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10 random facts about you.

Hi Grace:

Thanks for the contact! I am sorry it has taken me a bit to reply but I have been going full blast the last couple of weeks.

I was born and raised in Michigan and lived most of my life on the water there, Lake Huron actually. But I never liked the cold and snow. I liked to ski, snowboard and stuff, but I knew when I was in middle school, I want to live in a warm climate. In fact starting in middle school taking my first scuba diving lessons, I did almost all of my many certifications, right up to instructor in the Cayman Islands and I fell in love with the islands, the people and mainly the crystal clear WARM water. There is much I miss about Michigan but for sure, NOT winter!

I was lucky that my parents are animal lovers too. When they brought me home only a few weeks old, the first thing my Mom said they did was put me on the floor and let our family dog Max who was a rescued German Shepard puppy check me out. Max and I had a great time growing up and he took excellent care of me. My two cats, Nitrox and Sammy I found about two weeks apart. Nitrox had been hit by a car and lost an eye. I saw an ad in the local paper that the Vet was going to put him up for adoption. I had only been here a couple of weeks. The vet gave me a pretty strong going over to make sure I am someone that will give him a good home. Sadly a lot of young people like me who come here to work for a year or so, pack up and leave and put the pets outside to fend for themselves. I would kick the living S__T out of anyone I meet that would do that. Then a couple of weeks later, Sammy cam walking up to me and she told me she needed a good home and now she is family too. In my family, pets are just that family and treated as such. When I leave, they are coming with me BTW. And they are indoor pets as well. Only outside with me.

It's cool you are reading about the Pacific garbage patch and yeah it is a problem. The patch is formed because of ocean currents that form a large vortex that swirls around and traps stuff in the water. I spent most of my time in the South Pacific and I did see a bit, but nothing like the north part of the Pacific. It is mainly microscopic particles of plastic and chemicals that will not break down naturally. And it does effect fish and plant life. The USA does a lot better in watching what goes in the water then we used to ( we need to do more), but it's the Pacific rim countries that will pour whatever they feel like in the water that has to stop.

As far as where life takes me, What I am working on the last two years that really intrigues me is my underwater geology research. The field covers geophysical, geothermal, geochemical etc. etc. What I am working on is the study of underwater volcanos and also the underwater faults and plates. There is a stunning amount of movement underwater that we are now able to track very well that gives us insight to potential earthquakes and changes, and also the earths inner life that regenerates the ocean coming out of the thermal tubes. The sea floor is amazingly active, so much so that if it were land, you couldn't really build on it in many places. Even today, we still know far more about outer space then what is below the seas that surround us. I have a couple of job offers waiting on me to finish my degrees and get back to the real world. I will probably live aboard research ships a lot of the time, and in different parts of the world. Eventually I will probably teach what I have learned and been doing. But the one great thing is I will be able to spend a lot of time underwater too. Plus we have some really cool toys like ROV's (remotely operated vehicles) and acoustic stuff and new sonar that didn't exist a few years ago. ALL is very cool to work with and the data you get is amazing showing you what's down there in 3D. Anyway, sorry way to long. But I am passionate about things and get carried away.

Stay warm, and get out and enjoy the water!

1. Im a thoroughbred Scotsman.
2. I flit between London, New York and Los Angeles.
3. I love being massaged.
4. I'm 6ft tall.
5. Red wine is a passion.
6. Grace Jones snogged me.
7. I'm a good listener.
8. I have hair removed from my back, shoulders, nose, ears, balls, ass and shaft regularly.
9. I flew on Concorde many times and miss it being in the world.
10. I like to write.
1. Im a thoroughbred Scotsman.
2. I flit between London, New York and Los Angeles.
3. I love being massaged.
4. I'm 6ft tall.
5. Red wine is a passion.
6. Grace Jones snogged me.
7. I'm a good listener.
8. I have hair removed from my back, shoulders, nose, ears, balls, ass and shaft regularly.
9. I flew on Concorde many times and miss it being in the world.
10. I like to write.

Thanks, it's good to get to know more about you. Of course, it does bring up more questions...
You fly a lot; is it for business or pleasure?
Of the cities you have talked about above, which is your favorite and why?
Do you have the typical red hair..."do the curtains match the drapes?" I personally LOVE redheads!
Grace Jones....nope, I'd pass on her; now Annie Lenox, any day!
1. Im a thoroughbred Scotsman.
2. I flit between London, New York and Los Angeles.
3. I love being massaged.
4. I'm 6ft tall.
5. Red wine is a passion.
6. Grace Jones snogged me.
7. I'm a good listener.
8. I have hair removed from my back, shoulders, nose, ears, balls, ass and shaft regularly.
9. I flew on Concorde many times and miss it being in the world.
10. I like to write.

Welcome to the forum Manlyscotsman :smile:

Mmmm....I too love red wine with a passion. It's Saturday in my part of the world and that means 'date night' with my husband; delicious food and an even more delicious bottle of cabernet sauvignon. Do you have a favorite variety?

I'd love to hear the circumstances surrounding your Grace Jones kiss...
1. Im a thoroughbred Scotsman.
2. I flit between London, New York and Los Angeles.
3. I love being massaged.
4. I'm 6ft tall.
5. Red wine is a passion.
6. Grace Jones snogged me.
7. I'm a good listener.
8. I have hair removed from my back, shoulders, nose, ears, balls, ass and shaft regularly.
9. I flew on Concorde many times and miss it being in the world.
10. I like to write.

Welcome to the forum! I am a white wine girl, but I occasionally find I a red that works for me. I would love to practice my great listening skills, by listening to you tell us about your travels.:biggrin:
1. Im a thoroughbred Scotsman.
2. I flit between London, New York and Los Angeles.
3. I love being massaged.
4. I'm 6ft tall.
5. Red wine is a passion.
6. Grace Jones snogged me.
7. I'm a good listener.
8. I have hair removed from my back, shoulders, nose, ears, balls, ass and shaft regularly.
9. I flew on Concorde many times and miss it being in the world.
10. I like to write.

Thanks for sharing and welcome to the forum. :)
Hi Beth
The flying is mainly pleasure (not the flying- the getting there) I'd have to say London or New York - find it hard to tear myself away from either and both have so much to offer, in different ways. No red hair, unfortunately, is not as typical among Scotsmen as the stereotype would have you believe. I too am a fan of red hair which is why I enjoy many of Spencer Todd's appearances. I am salt and pepper dark brown - just plain dark brown in the drapes department. I was happy that Grace made a pass a me. I was actually on a flight with Annie Lennox a few years ago. SHe is lovely, but I have to disappoint you and tell you she isn't a natural red head either x
Welcome to the forum Manlyscotsman :smile:

Mmmm....I too love red wine with a passion. It's Saturday in my part of the world and that means 'date night' with my husband; delicious food and an even more delicious bottle of cabernet sauvignon. Do you have a favorite variety?

I'd love to hear the circumstances surrounding your Grace Jones kiss...

Hello Grace

I love all reds but lean mostly towards pinot noir and merlot. I'd never shy from trying any red though. Grace Jones was at the next table to me at a white tie dinner, two years ago. She kept looking at me and when the dinner was over she came over to me and basically wrapped herself around me. I was gobsmacked. She asked if I wasnted to come back to her hotel but I had to decline as I was looking after my date that night ;-)
Hi Beth
The flying is mainly pleasure (not the flying- the getting there) I'd have to say London or New York - find it hard to tear myself away from either and both have so much to offer, in different ways. No red hair, unfortunately, is not as typical among Scotsmen as the stereotype would have you believe. I too am a fan of red hair which is why I enjoy many of Spencer Todd's appearances. I am salt and pepper dark brown - just plain dark brown in the drapes department. I was happy that Grace made a pass a me. I was actually on a flight with Annie Lennox a few years ago. SHe is lovely, but I have to disappoint you and tell you she isn't a natural red head either x

I like New York, but can only take so much of it; the noise gets to me after a week. I have never been to Europe; I'm still waiting for the hotels to offer room service (I'm spoiled that way). My daughter, who has been tons of times, says that the hotels are not what they are over here.
The "Big Redwood" I like is Conner...what a man! And if you add curls to the red hair...I'm yours!:w00t:
Grace is a great lady...and she knows how to flirt! May I ask if you are bi, gay or straight?
Now, as far as a "natural" red head goes, you ought to know: when a lady pays for it, "it's natural!" hehehe
1. Im a thoroughbred Scotsman.
2. I flit between London, New York and Los Angeles.
3. I love being massaged.
4. I'm 6ft tall.
5. Red wine is a passion.
6. Grace Jones snogged me.
7. I'm a good listener.
8. I have hair removed from my back, shoulders, nose, ears, balls, ass and shaft regularly.
9. I flew on Concorde many times and miss it being in the world.
10. I like to write.
Again, welcome to the forum and these are some great facts about you. Thanks for sharing I to love red wine and its good for you. I'm a fan of sweet wine to just not to sweet. Ha
I know you from this site and David's. As always, you are very open and outgoing. I have not done any scuba diving, but snorkel (yes, go ahead and laugh). Hawaii was nice, but not my thing; I love the cold of Alaska! What is your favorite thing about Cameron? And as far as modeling, it's up to you. Would you fuck with other guys on camera or just Cameron? I'm thinking if you are not in an "open relationship," which is none of my business (but I'll give you my opinion) have some serious discussions before you start...porn is forever...:001_tongue:
Oh, wow! I'm going back to school for marine biology I love the water and it has a lot to offer in marine life. I wouldn't mind bein a marine mammal trainer either that'd def be my dream job.

1. I moved to South America over 10 years ago and absolutely love it here.
2. I was attracted to women only until I fell for my good buddy, and never looked back. Labels scare me.
3. My ultimate turn on is trusting someone, and honesty in general cos my biggest joy is having nothing to hide :)
4. My biggest accomplishment is probably being 6 years sober, after a long battle with addiction.
5. I daydream way too much. All the time, lol.
6. I'm a hopeless romantic and flirt.
7. Biggest dark "secret" (didn't last long) I once posed semi-naked for the $. Never again, LOL. I seem confident but secretly I'm pretty shy.
8. I love Saturday mornings.
9. Facebook gets on my nerves pretty badly. I don't use twitter, instagraph and only use my cellphone to make calls.
10. I'm a nerd. I'd rather read than have sex.
Bonus 11. I don't know HOW I ended up here, LOL. So far I'm not complaining though ;)


1. I moved to South America over 10 years ago and absolutely love it here.
2. I was attracted to women only until I fell for my good buddy, and never looked back. Labels scare me.
3. My ultimate turn on is trusting someone, and honesty in general cos my biggest joy is having nothing to hide :)
4. My biggest accomplishment is probably being 6 years sober, after a long battle with addiction.
5. I daydream way too much. All the time, lol.

#2...You're so right, labels can be scary and horribly limiting. If you stick around you'll get to know Jason, one of BSBs regular (and very popular) models, he describes himself as pansexual and advocates loving 'hearts not parts'. I think it's a beautiful way to view love...
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