Denny Bear
Well-known Member
However, I do have a surprise for you...I will PM you with the great news!!!
Hey now how come we dont get a surprise to?

However, I do have a surprise for you...I will PM you with the great news!!!
Hey now how come we dont get a surprise to?[/QUO]
Let Slim tell you...its about one of his favorite models......
David, the approach you have is perfect. I did enjoy the few out-of-studio shots you did and the outdoor searches. A little variety now and then is nice. But, the basic idea of film it as it happens and not editing the hell out of it just to make a perfect episode is what, for me, makes Broke Straight Boys so much fun. When Tyler shot those Broke Straight Boys scenes, those were different and fun to watch. Guess what I'm saying is a little variety is always good..but the basic concept behind Broke Straight Boys is, I think, one reason you do so well with the site. Keep up the good work.
So when are we going to get some videos from the new studio?
There is something attractive about Broke Straight Boys not being squeaky clean, that it is not possible eat lunch from the models perfect bodies, and that the productions exude a certain low-rent quality. I even rather liked the salmon-colored sheet that got auctioned off. And I would have watched Michael and Jordan have sex with Preston on the broken futon. No problem.
There are however a couple of things I find disappointing at times.
I basically do not care if Broke Straight Boys actually is a reality site or not. But sometimes the pretense is so tenuous that it is embarrassing to have to watch Jimmy say he is not very experienced or that Dustin (the new one, not the bin) doesn't want to touch a guy, etc.
I also wish that the veterans would do a better job of seeming interested in what they are doing. Or at least pretend they know what to do without having to be prompted as if they don't know what is on the check list. They should act as if they bear some responsibility for making the scene work. (I know there are lots of great scenes with veterans - Diesal and Jimmy, Tyler and Austin,...). I originally joined Broke Straight Boys to see more of Logan. He is always amazing to watch. But as the polling numbers show, there hasn't been a really hot (top ten) scene with him yet. I liked when he bottomed and when he sucked Shane while fucking CJ. But the scene I probably liked most was when he fucked Holden (and I am one of those who is not a Holden fan). I liked it because Logan actually seemed to put out and realize that if he didn't work, the scene would just fall flat. It would also be hot to see veterans break in newbies not by just being in the same scene with them but actually calling the shots: Logan 'offering' to give a newbie his first blow job even if he didn't get one in return, etc.
The scenes I like best are the ones that are done with enthusiasm. Sometimes it is a newbie, like Anthony the pizza boy, and sometimes it is a veteran. This is what is more important to me than the 'glam' of CF, BA, etc. If Broke Straight Boys were going to adopt features from CF, it should be that there be more kissing and more ass shots. Other than that, nothing has to be perfect, polished, or overdone. Not the set. Not the editing. After several nights at David and Eddy's house, the boys should show their appreciation. On screen, with each other, even more so than now.
Exactly Markymark. That is why this is the only site that I am a paying member of. Broke Straight Boys is obviously "pushing all my buttons", so I want them to keep on keeping on.David: As you well know, I have been "around" and the reason I am back is because you ARE what you ARE. Yeah, some are more polished, some have multiple angles, some have hairless cutsey boys, WHATEVER! Broke Straight Boys has been keepin it real, and we love ya just like ya are. Like Paris says, you film boys we see on the street, thekind we'd like to.....
so just keep things like they are, and we'll keep sending the checks.
I hope he sends in his pics and info. If he's cute and his buddy's are cute, I'll take them. I think if Casper is going to try anything, he might as well do it here and he will also get to meet Tyler as his trip down here will be a great experience for him.
However, I do have a surprise for you...I will PM you with the great news!!!
David Dude, got the PM and am over the moon with joy. Am actually deciding now when to share the news with my fabulous forumite friends, maybe next week. A lot of you will be as happy as I am about the coup David has managed.
I say surprise us and give no advance notice beyond teh two preview stills on the main page...
Great Idea. I love occasional comedy with naked boys. I've always felt that the Ryan/Nelson video was one the all time greats even if emotive first time fucking gets the best ratings.
Oh, you should do a gushy post. Just replace all performer names with [name withheld to drive you nuts] or something...