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after a BSB inspired fuck our wonderings >> plz add

I was teasing. I use Grindr Prolly more than I should :001_rolleyes:

Well shit, I can't find you on Grindr! What, what do you mean it knows I'm a girl and refuses to show me where all the boys are; fuckin' technology!:wtf:
As if straight girls needed any more assistance in finding men to notice them other than from simply existing in the outside world.

Sex: Lesbians Can Grindr, Too...
As for me, I unfortunately do not live in a major urban gay mecca and finding a lesbian within 20 miles feels like searching for the Last Lesbian Mohican. Simply existing as a lesbian is not enough to get noticed anymore, as I either need to strut an alternative Lesbian Who Looks Like Justin Bieber “look,” sign-up for a feminist book club, or yell “I watch the L-Word too!” in public.
Simkhai proclaimed that standards between men and women differ and the new Grindr application for women will contain different features specifically geared towards women and lesbians included. Oh, meaning women are less likely to fuck a stranger in a bathroom stall than the average gay man? He may be right, but I certainly wouldn’t mind competing with the gays to take back my right to be a slut if it meant being a normal person who collects vagina photos on my cell phone. I am still curious to find out how developing applications and dating sites for lesbians might change our losing battle with gay men for their stereotypical reign as the classiest sluts. But until my Scissr debuts, I will just have to settle for meeting girls the old fashion lesbian way — through my exes!
source: http://thenewgay.net/2011/03/lesbians-can-grindr-too.html