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Adoption By Gays Is Now Legal in Florida.


Oct 30, 2008
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As I have mentioned in the past, Florida is the only state in the union that made adoption of children by gays couples illegal. This law has been on the books since the 1977. Gay parents who legally adopted in any other state could not move their family to Florida without the real fear that the state would come in, break up their family, and put their children into foster care.

The ban went on the books around the time when Anita Bryant, the oh so wholesome and holier than thou spokeswoman for Florida orange juice, was on a tear. It was said that her husband had come out and she was hell bent on eradicating homosexuality and its deviance. She once said that God would have to apologize to Sodom and Gomorrah if we allowed gay rights in the U.S. to take hold. She and the Christian right were instrumental in getting the law on the books.

The ban on gay adoption was overturned by a Florida judge last month. I didn't want to declare victory until we knew the results of the appeal. The state attorney's office announced very recently that they would not appeal the judge's ruling striking down the ban. Although I am not in a position to adopt children myself...I am very glad that others can.

It may be a legal issue for only one state. But I feel this is a victory for all of us. :thumbup1:
as well it should be.....and should have been A LONG TIME AGO!!!!
This is wonderful news... Thanks Tampa for posting it. :thumbup:
Fantastic news!