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Jan 7, 2009
Reaction score
I think the models, and in particular, their orgasms should be filmed with an additional angle. Typically, we only see their lower half, but I would like to see their face as well. Possibly setting up a second, stationary camera to capture this angle. Thoughts?
I 100% agree...this is something I've been thinking about for a long time. I love to see their faces as they cum :lol:
This is an excellent point. The footage you are seeing is from our old camera in our old studio were I had limited space, so the angles are a bit off but we did the best job we could have under the conditions.

However, we have been filming with a new camera and I have a better lens and our studio were we film Broke Straight Boys is a lot larger. Some of you that have a keen eye will see the difference in filming, while others it may not faze them one bit.

Using two cameras was an idea we were thinking but I think using one camera, especially the new camera and filming in the new space you guys will see the difference.

Thanks David, but I think a lot of the guys are expecting CF type movies from you now. In a way that's a compliment that you richly deserve, however CF and other like studious have zillions of dollars behind them. I prefer the much less expense productions like yourselves and hope you continue down this road...
This is actually a great conversation to pose to the members. At the end of this post, I'm going to ask you guys a questions or opinion, either way, however before I propose this questions keep this in mind:

Whatever we are doing right now regardless of what any member thinks about Broke Straight Boys or if you just became a member or you have been a member for a long time or you have been a past member of the site and you come and go. Based on reports, we are beating CorbinFisher.com with traffic and sales and our Broke Straight Boys site is just as popular as SeanCody.com and RandyBlue.com which happens to be a few of the most popular sites. Both SC and RB, receives lots of traffic and with lots of traffic comes lots of sign-ups to there site and Broke Straight Boys is up there with what I call, "the big boys". Many of the polished studios like Chi-Chi, and Falcon keep there eye out for us and track what we do and the style we film. Many other studios like collegedudes247.com, circlejerkboys.com, jakecruise.com and many, many others...we are beating the hell out of them in numbers both in sales and in traffic. The studios we are ahead of are great studios and operated by some great people that we know on a personal level. But for some reason or other, when it comes to traffic....we are doing very well compared to to many other very popular studios. In addition because of the great success we have had with the Broke Straight Boys site. College Boy Physicals.com is also doing great. This site your going to either love it or hate. However, College Boy Physicals is the most popular gay medical fetish or gay medical porn site on the web and many studios like Hot House has been watching us for several months trying to take our idea and make it better...without success.

Now I'm not bragging, WE as a company from Mark to Tyler in the office are very down to earth humble guys. We don't walk around with a chip on our shoulder...we don't brag, we don't drive in Rolls Royce's, We don't live in mansions, we live a very down to earth normal life but we all enjoy what we are doing. Mark has a remarkable ability to know how to market and promote all our sites. Mark is VERY well respected in the porn industry but Mark is super down to earth...and a very shy guy but very smart. Mark is nice to everyone and has a heart of gold....so if that's his magic and it works...then so be it! Our team is one of the best teams in the gay porn industry today and we all work very well together to make whatever happens on Broke Straight Boys, College Boy Physicals , Boy Gusher, BCB, Straight Boys Jerk Off or whatever site we do....we do well. We don't do drugs, we don't party like animals, we're not alcoholics. We operate business very professionally..so perhaps that is our secret to success...LOL

So here is my question below:

Do you think if I would change my style to make Broke Straight Boys look like CorbinFisher.com or SeanCody.com or RandyBlue.com and I mean change the set, film in there style, even get really, really hot boys that all look the same with no emotion just like those studios and Mark tells me and Ted and the staff to make sure that Broke Straight Boys is really polished up and makes everything look perfect and I keep my voice out of it and I become very antiseptic and conservative and we edit the content down and make the "straightboys" fuck and suck perfectly all the time, do you think Broke Straight Boys would have the same impact that it has today?

Your thoughts on this???
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Do you think if I would change my style to make Broke Straight Boys look like CorbinFisher.com or SeanCody.com or RandyBlue.com and I mean change the set, film in there style, even get really, really hot boys that all look the same with no emotion just like those studios and Mark tells me and Ted and the staff to make sure that Broke Straight Boys is really polished up and makes everything look perfect and I keep my voice out of it and I become very antiseptic and conservative and we edit the content down and make the "straightboys" fuck and suck perfectly all the time, do you think Broke Straight Boys would have the same impact that it has today?

Your thoughts on this???
David, I think you know the answer to your question. I do not want Broke Straight Boys to transform into any of the studios that you mentioned. I love Broke Straight Boys for what it is, and the type of models that you feature. I have mentioned many times how much I like Shane. He could probably not model on those sites. I like the models, and the sets and most of all you Mr. dande01. You are the star of this website. Without you it would not be the same. Your interactions with the models are so fucking cool. Your sometimes apparently "bumbling" ways asking questions is so charming and I believe you are calculated in how you seem so casual about everything. I could not picture Broke Straight Boys without David in the episodes.

So while you could stand to improve some aspects of the site, you need not change anything at all major about it. As you said, you are the most popular site, so why change? "if it ain' t broke don't fix it".
Do you think if I would change my style to make Broke Straight Boys look like CorbinFisher.com or SeanCody.com or RandyBlue.com and I mean change the set, film in there style, even get really, really hot boys that all look the same with no emotion just like those studios and Mark tells me and Ted and the staff to make sure that Broke Straight Boys is really polished up and makes everything look perfect and I keep my voice out of it and I become very antiseptic and conservative and we edit the content down and make the "straightboys" fuck and suck perfectly all the time, do you think Broke Straight Boys would have the same impact that it has today?

No, it wouldn't. You've probably sometimes cringed when you've read my love letters to you on this forum over the past year, laced with words like klutzy, amateur, corny, tasteless, homemade, kitschy, dumb, creepy, unhip, nerdy and uncool. I frankly don't think anyone carrying adjectival baggage like that around could suddenly move successfully into the world you're talking about, where the boys are angels, the angles many, the lighting studied, the bodies exquisite and the stiffies guaranteed. Most of the episodes of Broke Straight Boys are the reverse of that. Remember when I told you I love the cast of characters, you in all your glory (see above) and the boys ranging in body type from Auschwitz to WeightWatchers? The Blair Witch camera style, jiggly and erroneous, makes it feel like there's a person holding the device. The boys forgetting everything you guys just went over prior to the shoot and putting their bare feet in their pretty mouths is sometimes a bit cringemaking, but it's also a central part of what Broke Straight Boys is all about. You could argue that what Mark and Blu edit and upload looks like a bunch of outtakes and bloopers, just some guys messing around with a cam being nervous and saying dumb things and balking at having to do that fag shit. But that's what we love about this site.

It has to be said that sometimes, despite the myth that this is all pure reality, the pretense peeps through and jars a bit. I wish there were some way that you could include a sort of ironic commentary, at the end of the texts you'll be writing, about what went wrong during the shoot. If it rang true it could be another unique reason why Broke Straight Boys is so different.

Finally, you should do a parody of a Corbin Fisher/Bel Ami shoot with Tyler and Logan in the living room of a Palm Beach mansion, and try it out on us hahaha :scared::lol::thumbup:
Personally I love the work that you guys do There are occasional moments that make me cringe but that I suppose is part of the charm. Now since you included it, I will say that I think Straight Boys Jerk Off has pretty much disintegrated into a site that looks like it is about to close down I would say that if you intend to keep it alive it needs some desperate triage. The models are people I would not want to meet on any level and certainly are not fantasy inducing material The filming is god awful on a technical level and the lighting is truly pathetic Surly some help can be given I realize it is a bonus site , but you mentioned it ...and don't call me Shirley (I couldn't resist)
As a subscriber to BA and CF, two sites that I truly enjoy, and have no plans of unsubscribing, I don't want Broke Straight Boys to shoot as they do. Broke Straight Boys is so unique. It's always a surprise as to what the newest update is going to be. Some misses, but mostly hits. Hell, BA and CF have misses, too.

CF has no forum, so I never knew what the members thought about anything, (excepting a few CF members here) until CF and BA did a collaboration with their models. BA has a Forum, and I finally got to hear what the CF members think, as many joined BA because of the collab. I learned that most everyone loves Travis! :001_wub:

Broke Straight Boys may be clumsy at times, and truly funny at others, but I really don't want anything to change. Ok, it would be great to see the cum faces as others have mentioned. :thumbup:

I just love Broke Straight Boys You film the guys we see on the street. How great is that? Please, don't change much of anything!

David, you are so adorkable! I mean that in the nicest possible way. Truly! You are the best!

Love you! :001_smile:
David I don't fault you at all for crowing a little bit. Those ratings are definitely something to be very proud of. I'm truly very pleased and proud for all of you at Broke Straight Boys and Blu for your success in the business. You all work very hard and it shows.

That is very very impressive that you are beating out CF in the internet equivalent of Nielson ratings. CF has some great quality stuff. There's no doubt about that. As I've said before though you have a winning formula here. CF is very good at what they do. You are very good at you do. Obviously the numbers speak for themselves in how many people want to see what.

I don't think you should try to become another CF. I think that Broke Straight Boys should just try to be the best Broke Straight Boys that it can B. LOL I think the fact that you don't demand physical perfection from every model has alot to do with your success. The realistic boy next door will have the occasional freckles or scars. The fact that the models are not all cookie cutter, supermodel perfection obviously resonates with many viewers. That's not to say that we don't want to see hotter and hotter models used on the site. Of course we do. But I think people realize that they see a truer representation of male youth in all its variety and splendor here. And it makes us feel less insecure about flaws on our own bodies.

Congratulations Broke Straight Boys and Blu. I wish you much more success in the business.
PS This is the only site I'm a member of. The whole package, especially including the forum and all it represents, is just so satisfying.

And if you can get Casper and his hottest colleague onto the futon with their clothes off, it will be like dieing and going to heaven.
Personally I love the work that you guys do... Now since you included it, I will say that I think Straight Boys Jerk Off has pretty much disintegrated into a site that looks like it is about to close down I would say that if you intend to keep it alive it needs some desperate triage. The models are people I would not want to meet on any level and certainly are not fantasy inducing material The filming is god awful on a technical level and the lighting is truly pathetic Surely some help can be given I realize it is a bonus site ,

I so agree with you about Straight Boys Jerk Off It really seems to have lost its way. If not triage, it needs a major intervention. When it was strictly a jack off site full of solos, the models were cute. But all solos, and repeat solos from the same models got boring. I thought it was a great idea to get more than one model in a scene. Even if that meant that the guys wouldn't truly be all straight. However the quality of the models being hired is less than what it should be. It might even be worth it to cut down the updates to twice a month. Even temporarily. If it would give them the time to work on getting the technical aspects sorted out... and to free up money to hire cuter and classier models... then so much the better.
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If you're thriving financially as is, stay as is...
Do you think if I would change my style to make Broke Straight Boys look like CorbinFisher.com or SeanCody.com or RandyBlue.com and I mean change the set, film in there style, even get really,........
Your thoughts on this???

Dear David don't you dare change a thing that you were talking about. It is those things that make Broke Straight Boys and the rest such big hits. I have looked into a few other sites and actually joined one or two but stopped after only a month or two because of getting tired of all the garbage that went with it. I found Broke Straight Boys and have loved it since day one and have never skipped a day of membership and have to plans of ever doing so. The web site is clean and well done with no pop ups to drive you nuts. The models are real and are the normal boy next door. I have said it many times before but the site makes me feel much more like a friend then a member of a porn site. Are the sights perfect, no absolutely not and since you asked for an honest answer ok gloves off here it is. From my point of view Broke Straight Boys outside of some minor house keeping tweaks is doing just fine. If it aint broke don't fix it. I am not really a fan of College Boy Physicals but stop in occasionally to take a look and see very few problems there either. Heck your number one so don't knock it. Boy Gusher, well ok you wanted honesty it's a very new site so the content is of course limited but is not looking to bad. The part that is a bit spooky with that site is sorry David but the scenes that you and Eddie have done with the younger guys sort of ride the edge. It's nothing against you guys it is simply the age difference and how it is promoted and written in the scene introduction. For that site it might be better if you were to stay behind the camera where you do a fantastic job. Broke Collage Boys of course also a new site with limited content is doing real well and has some really great models on board and the greatest thing is that most of them log in to the forum to share comments. The only perhaps negative thing with BCB is and this time sorry Jason but they may be taking the fantasy thing a bit to far as it is way to easy to see through it. We all know why the boys are there and we all know they have been there all week. When they say this guy just stopped by to find a job we all sort of go yea right. I think it would better for BCB to just stick closer to the truth in a similar fashion to Broke Straight Boys They can be students but there there to make the money. Jason can still interview them which is good but just be more real in the things they talk about. Beyond that the site is hot and I love it. Straight Boys Jerk Off now there is a site that needs help, sorry guys but this site needs a lot of work. So there you have my totally honest opinion and outside of a few minor bugs your doing a fantastic job. You guys and I mean all of you from Mark on down are simply doing a great job and we know it is not easy and you all work dam hard to do it. You do the hard work and you offer a quality product for a very reasonable price. As always many thanks for the things you do and here's hoping you all keep doing it.
This is actually a great conversation to pose to the members. At the end of this post, I'm going to ask you guys a questions or opinion, either way, however before I propose this questions keep this in mind:

Whatever we are doing right now regardless of what any member thinks about Broke Straight Boys or if you just became a member or you have been a member for a long time or you have been a past member of the site and you come and go. Based on reports, we are beating CorbinFisher.com with traffic and sales and our Broke Straight Boys site is just as popular as SeanCody.com and RandyBlue.com which happens to be a few of the most popular sites. Both SC and RB, receives lots of traffic and with lots of traffic comes lots of sign-ups to there site and Broke Straight Boys is up there with what I call, "the big boys". Many of the polished studios like Chi-Chi, and Falcon keep there eye out for us and track what we do and the style we film. Many other studios like collegedudes247.com, circlejerkboys.com, jakecruise.com and many, many others...we are beating the hell out of them in numbers both in sales and in traffic. The studios we are ahead of are great studios and operated by some great people that we know on a personal level. But for some reason or other, when it comes to traffic....we are doing very well compared to to many other very popular studios. In addition because of the great success we have had with the Broke Straight Boys site. College Boy Physicals.com is also doing great. This site your going to either love it or hate. However, College Boy Physicals is the most popular gay medical fetish or gay medical porn site on the web and many studios like Hot House has been watching us for several months trying to take our idea and make it better...without success.

Now I'm not bragging, WE as a company from Mark to Tyler in the office are very down to earth humble guys. We don't walk around with a chip on our shoulder...we don't brag, we don't drive in Rolls Royce's, We don't live in mansions, we live a very down to earth normal life but we all enjoy what we are doing. Mark has a remarkable ability to know how to market and promote all our sites. Mark is VERY well respected in the porn industry but Mark is super down to earth...and a very shy guy but very smart. Mark is nice to everyone and has a heart of gold....so if that's his magic and it works...then so be it! Our team is one of the best teams in the gay porn industry today and we all work very well together to make whatever happens on Broke Straight Boys, College Boy Physicals , Boy Gusher, BCB, Straight Boys Jerk Off or whatever site we do....we do well. We don't do drugs, we don't party like animals, we're not alcoholics. We operate business very professionally..so perhaps that is our secret to success...LOL

So here is my question below:

Do you think if I would change my style to make Broke Straight Boys look like CorbinFisher.com or SeanCody.com or RandyBlue.com and I mean change the set, film in there style, even get really, really hot boys that all look the same with no emotion just like those studios and Mark tells me and Ted and the staff to make sure that Broke Straight Boys is really polished up and makes everything look perfect and I keep my voice out of it and I become very antiseptic and conservative and we edit the content down and make the "straightboys" fuck and suck perfectly all the time, do you think Broke Straight Boys would have the same impact that it has today?

Your thoughts on this???

David, I'm not going to answer your question because I have already done so in the post previous to yours. Why don't you put up a poll on this thread asking the question. I note that not many people use the polls on this forum. Is it because they don't know how to or just cannot be bothered. x
PS This is the only site I'm a member of. The whole package, especially including the forum and all it represents, is just so satisfying.

And if you can get Casper and his hottest colleague onto the futon with their clothes off, it will be like dieing and going to heaven.

I hope he sends in his pics and info. If he's cute and his buddy's are cute, I'll take them. I think if Casper is going to try anything, he might as well do it here and he will also get to meet Tyler as well...so his trip down here will be a great experience for him.

However, I do have a surprise for you...I will PM you with the great news!!!
David, I'm not going to answer your question because I have already done so in the post previous to yours. Why don't you put up a poll on this thread asking the question. I note that not many people use the polls on this forum. Is it because they don't know how to or just cannot be bothered. x

To tell you the truth...I have no idea how to do a poll...:001_unsure: