BSB Addict
Louis, you bring up a valid point. I 'would think' that mgmt, or site designers here could 'tweak' the Profile page, to include a member's personal email address, whether it be to EVERYONE, or only available to whomever said person chooses.
Having said this, I have come to a possible reason this has not been done thus far...(PURE speculation on MY part): This would mean that EVERYONE could/would have access to ANYONE'S info. Now, if there is a way, possibly of having the "ability to 'friend', (NOTE, 'in this case "'friend' and favorite' a person", (NOT meaning the same thing as in the model search page), but on that SAME line of thinking, another fellow member. This could be interesting.
What do you think, Louis? Fellow forumites? Mark/Management?
(Just an idea!!)
I think Jon gave us the solution. We do have the option to send an "email" message to forum members from their profile page. When we send the message, they also get our personal email addresses.
The reason I started this post was because I was concerned about two members who had not been around recently. I felt that if I sent them a private message they would not see it unless they came on to the forum. Now that Jon has brought the email option to my attention, I feel a whole lot better.
Thanks for your input, Bob.