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A Gay story i found

A complicated life.... Pt1

My name is William Becker. Well actually it's not Becker but that's close enough. At the time this took place or at least at the beginning of it I was 16, born May 1st 1982 in a fairly small town in the middle of Wisconsin. I am or was at the time 5'8" and 140 pounds with dark brown hair and blue eyes. Yeah I was pretty small but my body was toned and I had a great ass. Well at least so I was told. Actually at that time I guess I never really thought of myself as being good looking, I was just me. I was an only child and have a wonderful mom and dad. My dad is an engineer and works in a larger town about 15 miles away and my mom is a nurse and works for a local doctor. None of the problems that I ran into were the fault of them, they really loved me and have always been supportive. I know a lot of guys don't get along with their mom or dad but mine are great. My mom, well, is a mom and my dad is a loving guy without a mean bone in his body. Maybe that's why I still feel so bad about what happened, they loved me and trusted me and I lied to them. My dad used to say, "Just tell the truth, if you tell me the truth I'll never be mad." Well, I didn't do that, I really didn't think I could.

I also have to tell you about my best friend Bob. Bob was born in the same hospital that I was born in and on the same day. That's kinda how we ended up knowing his family because we probably wouldn't have otherwise. They had a lot more money than we did and Bob's parents and mine didn't really move in the same group. But when we were little they thought it would be cute for us to have our birthdays together and since they only lived a few miles away we ended up being friends. Bob was the first person I ever remember meeting and knowing as a real little kid. I've known him forever and we spent as much time at each others houses as we did at our own. I don't have a brother but it was almost like that's what Bob was. He knew all of my secrets or at least the little ones. Bob grew to be a lot bigger that me. When I was 5'8" Bob was 6'1" and 175 pounds. Where I really sucked as an athlete Bob was great, really a winner at whatever he did. He was and is a big handsome guy who always seems to win but I found out that there was more to him than that. I guess everyone has their secrets.

The other person that really played a major role at that time was Dave. Dave was a deputy sheriff and when I first met him he was 33. Dave is a really big guy, about 6'4" and built with huge powerful shoulders, sandy brown hair, blue eyes and mustache. I don't know what he weighed but he was a big muscular guy. Dave lived in the same small town we did and he was married with 3 kids.

I suppose the lying began when I was about 13 and it dawned on me that maybe the reason that I liked looking at naked guys was because I was gay. Well who the hell do you tell that to? For sure not your dad and for damn sure not your jock best friend. So I buried it deep and tried to act as straight as I could. I thought I was doing a pretty good job of it too and by the time I was sixteen I was certain that nobody knew that I was gay. I was wrong of course.

I had a job working at the local lumber yard home center after school and that was where I first met Dave. At the time I didn't realize he was a cop or I would have been more careful but he wasn't in uniform just jeans and it looked like he had a football in his pants. Geez I would have had to be dead not to look and like I said I didn't know who he was. Honestly I never even had a chance to really consider what I was doing but when he came down the aisle that I was working in I actually did a double take at that crotch of his. Well he caught that. He didn't say anything just smiled and I figured what the hell some guy catches a 16 year old kid looking at his crotch, big deal. I mean after all at that age it's like kids and adults live on different planets. What I didn't realize is that Dave saw it as an opportunity but he didn't say anything just kept walking. The planets were about to collide.

Before I tell you what happened with Dave I have to impress on you how close Bob and I were. I'm sure that you've had a friend like that in your life, someone who you share everything with, someone you see every single day. I guess, well hell I know, that I took Bob for granted. He was always just there like wallpaper or the tv. My mom and dad were crazy about him and I think he preferred my parents to his own. Even when we got in high school and he became this big jock guy we were still best buds and when he made more friends at school he drew me into that group and made sure that I was accepted.

Then came 1997 and I got my drivers license. My dad helped me buy an old beater and I was in heaven. I had wheels. This next part is the part that's really hard for me to talk about. I mean I know that I'm just writing words on paper but it was the start of a very stupid and exciting time for me but one that I'm pretty ashamed of on a couple of levels. Oh shit I guess I'll just write it as it happened.

Our little town rests in the middle of what at one time were great forests. Those have mostly been logged out now but the town is still pretty surrounded by dense woods, old logging roads crisscross these woods. On an autumn evening in 1997 I was driving back from a nearby town. I had the music blasting and really wasn't thinking of anything just kinda getting off on the tunes. Dave didn't turn his overhead flashers on until he had been behind me for a while I guess and it truly scared the crap outta me. Of course I checked the speedometer right away and I was going faster than I should have but I didn't really know what the limit was where I was. So anyway I pull over right away and wait for the cop. Looking in my rearview mirror I see this huge hunk of a cop walking toward me. Even in his cop outfit the bulge was huge. Anyway while I did notice the bulge my main thought was on how I was gonna explain the ticket I was gonna get to my dad. I had only had the car for two weeks or so and I figured that I was gonna be walking for at least a month. So anyway Dave saunters up to the car and when he sees me he rests his arms on the windowsill and kinda leans into the car his face just a few inches away and his hands even closer. I could smell him, a real male smell and I remember the hair on the backs of those hands.

So he asks me if I'm Billy from the Home Center and I tell him yeah and tells me to pull
the car off the highway on to this old logging road so that we don't get hit by a passing car or anything. Now you've got to understand that growing up in this little hick town I had been taught to obey the police like they were gods. It would never have occurred to me not to do what Dave was telling me. If I had thought about it I would have been aware of the fact that there were no cars on the highway we were in the middle of nowhere.

So after I pull off the road Dave comes over and rests his forearms on the windowsill and just starts talking about stuff like how do I like my new car and what working at the Center is like and stuff like that. Then he moves his hand towards my cheek and starts stroking it with the back of his knuckle. Well when he starts that I just like freeze. It's just like I have no ability to move. I'm staring straight ahead and saying nothing and meantime he's running his hands all over me and telling me what a fine looking kid I am and how proud my dad must be of me and how he wouldn't want to have to give me a ticket. Then he tells me to get out of the car and says he gonna help me out by not giving me a ticket but that I gotta help him out because his wife is having her period and he hasn't been getting any sex and shit like that. Then he tells me that he's seen me looking at his crotch and he's seen me around town and that he knows that I'm a homo. Now in my mind I'm totally freaking out that he knows my secret and I start getting this picture of my dad finding out about me and maybe losing my job at the center and inside I'm goin nuts but still not saying anything because like I can't.

The next thing I know is he's got my hand and is rubbing it around his crotch and I can feel this enormous boner in there and pretty soon his pants are open and he's pushing me down on it. Now I can't tell you that this didn't in one way turn me on and was like the greatest thing ever to happen to me but at the same time I was scared shitless. For one thing Dave had a pretty big cock and I had never sucked one before not even a little one, so just having this huge thing being rammed down my throat was painful. Anyway after a couple of minutes he shoots this huge load into my mouth and it's running down my chin and the front of my shirt and god I feel like puking. Then the prick actually wipes his dick on my face, says "thanks Billy" gets in his car and drives off. At that moment kneeling in the forest with his cum on me and my jaw and throat aching I kinda felt like I had been raped. This is the point in this story where those people who have heard it tell me that I was raped but somehow I felt responsible for what had happened, like my wanting gay sex had made this happen. I mean I knew that Dave was a shit but I felt that my looking at his crotch in the store had triggered this whole thing and I guess in a way it did.
Continuation of Pt1

When you're a teenager and you've screwed up like I just did it's kinda scary going home. I mean my shirt was cum stained and I guess that I smelled of sex and even the knees of my pants where dirty from the forest floor. Well I cleaned myself up as much as possible, letting the cum dry and brushing off my knees, and I head for home.

When I get home I try to slip in quietly but of course both my mom and dad are home and I run into them both. My mom gives me a kiss and dad rubs my head (he does that sort of thing) and miraculously they don't seem to notice anything. Here I'm feeling like SLUT is painted on my forehead but everyone seems unaware of it. The thing is that all night long I'm tasting Dave's cum in my mouth and in my mind and while I was too scared to get a hardon when I was with him I'm getting hornier as the night goes on and I'm watching tv with my dad but really I'm reliving the experience with Dave. Well finally I kiss my dad good nite( I know, I know but that's the way he is.) and go to bed. Well needless to say my dick is in my hand as soon as I hit the sheets and after about 30 seconds of stroking I blow the biggest load of my life.

You have to understand that I wasn't living in Los Angeles or New York, I didn't have internet access and as far as I was concerned there was one faggot living in our town and that was me. Well sure there were the usual fag jokes at school but those were just things guys said and even when they said they thought someone was gay I thought it was just bullshit. It never occurred to me that maybe Dave was gay and actually I think what he did and then went on to do had more to do with a power and control thing than with sexual orientation but none of that occurred to me until after it was over. During all of my sessions with Dave he never reciprocated in any way, never a kiss, nothing.

Well as I've already implied Dave continued to have me service him. The next couple of weeks I blew him 5 or 6 times and then he started fucking me. The first time he fucked me I thought I was going to die. The pain was unbelievable and his cum was leaking out of me all the way home but again after I cleaned myself up and showered it didn't seem so bad and all the next day at school I could still feel his cock in me. I could still feel his sperm hitting the inside of my ass. Looking back on it I guess even in the beginning I was kinda getting off on this power that I had over Dave. I mean this was a huge risk he was taking although that wasn't something that I was really aware of at the time. That he wanted me as bad as he did was I guess an ego thing for me.

The next couple of years were strange and strained. Dave and I would get together generally about twice a week and usually around eight at night. This required a whole lot of lying to my mom, dad and to Bob. Thinking back on that time I wouldn't do it again for anything. Watching my mom and especially my dad losing faith in me was terrible. When I was nine years old I got very sick and while I was able to stay at home everyone was very afraid that I would get worse and I could have ended up the hospital or even I suppose dead. I don't have a lot of memories about that time because I had a bad fever for a long time but I remember practically everyday waking up and having my dad in bed with me. At the time he just said that he got up early and looked in on me but I found out later from my mom that he wasn't able to sleep while I was that sick and he slept with me because he wanted to be there in case I got worse. This was the guy that I was lying to when all he really wanted was the truth, but the real truth was the one thing I couldn't give him. Everything suffered, my grades my relationship with my parents and my friendship with Bob. All of these things were priceless to me but I guess I was willing to trade them all for cock.

Anyone who likes to get fucked will know that while the first few times might be painful it gets better real fast and once I started buying lube that really helped. A month after I started getting fucked by Dave it was feeling pretty good and in three months I loved it, six months later and I couldn't do without it. I thought about that cock 24/7, I was a bitch in heat. Well aside from all the emotional damage I was doing to everyone, most of which I was oblivious to, things went along pretty well. Well as time went by and my need for Dave's dick increased so did my feelings for him. I was a total blind idiot because he didn't give a shit about me but I convinced myself that I was in love with him and that he would fall in love with me or rather that he should fall in love with me. Now had I been thinking objectively I would have realized that after 3 years Dave was looking for the cleanest way out of this "relationship". I didn't take any of the hints he dropped about ending things and when he just stopped calling me I called him constantly. I was probably becoming quite an embarrassment. Eventually he got things down to about one fuck every two to three weeks and he bitched and moaned about that. Needless to say I was going out of my fucking mind. I thought that I was losing my lover and I was totally addicted to his dick.

Late in 1999 something happened that was to have a profound affect on my life. My dad brought home a computer and we got internet access. My dad said that I could go on the internet but I knew that I had to be careful and tried to confine my online time to those times when mom and dad were in bed. That pretty much meant going online early in the morning and late at night but oh what a change it made. I couldn't believe the first time I went on a gay chat line it was amazing. I felt like I had finally found a place were I was understood. During these chats I eventually told some guys my story and began to get some feedback on what I had been going through. A few months later during the spring of 2000 something else happened that would turn my world totally upside down.

You have to consider that prior to Dave I was with Bob virtually every day of my life. Either he was hangin at my house or me at his or he was dragging me to some football shit or some jock party and of course this being the country we normally spent a lot of time fishing or hunting. This almost totally ended a few months after Dave came into the picture. For one thing every time I did see Bob he had lots of question about what I was doing and why I was being so secretive. I thought I handled these questions well but let's face it I wasn't thinking very clearly. Finally one Saturday in April he cornered me to go fishing with him and there just wasn't any way that I could get out of it without making a big deal out of it. So off we went bumping across old logging roads in his SUV headed towards a familiar fishing spot deep in the woods.

Well a half hour later and we were fly fishing in a wide shallow stream and making kinda idle chat about cars and shit. Then after a while an odd thing happened. Bob walked up behind me and put his hands on my shoulders and kinda kneaded them, then he rested his chin on my shoulder and kinda quietly asked if I wanted to eat lunch now.
It was an intimate thing to do and something he had never ever done before. I mean I could feel his breath on my ear and the whole thing sent shivers thru me but I just kinda put it outta my head and after fishing a bit more we headed for home. Now I totally thought that Bob was straight, I mean you just don't get studlier than Bob. So when he did this it kinda threw me. Yeah we had had a couple of camping trip beatoff sessions years before but there was no way this guy could be gay. Bob was also very tight with my Dad. Dad had given up trying to get me to watch football with him and it wasn't unusual for Bob to come over on the weekend at watch with him. Bob's parents were pretty old or at least seemed that way to me. He had a brother Mark who was ten years older and worked in his dad's office and an older sister who had married some dude and moved away. Bob's mom and dad loved him I guess but they really never seemed to be there. If they weren't at the country club they would be traveling or some shit. This was kinda the one negative thing in Bob's life and now that I think about it he really treated his older brother like a dad. When Bob needed something like money or shit he would just call Mark and somehow it got done. Mark was a cool guy too, married but stud city.

Well that night I get a chance to go online and chat and some guy that I had talked to before asks me what's new with my life. Well this guy knew about the cop and all and I mentioned what had happened with Bob that morning. Well then this dude and a couple of others all started telling me that Bob had to be gay and was coming on to me and of course I said no fucking way but it did make me wonder about it. I mean Bob had stuck to me like glue even during the heaviest time with Dave when I was really treating him like shit and it wasn't like he didn't have other places he could have gone. He knew everybody on the planet and there were babes who would have killed just to have him say hello. The other thing that had been kinda working in the back of my brain were the looks that my dad and Bob were exchanging lately. Not big obvious looks but just quick glances this had been going on for a few weeks but I felt like they were planning something but my birthday was coming up along with Bob's and I guess to the extent that I thought about it I attributed it to that. Like I said my ass is my best feature not my brain. Well OK my dick is alright too, not huge but pretty. In defense of my stupidity I was so fucking in need of a cock up my ass I was about out of my mind. The bottoms out there will understand.

Well the following Monday Bob corners me at school and says how much he enjoyed the fishing and that it was cool us hangin out like we used to and could we do it again Friday morning cause there was no school that day and of course I say yes. Well it turns out this turns into the week from hell because I'm calling Dave three and four times a day because if I don't get a cock up my ass I'm gonna go crazy. Dave of course by now is treating me totally like shit and tells me his wife is pregnant again and how he's gonna spend more time at home. The prick! I'm being a total asshole to everyone I run into and I can see my dad has this weird look on his face all week and I figure if he's still sane he's ready to have me committed to some fucking nuthouse.

Well I somehow manage to make it to Friday morning but my emotions are really kinda raw and Bob seems to pick up on this and is treating me like I could explode at any minute, which is pretty much, the truth. So anyway we go back to our same favorite fishing spot and we're just doing that and it's a really pretty morning. The sun is filtering threw the new leafs on the trees and there's a lot of new green all over the woods and there's this great smell of the earth, the way the ground itself smells in spring. Anyway I'm half talking to Bob but mostly thinking about what a sonofabitch Dave is when I realize that Bob is standing next to me with his hand on my shoulder and I kinda jump because it surprised me. I said, "What, what?" and he says "Dude I've been talking to you for five minutes and your like not here" and I just feel myself blush because I'm such a dufuss and I say that I'm sorry and like what were you saying.

Then he takes my fishing rod and his and lays them on the ground. Then he turns me around to face him and looks me right in the eyes. And we're standing there and his hands are on my shoulders and his face is just a few inches from mine and he says,
" Billy I know. I know about you and the cop."

Well I can feel these explosions going off in my brain and I'm seeing white flashes of light inside my head and I'm trying to pull away from him but he won't let me go and I feel like my body is crumbling, like my whole body is just falling apart piece by piece but Bob is still holding my shoulders and I'm pushing his chest to get away from him but like nothing happens cause he just hangs on and I know that I'm crying and where the fuck did that come from and then he pulls me in and just holds me tight to his chest while I cry. Geez I don't ever remember crying before except maybe when I was a little kid cause I'm not a crier but a fighter but my life has been such shit lately and I guess you can only take so much and now I'm like this crying machine and it just seems to go on and on but Bob just holds me really tight and then I feel him kissing my neck and rubbing my back and he says, "Why did you let that asshole touch you, why didn't you come to me."
Well this is a news flash! Were the fuck is that coming from? But I know a good thing when I feel it and just stay were I'm at cause he's so fucking strong and it feels so good to be in his arms.

Finally I get somewhere near getting my emotions under control and I pull back a little and say, "Why? What could you have done?" Remember, great ass no brains.
And he just looks at me for a few seconds then says, "Dumbass little fucker".
Bob always knew the right thing to say. Then he kissed me and I felt like that lady in that old movie who kinda lifts up one leg behind her when the dude is kissing her. Anyway this kiss goes on and on and his tongue is like six inches down my throat and it's now beginning to dawn on me that maybe Bob is gay.

Bob is saying, "I'm so sorry I didn't tell you about me but Billy you gotta believe I love you and babe I won't ever let anything happen to you. Just say we'll be together and I'll take care of everything else." Those beautiful green eyes are searching mine and I know somehow deep inside that this is how my life is suppose to be so I kiss him again and bury my face in his chest and I can smell him and it's comforting and sexy and I've never felt so safe in my life. So I nod my head yes and then say, "What do we do now?", and he says he's got a busy day planned for us but the most important part is right now and he grabs our fishing rods and takes my hand and we walk back to the truck. Bob pulls out a blanket and a bunch of food and shit and we head off for a little clearing on top of a nearby hill. Well I'm feeling a little like a virgin on her wedding night but as we're trudging up that hill his hand is on my ass most of the time and he asks me if it bothers me and I tell him it belongs to him and he can touch it whenever he wants and he just grins.
A COMPLICATED LIFE .......... chapter 2

In the last almost two years I've learned some things about Bob and about me. I learned that Bob is a control freak, in a nice way and that I kinda like that. Well I guess that I always knew he was into control but I was surprised at how into that I got. Bob loves making decisions, he's great at it and I'm really happy to let him do it. Now it's not like he makes all the decisions and if I really object to something he'll change but it's kinda comforting having Bob take charge.

He took charge a little less than two years ago when we first became lovers. When we finally came down off of that hill after making love for the first time everything changed.
The first thing we did was to go back to my house. I guess the way our world had changed was written on our faces because my dad took one look at us and came over and gave us both a hug. I wouldn't go so far as to say that Bob and my dad had set the whole thing up but it was something close to that. Bob had told me up on the hill that my mom and dad knew that I was gay.

"Oh fuck." Was the only thing I could think to say.

"I'm sorry babe but I had to tell your dad. He thought you were on crack or some shit like that." We were sitting on the ground and I was between Bob's legs with my back resting against his chest. "I begged him to let me handle it but he would only give me a week." He pulled me tight to him and kissed my neck. "Thank god you were a pushover." God I could get used to this. Even though the sex was over I could still feel Bob's cock as if it were still in me. It made me feel warm and loved. His arms were wrapped around me and the spring sun was warm on my face.

"You mean he knows about Dave and everything?"

"No, Babe I wouldn't tell your dad that he'd flip out. I just told him you were in love with some dude who didn't want any part of it and you were bummed out." He kissed my neck again. "He seemed to be able to deal with that even though he probably knows there's more to it. I told him that I loved you and was gonna tell you about me and then everything would be OK. It is OK isn't it? I mean your not having regrets are ya dude?" There was the cutest worried tone to his voice.
" I mean this is kinda outta left field and all but Billy I've been in love with you for so long and it feels so right to me, so kinda meant to be."

"It feels right to me too. I just wish we knew this a few years ago." I took his right hand and interlock the fingers of my left hand into it and then kissed it. "I didn't know that feelings like these existed. Dave was such a cold.........well we never did this." Then I turned in his arms until I was facing him and straddling his lap. I kissed him deeply and he kissed me back. Oh those green eyes!

"Just tell me what you need me to do babe." He spoke softly to me. "I'm here for whatever you need. Don't think about him baby, it's like he never happened." He was stroking my hair and I could feel his chest tighten.

I put my mouth next to his ear and nuzzled the side of his face. "It feels so good when you touch me. He never really did and I need you to do that. I've felt so lonely. I mean it's like I never really had him, I mean he just used me and then that made it like I couldn't be near you either cause you might find out what I was doing and like I couldn't even be close to my mom and dad cause like maybe they'd read my mind or some shit." I was beginning to choke up. "I've just felt like I didn't really have anyone." He tightened his grip on me and I just buried my face in his neck. He smelled so good, so clean and so him.

Bob has got really big hands and for the next few weeks they were hardly ever not touching me in some way. No matter where we were Bob would find some way of making physical contact with me. I felt like an old sponge that had dried up and now was being loaded with water again, my soul seemed to expand as my love for Bob grew. Whenever he wasn't there I would feel a sense of panic but then there he would be by my side secretly palming my ass in his hand or just putting his arm around my shoulder.

That first night after we had talked to my dad we went to Bob's house. His parents were out of town but it wouldn't have mattered the house was laid out with a big master bedroom suite at one side of the house and three other bedrooms on the other. Now that Bob's sister and brother were gone only he occupied that wing of the house.

It felt so wonderful and strange to be walking around Bob's bedroom naked. Of course I had seen him naked before but now that cock had been in me, those arms had held me and those lips had kissed me. We had gone from being friends to being lovers and I felt totally goofy. My emotion were going crazy, one minute I wanted to laugh and the next minute tears were coming to my eyes. I know that this sounds screwy but there seemed to be this kinda golden glow around everything. We had been messing around a bit and then started to get into bed and Bob took off his watch and sat it on the nightstand and I thought how many times in our life together will I see him do that simple thing. Will God really let me watch forever how the muscles in his back work as he bends over slightly and places his watch on the night stand or the way he ducks his head and touches his forehead when he's feeling a little shy or is this going to be jerked away from me because I don't deserve it. What deal do I have to make with the gods to keep this beautiful, kind, loving man. When we finally slide naked under the cool sheets together and the sheer eroticism of the moment brought tears to my eyes and he wraps me in his arms and tells me we don't have to do anything if I don't want to even though I know he's so horny he could be drilling for oil with that dick. Well there's no way that I'm going to pass up this moment and I take things in hand and guide him into me. When we make love he's so gentle, so concerned that he might hurt me. There's something about a physically powerful guy being gentle that is an incredible turn on, knowing that he was strong enough to do anything to me he wanted to do but was concerned enough to be gentle. And then when we finally turned to sleep he would spoon me from behind wrapping me in his arms and his cock would still be half hard and pressed against my butt. I can't tell you how much sleep we've lost because of that position.
Continution of chaper 2

We had just finished our first night of sleeping together. Well actually we had slept together before but never as boyfriends and with sex. Bob's bedroom has a southern exposure and is very bright in the morning so I got a really good chance to watch him sleep. This is one of my favorite times when there's no rush to go do something and the phone isn't ringing and I can just stare at him and touch his hair. It isn't often when you can just stare closely at someone and I was looking at how his dark brown hair was laying across his forehead and how strong his jaw line was when he rolled over on his side and buried his face in the crook of my neck and started mumbling about getting up. He had thrown his right arm around me and pulled me into his body kinda pivoting me until we were spooning again. Because he's a lot bigger than me it's kinda like he envelopes me and I can feel a hard dick poking my butt and as he stretches his legs out he shoves his dick even harder towards me and I grab it and guide it in. He feels right away that he's in me and and just says, "Oh, Babe." There isn't much lube left from last night and I try to keep him from just ramming it in cause he's really not awake yet and is just kinda doing what comes naturally. He's filling me up quickly and starting to be more and more aware of what he's doing and he begins rubbing his hands over my shoulders and arms.

This is the third time that we've made love and for the third time when his cock is about a third of the way in me I shoot and I say, "Bob I'm gonna shoot." And he says, "Yeah babe!" And he catches my cum in his hand and smears it over my cock and balls and start slowly jacking me to cum again with him.

Now I know that my cumin like that is not totally unusual because I've talked to a few other guys on the web that have had this happen but now after almost two years it still happens most of the time. Bob by the way loves this and when it happens I can feel him go into overdrive. I've thought a lot about why this happens, because for one thing it only happened twice with Dave in three years, and happens almost all the time with Bob. Well of course I love Bob and surely that's a big part of it but there are some other things that I kinda isolated as causes for this. Trust is a big part of it and it's easy to trust Bob. He's one of those people that simply never lie, he may dance around and do about anything not to answer a question but he never lies and never did even when we were little kids. Another thing that wouldn't seem to be a turn-on seems somehow to be one and that is that Bob respects people. My dad finally gave up after about ten years of trying to get Bob to call him by his first name instead of saying "Sir". Bob treats all older people like they're his parents, even a lot of times when I don't think they deserve it. These are trust and respect issues and I think that when you love someone to begin with and then also trust and respect them it makes it possible to be totally open to sexual attraction. I've already said that Bob is attractive and sexy and has a great cock but there are two other really compelling qualities; he is very confident that he knows what should be done at any given moment and he has this unbelievably sexy voice. When he pulls me to him and says, "Babe I need you." It sends vibrations exploding into my brain and then making a fast trip to my cock. Now usually after I shoot the first time I go a little soft and then get hard again so that by the time Bob is ready to cum I'm usually ready to cum again too.

We goofed around most of that morning, breakfast at Denny's, playing footsie under that table, stuff like that. Later we met Bob's brother Mark for lunch.

Like I said before Bob's brother Mark is stud city. He's ten years older than Bob and works for their Dad. Actually I guess Mark pretty much runs the office because their dad is almost never there. Mark and his wife are the only ones in Bob's family that know he's gay and they're both cool about it. Mark just said to me, "Well Bill you were practically a member of the family already." Then to the both of us, "I hope I don't have to give you guys lectures about playing safe." We both assured him that that base was totally covered cause we were just with each other and it was like a real couple thing. I think it was at this meeting with Mark that we also brought up the college thing, Bob had already signed up to go to the University of Wisconsin at Madison and I had decided to go to the local branch, well not local but much closer. Well now that we were lovers that was all out the window and there was no way that I wasn't going to Madison with Bob, anyway I think it was then that we asked Mark to help us with the paperwork and he got it done. Mark is a totally sweet guy and if that's what Bob is going to look like in ten years woof !!

Well the next couple of weeks were pure bliss, some of the happiest days of my life. Both of us were still working and we had high school graduation coming up but we still managed to sleep together two or three nights a week and I think we had sex everyday.
By this time we were deeply in love and I was soooo happy.

I don't know why I didn't see it coming but I didn't it never occurred to me as a possibility that I would ever hear from Dave again. My new relationship with Bob and especially as it was overlaid onto our old friendship just made what had happened with Dave seem to be a million years ago. It happened on a Friday afternoon, Bob and I were at my house, my mom and dad were out for shopping and then were going to dinner, we were sitting on the sofa just kinda lightly kissing and stuff when the phone rang. I reached over and grabbed the phone and of course said hello.
Final Pt of chapter 2

"Hey Billy, you still needin to get fucked?" It was Dave.

I remember shouting something and holding the phone away from me and I remember Bob coming up off of the sofa. I think that I was standing next to the table with the phone on it and I remember Bob looking like I'd never seen him before and somewhere in my mind I thought that this is what he must look like when he plays football. He seemed to get bigger and had this terrible look on his face. In that instant I guess I thought that Bob was mad at me for the whole Dave thing and bringing him into our lives and all and I felt really scared because he looked so mad. I don't remember what he said when he grabbed the phone from me. I must have shut down because I felt myself falling but like in slow motion and these big white flashes in my brain and I could feel myself crying and I could hear Bob screaming and yelling swear words which is really strange because he doesn't do that hardly ever I mean I swear all the time but he doesn't but I can hear him swearing now but not at me so it must be at Dave but it doesn't matter because while I'm crying nonstop in my mind I'm just floating down like in deep dark water but it's not scary it's actually kinda peaceful and I just hear the yelling in the distance but it doesn't really matter because I'm in this peaceful dark place and I don't ever want to go back I just want to rest. But someone is pulling me back and I suppose it has to be Bob but I can't really tell but I know that I'm still crying and while that's something I know it seems odd because it's like only my body that's doing that not really me. I can hear Bob calling me but I just can't go back there not yet I'm just not ready for that so I just float. It's strange because I can hear Bob freaking out but it's not in a way really happening but then I feel Bob lifting me and carrying me and somehow I know that my body is curled up into this little ball and I can feel my tears running down my legs and I know Bob is talking to me but it doesn't matter because I'm not ready yet and then everything is very quiet, quiet and warm and I can feel Bob holding me and just whispering, "It's ok baby it's ok."

And then I start coming back and I realize that we're in my bedroom and I feel like a total jackoff for going nuts like that but it's just that I never expected to hear Dave's voice again and I had forgotten how sleazy he could be and it just made me feel really dirty and I felt in this totally illogical way that maybe Dave could come and get me and make me have sex with him that he somehow still owned me and could use me anytime he wanted to and it just overloaded my circuits. One of the huge differences between my time with Dave and my life with Bob, is that sex with Bob isn't dirty, it's sexy and hot and fun and often messy but I never feel like I'm less a human with Bob. Bob always makes me feel like a better person for being with him.

Well after that Bob became even more protective of me and even came up with some lame ass excuse to drive me to and from work. Well I didn't like that on one level but on another level well I guess I did like it. When we would walk around the mall it was like he was my bodyguard he was always watching I guess for Dave or someone like Dave. Good thing nobody ever tried to grab me he would have killed them. During this time Bob and my dad became even closer. I didn't realize it at the time but he was slowly telling my dad the truth about what had happened to me or at least a relatively palatable version of it and in turn my dad was vesting even more trust in Bob. I guess they were both afraid for me and Bob made it a fulltime project to protect me. I also noticed that Bob had started to stay in constant physical contact with me, he'd be rubbing my back or touching my hair. Even when I'd be falling asleep I could feel Bob running his fingers lightly over my face and hair.

In August of that year our real life as a couple began when we started sharing a room at college. I think we both felt and still feel like a married couple. The next year, we got an apartment off campus and it is really unbelievable our first real home together where we can walk around naked all day long if we want and I want.

The End
Daniel in my life

It was about six pm on a Saturday afternoon in early May, the trees were beginning to green and warm weather could almost be counted on. My day had been, unfortunately, typical, which is to say impossibly busy and now I was pretty sure that the model home that I was going to see had already closed. I was running up the steps to the front door when this guy was coming out. He looked at me and said. "Sorry buddy but we're closed."

"Oh fuck!" I stopped to catch my breath. Then realized that he was taking that remark personally. "Oh geez, I'm sorry!" I laughed. "It's not your fault. I just need a job with normal hours."

He smiled. "They killin ya?"

"Sometimes it feels like it."

He smiled at me again and I noticed that he had blue eyes, you know the kind that are brilliant blue with a kind of black surround that just seems to make the blue stand out even more. He held out his hand. "My name is Daniel O'Connor."

"I'm James Lapointe. Is that the same O'Connor of O'Connor Homes as in the sign out front?"

"That's me, actually it was mostly my dad up until he died a few years ago. Now it's me." He looked down for a second. "Why don't you come in and look around. It's not like anybody's waiting for me."

"Man I would really appreciate that! I can't seem to find the time during normal hours."

Daniel walked me around the model home and showed me the many variations that were possible. I told him what I liked and how I would really like to have a custom home built on land that was not necessarily part of a development. He said that they did have some land that would fit that description and that he'd be glad to show it to me.

Daniel was a stunningly good looking man, at least to me. He was short and thin, maybe 5'6" and 140 pounds with black slightly wavy hair and as he walked away from me I noticed that he had what looked to be an incredible ass. There was a quality about him, something was telling me that he was gay. Not that he was effeminate because he wasn't but there was something there.

After an hour or so of talking I said to him. "Daniel you said you didn't have anyone waiting for you. Would you like to have dinner? I don't have anyone waiting either."

Daniel looked at me and smiled. "Yeah.....I think I'd like that." God he's got a pretty mouth!

I walked over to him. "We could take my car," I pointed toward the door. "it's just out front." He was looking up at me with those gorgeous blue eyes.

I was fiddling with the keys in my coat pocket and I suddenly wanted to kiss this guy so bad. "Damn! Look if I'm wrong here, please forgive me." I reached over and put my hand behind his neck and drew him slowly to me. I was lowering my head and thank god he was opening his mouth slightly. I kissed him soooooo gently, our lips just touching, a whisper. "Oh god!"

He was looking into my eyes and then he looked down quickly and then back. He smiled. "You're a good kisser." He laughed. "You kiss everyone that tries to sell you something?"

I was still holding his face gently in my hands. I smiled. "Only the very best looking ones." I lowered my head and kissed him again this time probing his mouth tentatively with my tongue.

He wasn't trying in any way to pull away from me, if anything he was leaning into me. "There's a restaurant a mile or so from here." His voice was soft. "They have great steaks."

"Would that be okay with you? I mean, let's do that okay?"

"Okay but ya gotta let go of my hand or I can't put my jacket on." He laughed and it went into me like an electric current.

I just couldn't stop looking at him. I felt like a complete fool but I just couldn't take my eyes off of him and the more that I watched him the more that he watched me watching him.

"You gonna be okay?" He put his hand on my arm and looked up at me.

"Maybe food." I coughed. "Maybe I just need some food...haven't eaten."

The restaurant was close and well I guess the word would be intimate, dark wood, a fireplace. We both order steak and had just gotten our wine.

Daniel asked. "So tell me what you do for a living?"

"Okay but please don't hate me."

"Oh god, you rob banks!" He was smiling.

I laughed. "No, it's worse that that, much worse."

"Oh no! Don't tell me that you're a lawyer?"

I lowered my head. "It's true."

"Well you must have learned how to kiss before you became one." The candle on the table was dancing light around his face.

I pushed my hand across the table and just barely touched his fingertips. "You liked being kissed didn't' you?"

He smiled and nodded. "You taste good."

"I still can't believe that I did it. I've never done anything like that in my life." I was looking at my glass of wine as I swirled it around. "I mean, most of my life I've tried to hide the fact that I'm gay and even after all that's happened I still don't advertise it but you had a look on your face..............like you needed to be kissed." I looked at him and smiled. "I hope you don't think I'm a nut of some kind."

Daniel looked at me questioningly. "What all has happened? Well.....if you want to talk about it."

"Divorce." I looked at the table. "My wife hired a detective and he caught me with a guy. You'd think that I'd know better." I looked up at Daniel.

"How long were you married?"

"Twelve years, two kids, both boys, Robert 12 and Jason 10, they both hate me now." I could say it but there was no way to describe how much it hurt, having your sons hate you.

Daniel looked at me but I couldn't read his expression. "I'm sorry about the pain involved. How long did you know that you were gay?"

"Oh god, from the time that I was twelve." I ran my hand through my hair. "I just couldn't deal with it. Now everyone knows and, well, I guess, that mostly I've never been happier. Well, maybe happy isn't the right word."

"God," I said, "don't tell me that I'm some exmarried guy with kids and hang-ups that you'd just as soon never see again."

Daniel laughed. "Are you always this hard on yourself?"
"No," I laughed, "remember, I'm a lawyer, usually I'm an egotistical asshole who thinks he's the greatest thing ever to happen."

"So why are you being so hard on yourself now?" Daniel was starring sheepishly into my eyes.

I looked down at the table. "Your kiss..............and something about you. I've been looking so long....I mean there's no one to come home to......no one to care." I looked at Daniel. "Am I freaking you?"

"Well you can't tell me you haven't been invited to parties. I know the rich queens in this town and I'm sure they wanted you for breakfast."

I laughed. "Actually you're right. I just couldn't deal with that." I looked seriously at Daniel. "I'm really just a normal guy," I laughed again. "except of course for the whole liking to have sex with men thing."

The waiter brought our food and we began to eat, Daniel eating sparingly and me wolfing it down.

"So, you never answered me, am I freaking you out?"

"Nope, you're not freaking me out. I guess that I pretty much feel the same way." He was twisting his napkin. "I've had boyfriends before, well a couple, but they never lasted. Well, the only important one was the first one and it turned out that he never really cared about me." This looked painful for him. "He worked for my dad and he wanted to.....well, improve his position."

I spoke very softly. "How long were you with the first one?"

He looked up at me. "Four years." He laughed but he looked like he wanted to cry. "We didn't live together but I did think that he loved me. Turns out he wanted job insurance and something to fuck. He's married now." He looked at me with a kind of panic. "God I didn't mean to unload that on you! I'm really sorry."

I took his hand in mine. "It's okay Daniel, you can tell me whatever you need to tell me."

"I don't think that I've ever told anyone all this shit before, at least not at one sitting." His hand was still in mine and he was making no attempt to pull it back.

"I guess that I'd better give you back your hand so that we can at least finish our dinner."

He looked at me and smiled and then looked down. "You can have it back over coffee, if you want." He groaned and lowered his head. "God, I can't believe I said that."

I reached over and took his hand again. "Daniel, I spend every waking moment trying to get the truth out of people or trying to make them see the truth. You can be sappy with me as long as that's the way you really feel." I smiled at him. "Actually I like sappy." Then softly. "I like you."

"I like you too." He smiled broadly. "I let you kiss me an hour after we met for chrissake!"

"It felt good didn't it?" I said smiling.

He looked at me shyly. "I can still feel it." Then "And yeah it sure did feel good. It's been a long time since I let anyone kiss me. I forgot how..........intimate it is."

I looked at Daniel for a minute. "Daniel, I like you, I think that I like you a lot, but we can go as slow as you need to go. I know that those first relationships have probably left you feeling like you can't trust anyone, so if I start going faster than you want to go just tell me. You won't hurt my feelings," I smiled. "I'm pretty tough."

Daniel looked at me for a long while. "James, how about this; we consider this dinner to be our first date and then tomorrow you come over to my house for dinner. We can be a lot more relaxed there, I won't be so tired, and we can really get to know each other." Then. "They don't make you work on Sunday do they?"

"Nope," I smiled. "hasn't occurred to them yet and that sounds great. Can I come early?"

Daniel was drawing a map on the back of a business card. "How bout noon? And don't dress fancy, shorts or sweats would be fine. I'm a slob on the weekend, especially Sunday." He looked down at the table and scratched the back of his head then looked up at me. "If I had a lover I'd stay naked the whole day." He laughed an embarrassed laugh. "Shit! Forget that I said that!"

I laughed out loud. "I never forget!" I touched his hand and spoke seriously. "You can't imagine how I dream of a day like that. It's the thought of days like that that keep me going."

It was dark when I dropped Daniel off at his car and we embraced for a long time and I got to really kiss him. Feeling his slender hard body against mine was intoxicating for us both and we both had hardon's.

Daniel said. "Geez, I better get outta here before I do something that I don't want to do just yet." He touched his forehead to my chest. "God I hope you're for real."

I lifted his chin and gently kissed him. I whispered. "I am for real Daniel." I put my hand behind his neck and drew his head to my chest. "Baby, we just have to see if we're right for each other. I'm hoping we are. I need this so bad."

I decided to wear to Daniel's exactly what I would have been wearing if I was spending the day at home. This consisted of baseball cap, track suit pants, tee shirt, sweat shirt, sneakers, and ah, no underwear.

Hysterically, it looked like we had coordinated our clothes, he was wearing the exact same thing.

"Geez you've got great taste in clothes." Daniel was smiling.

"Well you did say casual." When I walked in I held Daniel lightly and kissed him. I did it casually because you never know how much of last night was just something of the moment and I didn't want him to think that I was assuming too much. He returned the kiss and I sensed the same need that I did the night before.

I massaged his shoulders while I looked into his eyes. "You okay today?

"Maybe a little scared." He was looking me right in the eyes. "But that won't stop me."

"Don't be afraid. I won't bite unless you tell me to."
"Well I think the idea here is that we relax and just be ourselves so come on in the kitchen and we'll get some coffee and I'll give ya a tour of the place." Daniel took my hand and led me through the foyer and down a short hallway to the kitchen.

While Daniel was pouring coffee I reached up under his sweatshirt and rubbed my hands against his naked chest. A soft "mmmmm" came from his throat. "Now if you keep that up we're going to end up on the kitchen floor and the only thing we're going to find out about each other is that we both like sex." He laughed. "Besides, that's cheating." He pulled my hands out from under his sweatshirt.

"When I'm near you it's hard not to touch you." I kissed the back of his neck. I turned Daniel around and wrapped my arms around him. "I don't think that I've ever felt this connected with someone, so relaxed." I quickly kissed him. "I feel that we're meant to be together, that it's fate."

Daniel grabbed my hand and pulled me to the living room. We sat on a brown leather sofa and Daniel laid back and put his feet up on a cocktail table. "High school, I went to high school in Milwaukee and college at UW at Madison, majored in architecture with a minor in English." He rolled his head and looked at me. "Your turn."

"Okay, high school in Lake Forest Illinois, the Marine Corp and then college and law school at Northwestern. I always knew that I wanted to be a lawyer. My dad is one and he's kinda my hero and my mom is nice too but she doesn't do much."

"Why is your dad your hero?"

"Cause he's honest. I mean he's also incredibly tough and smart but he's got like this solid inner core of honesty that just anchors him." I knew that tears were starting to form at the corners of my eyes but I ignored them. I reached over and took Daniel's hand. "I want to be like my dad, that's really important to me."

"Hmmm, sounds like my dad." Daniel was twisting and playing with my finger. "Even when he found out that I was gay, and in the beginning he was finding out in the worst possible way with that guy starting rumors and shit. He just told me that I should always tell the truth, no matter what it was and that if it turned out that I was gay it would be okay as long as I told the truth."

Daniel looked at me. "What did your dad say about the divorce?"

"Oh god! That was so hard. I had to tell him before he heard about it and I would have rather done about anything other than that." I pulled Daniel to me on the sofa. "When I was telling him he didn't say a word, just stared at me and listened, no expression on his face at all. It was more frightening than if he had exploded or something. Anyway when I finally finished he says. "James before I comment on this I would like some time to do a little research." Then he says that he loves me and nothing changes that, ever, but he needs a little time. It took him about a week and by that time he probably knew more about being gay than Larry Kramer."

Daniel had let me pull him to me while I was telling him about my dad and as I was talking he just seemed to naturally snuggle down against me. I had an arm over his shoulder and from time to time I would bend down and kiss the top of his head.

"You're lucky you've still got your dad and your mom." He looked up at me. "Loosing my dad was really rough, there was my mom to worry about, the business to worry about and then the whole emotional thing of not having him around anymore." Daniel laughed. "Sorry. I don't usually do the self pity thing."

Suddenly Daniel sat up. "Wanna see my favorite room?" He was smiling. "Come on."
He grabbed my hand and pulled me up from the sofa and dragged me upstairs.

"You taking me someplace where you can have your way with me."

"Maybe later but now I want to show you this room." Daniel pulled me into a fairly small room that was all windows and faced the south. The sun was streaming in and if the upper part of the window wasn't open the room would have been intolerably hot, at least for May. There was no furniture in the room but lots of plants, all kinds including herbs. Daniel laid down in the center of the room on the floor the sun was hitting him full on. "In the middle of winter when it's really cold outside I come into this room and lay here naked and then it doesn't feel like I'm trapped in this snow covered place." He rolled over and looked up at me. "You think that I'm totally fucking nuts don't you?"

I laughed out loud and straddled Daniel on the floor. I leaned down and kissed him. "No, no I don't." I laid down next to him. "Nothing that makes you happy is crazy, nothing." I was running my fingers through his hair and my face was very close to his.

Suddenly I realized that maybe I was pushing him and I laid my head on the floor. "Daniel, am I pushing too hard. I really don't mean to."

"No James! No honest you're not." Daniel rolled on his side and put his hand on the back of my neck. "I like what you're doing. It makes me feel good, like you really care."

"I do care." I was still starring at the floor. "Daniel it doesn't make any sense to me and I don't expect you to feel the same way yet but I think that I'm falling in love with you." I put my hand on his chest. "Please Daniel don't let that freak you out. I probably shouldn't have said it but I was gonna go crazy if I didn't."

I finally looked up at Daniel and he was smiling. He reached over and touched my face. "Good, I wouldn't want to be falling in love alone."

I leaned over and kissed him and then wrapped my arms around him and kissed him even more deeply. "I promise that I won't hurt you Daniel, not like those other guys, I'd never do that." I laid my head on his chest. "What do we do now?"

Daniel got up and pulled me up with him. He took my hand and we walked slowly to his bedroom. "It's been over a year since I had sex with another person. Horny doesn't really describe it." He smiled at me and wrapped his arm around my neck. "Not that I want to put a lot of pressure on ya or anything but god I need it."

I pushed Daniel down on the bed and layed down on top of him. "So this is just like you want a stud service right? I smiled and kissed him.

"You got it babe!"

"Well, I'm your guy." I started pulling his sweatshirt off over his head. His tee shirt came off with the sweatshirt and for the first time I was looking at Daniel's naked chest. "God you're fucking gorgeous!"

I can't describe how beautiful Daniel looked to me, his black hair, his blue eyes, his chest was defined without being overworked. I lifted my self up and slowly pulled down his track pants. His cock caught on the waist band but then slapped against his stomach. I pulled his pants off and tossed them on the floor. Daniel was totally naked.

I pulled my sweatshirt off over my head and tossed it on the floor with Daniel's clothes. I rolled off of him and lifted my legs up and pulled off my track pants, like Daniel's my cock slapped against my stomach. I tuned on my side and gently took Daniel's cock in my hand, it was about six inches, perfectly formed and hard as a rock. He gasped a little when I touched his cock but then settled down. I took Daniel's left hand and put it on my cock.

Daniel sat up. "Please tell me that's your fucking arm."

I laughed. "I know you can handle it."

"Handle it? We'd need a crane to handle it." He smiled at me and kissed me. "I'm kidding, you have a pretty dick and I've got some really good lube.
James, before we do anything, shit this is gonna sound needy, but would you just hold me for a while? I mean, I'm as horny as you are but it's just been so long since I've felt that and it's the thing I need most.

I laid down next to Daniel and held him in my arms, he rolled over and put his head on my chest. After a while he reached down and lifted up my cock. "Holy fuck! You better be gentle."

I kissed the top of his head and said. "Daniel, I figure that after this long without sex we better just treat you like a virgin." I massaged the back of his neck. "Don't worry hun we're not going any faster than you want to. You're calling the shots."

Daniel was slowly stroking my dick. "It sure is a pretty one. It may be the nicest dick I've ever seen."

"That's all that French Canadian blood in me. Sometimes those guys needed to split logs with their dicks." I lifted his chin up and kissed him. "But I'm more than just a big dick ya know.

I pulled Daniel up even with me and held his face in my hands and kissed him. "It's like you've taken over my mind, for the last twenty-four hours I haven't been able to think of anything else. I got cases sitting on my desk and I don't give a fuck about them. There's like a million things that I need to get done regarding my family and the divorce and I don't give a fuck about them either. When I close my eyes I see your face, when I open them I want to see it. I've never felt like this before in my life, not for my wife not for anyone." I kissed him again.

I began to kiss the underside of Daniel's jaw and up behind his ear, moving very slowly, enjoying every centimeter of the skin that I was adoring so totally. When I kissed behind his ear Daniel began to moan very softly almost inaudibly so I began kissing all around his ear and slowly working my way inside of it. This seemed to cause a explosion of movement as Daniel started writhing under me and gasping as my tongue entered him. I held his head with both hands and stopped him from moving too much.

From his ear I moved my tongue down to Daniel's nipples, which are pretty prominent. Generally if a guy has big nipples they're sensitive and so were Daniels. The first lick had him begging me to stop but aside from varying the pressure of my tongue and teeth I kept torturing his nipples. All during my working over of Daniel's nipples his legs were coming up to the point that by the time I was done with them his legs were wrapped around my waist and my dick was poking somewhere near his ass.

After I finished with his nipples I returned to kissing Daniel. The kisses were deep and passionate and our tongues became intimately acquainted with each other.

"James, please, I'm ready, please man, I need your dick." He kissed me. "Please fuck me."

I put my mouth next to his ear and in a husky whisper. "You really need my cock?"

"Oh god yeah! Please James, fuck me."

I pushed his hair out of his eyes and spoke in the same voice. "Daniel, when I fuck you your ass is gonna be mine. That what you want?

"God yes James! Just stick it in me." Please babe I really need it now!

"Do ya love me? I want to fuck my lover."

"Yes, oh fuckin yes! I love you James."

"You sure you want it."

He just groaned. I turned him over so that he was on his hand and knees. I pushed his knees further apart, took the lube on the night stand and started applying it to Daniels asshole, slowly pushing my index finger in and moving it around so that he'd get used to it. Soon it was joined by a second finger and eventually a third. I pushed them in twisting them as I went. Daniel was silky smooth inside and his asshole tightened around my fingers.

"You ready?"

"God yes! Put it in...........but slowly."

I put my condom covered dick where my fingers had been and slowly pressed forward for a bit and then stopped.

"Okay Daniel, it's up to you now, push back and take as much as you can." We were both lightly sweating as Daniel started pushing backward, making little grunting sounds.

Just as we were reaching the point were Daniel was either going to push me back off the bed or my cock was going to break in half in popped into him.

"Ohhhhhhhhhh holy fuck!" Daniel was trying to pull off my cock but I held him in place.

"Hang in there Daniel! It'll pass."

"Ohhhhh fuck that hurts! Ohhh fuck!" Daniel lower his head to the bed while he got used to my cock in his ass. I leaned forward and rubbed his shoulders and talked quietly to him.

Very slowly, so slowly that even Daniel couldn't much feel it I began to fuck him. When I say slowly I do mean slowly, an eighth of an inch in, a sixteenth back, slowly going deeper into him. I talked to him for every second, telling him that I loved him, telling him how great his ass felt and how good it was going to feel for him soon. By the time that I had about six inches in his ass I was moving about a half inch in and out and Daniel was no longer talking about pain.

"Oh baby! Oh baby your ass feels fucking fantastic!" And god it did! Having my cock in Daniel's ass threw my feelings for him into overdrive, all I could think of was keeping this man mine. This sure wasn't my first fuck but it made all the others seem like nothing. Seeing Daniel throw his head back first in pain and now in ecstasy was making my heart turn in my chest. I wanted both to totally dominate him sexually and to totally serve him as a lover, a mate. I knew that for better or worse things were never going to be the same and that the man beneath me was going to be the center of my life.

"Fuck James, oh god! Your cock is so fucking great!" He reached under himself and felt my dick moving in his ass. "Oh man! That's fantastic." Then. "Give me more James, I can take more. I slowly buried my cock all the way into Daniel's ass, he gasped but then said. "Fucking yes, yeah, yeah!" Then. "Been so fucking long. So fucking good, so good." Daniel reached back and felt my cock moving in him again and then held my balls in his hand. "God I can hold your balls James! I can hold your fucking balls while you fuck me."

"Oh shit! Oh god James, I'm fucking cumming." Daniel clamped down on my dick as he started to cum and at the same time started bucking his ass up and down and that triggered my own orgasm.

"Oh fuck Daniel! Oh fuck, I'm cumin in your ass." I dropped down over Daniel's back as I pumped my load into is ass. I kissed the back of his neck and wrapped my arms around him.

Afterwards we just collapsed forward, Daniel on his stomach with me on top of him my cock still in his ass.
Slowly I pulled Daniel over on to his side with me behind him. My cock slowly plopped out of his ass. After a few minutes to get our breath back Daniel rolled over so that he was facing me, he buried his face in my chest and wrapped his arms around me. I was beginning to understand that Daniel's need for affection was almost limitless and he loved burying his face in my chest while I held him, this was a position that he would happily stay in for hours or until he was moved.

I kissed the top of Daniel's head. "You doing okay?" I was lightly rubbing Daniel's back.

"Better than." He was talking into my chest.

"You're being kinda quiet."

"Trying to sort it out."

"I love you."

"God I love you too!" Then. "Are you always this nice?"

"How do ya mean?"

"Well........just nice. I mean like everything you've done." He looked up at me. "You've been so patient with me."

I rolled Daniel onto his back, wrapped my arms around him and kissed him deeply. I ran my fingers through his hair.

"You don't suppose it's because I love you do ya?" Daniel looked confused. "Daniel, these aren't just words to me and I don't understand how in the hell it could have happened so fucking fast, but babe, I do love you."

"I know you do. I can feel it." He turned into my chest again. "Just been so long."

I held Daniel for a long time and then began to notice how perfectly formed his ass was, how creamy white the color and how perfect the shape. I ran my hand down his back as his face was laying on my chest and started massaging those beautiful cheeks and slipping my finger just slightly into his ass.

"Mmmm, that feels nice."

"Daniel you have the prettiest ass I've ever seen."

"Well you've got the prettiest dick that I've ever seen." He reached down to touch my cock. "Oh geez." He lifted his head and looked down at my cock then up at me. "Wanna split some logs?"

We fucked on and off for the rest of the afternoon, then took a break for some grilled steaks. Afterwards we snuggled together on a chaise lounge on the patio watching the sun going down and just being in love together. Finally it got too cool to stay outside and we went inside, lit a fire in the fireplace and wrapped ourselves in a blanket and sat in front of the fire just kinda kissing and playing with each other.

"Oh fuck Daniel! I looked at him. "I gotta go to work tomorrow! I don't have any clothes with me."

"James don't go!" He took my face in his hands. "Honest babe I'll wake you up early tomorrow and you can run home and change. But I really need you here tonight." Daniel looked angry with himself and got up off the floor and went and sat on the sofa. "Forget that James, I'm being fucking needy, if you need to go home so you can get ready for work tomorrow then you should do that."

I walked over to the sofa and pulled him up into an embrace, we were both naked. "Promise you'll get me up by five?"

"I promise. And I promise I'll wake you up in a way that you'll like." He took my hand.
" Let's go to bed.

By five in the morning I think that I was more tired than I have ever been. My wife and I didn't fuck like that on our honeymoon, well with her what could you expect, in any event by the time that I got to work I was pretty much a zombie.

Part of me wanted to move in with Daniel, which is what he wanted also, but on the other hand I had my kids to think of, since visitation hadn't been settled yet, not that they wanted to see me but I still felt that I needed to keep my own place. Over the next few days I did start bringing some suits, shirts and ties over to Daniel's. I couldn't stand not being with him especially at night and as strongly as I felt that, it was even worse for him. Daniel wanted me with him every second, and more than anything on earth I wanted to make him happy.

I'm sure that my work suffered although I tried really hard for that not to happen but quite honestly the only thing on my mind for those first few weeks was Daniel. I wanted to be with him. I wanted to be sure that he was okay. I guess that I was and to a large degree still am feeling a very basic need to make sure that the one you love is happy and safe.

I wasn't really going home to my apartment anymore, when I left work I went to Daniel's unless I needed to pickup more clothes or something. It was weird at first, I mean I love Daniel, but it wasn't our house, it was his. I kinda got used to that but I was also kinda feeling like a long term guest or something. But I was sure that we could work it out

........................................The End.....................................................