who said he thought I was hot and would like to meet. Well, I love my Grandparents to bits but they were doing my head in a bit, so I made an excuse that I was going to see a few old buddies and that I would be back in a few hours.

After a few messages we agreed to meet and he sent me his post code on Grindr and he was located about 40 mins drive away. I parked near his home and this lad came to my car, but didn't look much like the guy in the Grindr pic. I dropped down the drivers side window to verify who he was and when I looked closer it was the guy I had been chatting to, albeit a bit rough around the edges.

Anyway I let him into the car and he said we could have some fun in some nearby woods. So I drove down the end of his street to turn around but the noted that was an awful pungent smell coming from this guy. It was so bad that I had to open all the windows in my car and was still heaving. I stopped at the entrance to his home again and he said what's up ? I said sorry mate but you're smelling like a dead animal and you're making my car stink. I said he would have to go shower but as soon as he got inside I drove off. I drove the 40 mins back and the car was still stinking so I stopped at the garage and bought some smellies that you hang in your car. These beauties were really strong but it took them 30 mins to neutralise this guys aroma.

Later on he messaged me on Grindr asking me why I'd left. I made some excuse about granny wanting me then I blocked him.

So you see - Grindr isn't always a pleasant experience.

Saying that today's encounter was... he he xx
Youve been missed! The Forum has been quiet lately!

I havent been with a guy who stank, but there is a new very hot bartender at one of the bars that I go to, that has hit on me, and normally I would be all about it, BUT, the second time I met him, he gave me a hug, and since he is taller than I, his armpit landed on my shoulder. The stench was so bad, that I had to go in the bathroom and wash my shirt off, which didnt even help. I left the bar, and didnt even wash the shirt when I got home, just threw it in the trash!
I missed you too...

Under any circumstances I find the lack of personal hygiene a huge turn off. It's weird that he would think it's okay to be involved in a potential sexual encounter smelling rank, ...I don't understand that at all
Can't say I've ever been in this situation. The guys I've been with were good about hygiene; some even insisting we take a shower together. Of course I know hygeine wasn't their only motive, but they were all clean. I always shower before meeting someone. My experiences were with guys that looked very little like the pic they sent me.
Your absence from the forum left a vacuum on the forum that I noticed as well.

Dear jon,

I am glad to see you back on the forum again and sharing candid near-miss stories for our amusement. I realize that nature might call from time to time, but not all things "natural" are something desireable or pleasant to be around. Perhaps with the Smartphones we take for granted today, someone can come up with an App that works like a "Breath-a-lyzer" sobriety tester, only in this case detecting pungent smelling lads would fail the underarm, etc. test and disconnected him from making or receiving further calls until he cleaned up first. Had this application been in use at the time, it would have helped you avoid inventing some lie to get out of the house, waisting all that time driving to meet him, and the gasoline consumed for meeting up with and smelling this hopeless neanderthal.

Lucky for you he was just outside his front door when he set off your smell alarm.

Better luck next time,

EEEEEEWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!! I am glad that you were brave enough to tell him to go take a shower, and then run away.

Maybe his sense of smell was broken......and his dog got sprayed by a skunk, and he didn't know..........or, his sewage pipes backed up, and he didn't know.............or, he is deathly allergic to soap.................or, he finds body odor to be his biggest turn on, and was sure you felt the same way..........
If you didn't notice, i've been away for a few days visiting my grandparents and they don't have internet so there was no Broke Straight Boys for me.. But there was Grindr :eek:). On Monday I got a message from a good looking lad of 21 who said he thought I was hot and would like to meet. Well, I love my Grandparents to bits but they were doing my head in a bit, so I made an excuse that I was going to see a few old buddies and that I would be back in a few hours.

After a few messages we agreed to meet and he sent me his post code on Grindr and he was located about 40 mins drive away. I parked near his home and this lad came to my car, but didn't look much like the guy in the Grindr pic. I dropped down the drivers side window to verify who he was and when I looked closer it was the guy I had been chatting to, albeit a bit rough around the edges.

Anyway I let him into the car and he said we could have some fun in some nearby woods. So I drove down the end of his street to turn around but the noted that was an awful pungent smell coming from this guy. It was so bad that I had to open all the windows in my car and was still heaving. I stopped at the entrance to his home again and he said what's up ? I said sorry mate but you're smelling like a dead animal and you're making my car stink. I said he would have to go shower but as soon as he got inside I drove off. I drove the 40 mins back and the car was still stinking so I stopped at the garage and bought some smellies that you hang in your car. These beauties were really strong but it took them 30 mins to neutralise this guys aroma.

Later on he messaged me on Grindr asking me why I'd left. I made some excuse about granny wanting me then I blocked him.

So you see - Grindr isn't always a pleasant experience.

Saying that today's encounter was... he he xx

Next time, use the "scratch and sniff" setting on Grindr!:sick: :001_tt2:
Thanks for your welcome backs. I normally do like a bit of man smell, which I think is a turn on for me. But that was too bad and yes Beth I may suggest the scratch and sniff option to Grindr. He he
You know I don't mind smelly to a degree. I certainly used to enjoy climbing my ex like a tree after he had an intense work out. All sweaty and wet....and I hate when I'm going down on a guys armpits and they have some speed stick on...so I kinda of like armpits au natural. So I guess I like smelly.

But if a dude is stinking of putrid ass then that is a big fat NO!
Jon, Beth and Ms Deidra all back on the same day, AND on the same post! Hooray! As I mentioned earlier, we've been too quiet lately! Welcome back to all!
You know I don't mind smelly to a degree. I certainly used to enjoy climbing my ex like a tree after he had an intense work out. All sweaty and wet....and I hate when I'm going down on a guys armpits and they have some speed stick on...so I kinda of like armpits au natural. So I guess I like smelly.

But if a dude is stinking of putrid ass then that is a big fat NO!
I actually thought of you Deidra, when I was reading Jon's misadventure with his smelly Grindr companion, as you have often mentioned your love of "Gigantor's" armpits, and I recall watching you in your BTS with Deisel actually putting your face in his pit.

And I too love the scent of a hot athletic young guy's armpits. In fact I can remember being "creepy" enough to pick up the jacket of a 19 year old guy who worked at my job many years ago, when most of the crew was away from the room eating lunch, and put his jacket up to my nose to took a whiff of his teen testosterone filled body's scent right in the armpit area. And as a matter of fact there was another tall lean lad who worked at that job as well, who was sweeping at the end of a hot summer day and rolled up his white tee shirt so his armpits were exposed, and as he swept the room I could see the light brown hair as well as his biceps and his aroma was fragrant and had that boyish-manly scent of youth entering adulthood. I must admit that I re-lived that scene in the privacy of my bed many times. In my fantasy he noticed his older boss staring at his pits and forced my face right into his slightly hairy, slightly moist armpit. That scenario "got me off" many times fanaticizing about doing the real thing.

And finally, I can also relate to Deidra in many sexual encounters over the years where I was licking a hot guy's body and as I worked my face up to his pit, I was totally turned off by the metallic taste of some deodorant. What a turn off!

But of course it is all a matter of degree, and had I picked up the same lad as Jon did, and if his smell was like a skunk in my car, I too would have also had to reluctantly asked the young man to vacate my car.
Hey Miss D and Mike don't get me wrong, I like a bit of sleeze and must and armpit smells. I've even gotten off to a hot guys undies whilst he's been working out before - but that's another story. Mondays stench was different then, hence the heave ho out of my car before I chucked up over him.
Your misadventure reminds me of something that happened to Laura. I can't say what/who/when 'cause it's her story and well must remain that way. Once she called me from her car after giving someone a ride and poor thing had to stop at the store to get come clorox wipes etc to clean out the stench of her car as well. It's funny when it's not happening to you, but I feel for ya!
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Jon this post kinda makes you sound like a dick like the guy went in and showered you could of just gone in to his house and waited or like met him again see if he smelt pleasant this time haha, see I couldn't have made an excuse I'm straight up honest I would have been like "Honestly mate you stank I had to go and get stuff for my car it was too much, if you did shower and smell nice now then we can meet again if not well I'm sorry but I can't handle you" Anyway ermm I have never been with a guy that stank like not intimately lol obviously working out haha that doesn't count but I have been with a girl that stank like literally all the time of B/O we went on a date and I thought like it was garlic in the restaurant or something but it was her when I would see her around college if she hugged me it was always just b/o simply not a classy broad
I'm not sure I'd be willing to give a guy that smelled that bad a second chance after he cleaned up. Where was his pride to begin with. If someone can't make an effort everyday to put a fresh face forward, then I'm not interested in a second chance. Hygiene is way important.
Well I get that but if it's just a hook up then the guy should clean up go for a fuck then never talk again lol if ur looking for more then yeah dnt give someone a second chance that has no care for their hygiene
Well I get that but if it's just a hook up then the guy should clean up go for a fuck then never talk again lol if ur looking for more then yeah dnt give someone a second chance that has no care for their hygiene

Disagree dude. The guy had about 2 hours to get ready by the time I met him. He obviously couldn't be arsed and smelt rotten so I'm afraid he got his just deserves. If someone asked you out on a date or a hook up, would you be dressed like a tramp and smell like shit ?
I'm not sure I'd be willing to give a guy that smelled that bad a second chance after he cleaned up. Where was his pride to begin with. If someone can't make an effort everyday to put a fresh face forward, then I'm not interested in a second chance. Hygiene is way important.

Thanks LL. Did you see Miss D's reply above..
I didn't know he had two hours okay now this guy is actually a total no go lol and still he could of sprayed some damn deodarant on or something and no, I always shower before meeting someone even if I am just going to grab some groceries I always shower lol and I always gotta look fly so no I'm fresh looking and squeaky clean like 24/7 haha, okay nah now I am on your side he didn't have enough respect for himself so how could he possibly respect anyone else