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10 random facts about you.


Well-known Member
Oct 14, 2008
Reaction score
Dallas TX
Tell us 10 facts about you. I'll start.

1. I'm French.
2. My name is Stephane but everybody calls me Steve.
3. I've been Mark's designer since 2002.
4. I bite my nails.
5. I love being single, and promised myself i would never get into another
6. I was in the army for 2 years, and loved it.
7. I was in a 3way relationship once.
8. I collect trolls.
9. I'd go straight for Kylie :001_tt2:
10. I can't stand nelly guys.

Your turn :)
Infrequently Answered Questions

1. I was a wolf-boy till I was 16 and went away to school
2. I'm tall for my height (5'7")
3. I've got those ugly stubby thumbnails
4. I'm ethnically English, Scots, Welsh, French, touch of Arapaho and maybe some African American
5. I was called Capitán Contenedor by a bunch of my students in Barcelona
6. I believe there really is a Capricorn Brotherhood
7. I taught a kickass university course called Experiments in Applied Creativity :001_rolleyes:
8. I sometimes black out when an orgasm lasts too long
9. I have many more allergies than you do
10. I'm knocked out by Steve's turning a request (to know more about him) into a clever interactive game for everyone, an experiment in applied creativity
  1. I am Irish, English, German, and Native American (Mohawk).
  2. I was a US Marine.
  3. I studied martial arts and wrestling.
  4. I have worked as a stripper.
  5. I am a Capricorn.
  6. I am not attracted to nelly guys or masculine women. I do love all people.
  7. I am single and content to be alone for now.
  8. I am a spiritual healer.
  9. I believe everything thing in life happens for a reason.
  10. I believe unconditional love is the key to healing the world.
Last edited:
1. I'm English, German, Italian, and Native American (Cherokee)
2. I'm a Scorpio
3. I've never been in a long term relationship.
4. I've had 2 kidney transplants.
5. I believe in reincarnation
6. I don't like nelly guys.
7. I don't believe in coincidences.
8. I love a good margarita but I'm not a drinker.
9. I'm a big fan of science fiction
10. I don't like cigarette smoke.
Re: 10 facts

1. I am German, Hungarian and a mix of Irish, Scot and English.
2. I was told I had HIV on 4/16/86, my 25th birthday.
3. My relationship was blessed by the Episcopal church in 1999.
4. I was an Army Officer.
5. I attended the following colleges: US Merchant Marine Academy (Kings Point), Pima Community College and the University of Arizona.
6. I graduated from High School in 3 years.
7. I was an Eagle Scout.
8. I was molested by my Scout Master.
9. I am an Aries.
10. I try to take people for who they are.

1. I'm a half Italian, a quarter Polish, and a quarter German.
2. I love black raspberry ice cream.
3. I'm a Cancer, since my birthday is June 23.
4. My favorite song, well, I couldn't say, it's changed 5 times in the past 3 minutes.
5. Boxers vs. Briefs: I'm a boxers guy.
6. I love Mountain Blast Powerade.
7. I'm the person my friends turn to at 3 in the morning when they've had a bad night. Can't say many of them would return the favor.
8. I'm working towards a Bachelors Degree in Justice Studies with a minor in Political Science.
9. My two best friends are in the Marines.
10. I turn 21 in 4 months and 21 days.
1. I'm English. My father's family has been in America since 1650.
2. I'm Bi.
3. I have a girlfriend.
4. I had a male lover for well over 20 yrs. I had girlfriends the whole time.
5. All my girlfriends know him, but none of them knew about us.
6. I love Guinness.
7. I'm attracted to straight guys, which gets me no where.....
8. I'm a Virgo.
9. I have a horse that I love, and she loves me back.
10. I have an 18 year old female cat.
Random Thoughts From A Looseleaf Notebook

1. I have traveled through 32 countries worldwide, but know very little about U.S. geography.
2. I have had the same lover, friend, and confidant for 29 years. (he has since passed away)
3. I have been ready to retire for the past 5 years.
4. I have been a chicken hawk all my life.
5. My login is richardnoggin. (dickhead....get it) My real name is Mike.
6. I'm a giver, asking nothing in return, never asking why or what for.
7. I have a fantastic family support group....no questions asked.
8. I'm a straight gin on the rocks kind of guy; lime in the summer.
9. I'm a good looking guy for my age, I'm 65, and don't look a day over 64!
10. I'm anal retentive. I have all financial records cataloged since 1982.

I would like to thank Scorpio for making me sit down and do some very serious thinking....it was very difficult coming up with 10 random facts from such a cluttered mind. :biggrin:
1. I am English/Czech-Dutch
2. Forty this year ' Scorpio '
3. Agnostic
4.Love winter skiing and naturist beaches
5. Officer - Holland America Line
6. Home base- Amsterdam ( Zantvoord )
7. Very much a loner,
8. Had one serious relationship , lasted few years
9. I love the west coast of the Americas from Vancouver to Mexico
10. Lastly...I might offend , but can't stand nelly guys
1. I am 2/3 Gailic 1/3 Native American (Navaho(forgive my spelling))
2. I am Bi
3. I work as a chef and own my own Game production Business
4. I wrestled, played soccer, and was a part of the creative writing class in HS
5. I make an Amazing Lasagna
6. I do not eat any RED meat
7. I am extremely anal retentive..... EVERYTHING MUST BE IN ITS PLACE!!
8. My first Sexual Encounter was with my Best Friend Growing up
9. I was born Breach
10. I have Written numerous poems; of which one is due to be published by Noble House Publishing in London, Paris and New York
1. I was adopted when I was two weeks old
2. I was raised in Michigan and my Mom & Dad are amazing. Especially when I came out to them at 13
3. I don't know my heritage, but I am mostly Hispanic in looks anyway
4. I am gay, completely straight acting and all who know me say I am a great guy
5. I am a professional scuba diver & PADI Master Instructor. I taught diving in the Cayman Islands from May 07 to August 08
6. In August 08, I joined a reserach ship out in the South Pacific and I am 180 miles off of Vanuatu in the Solomon Islands right now.
7. I changed majors last year from Pre-Med at Texas A&M to Oceanography and will attend college in Woods Hole, MA this fall
8. I had a great three relationship with my best friend growing up that we put on hold to do the college thing. He is in Oregon now and I am on this damn ship! LOL
9. I love to cook, play soccer, I run 5 miles a day when I am on shore, love anything to do with the water and also into 70's muscle cars
10. I am lonely as hell out here at times. No sex in almost two years now. So anyone that wants to write me, please do. I live for email. [email protected].... I only get about 8 minutes a day online so I have to do the email thing.

Just wanted to tell all of you especially Dave and the guys at Broke Straight Boys's, you are amazing. Also I am in love with Robert (Alden's buddy) :)
1. I was Born in Brooklyn, NY
2. I part Polish and Russian.
3. I've always wanted to go up in the space shuttle. Still do.
4. I'm a Numismatist.
5. I single.
6. I was elected Student Body President at my University and was the first to ever win re-election.
7. I'm a trekker (not to be confused with a Trekkie). I've been on the set of Star Trek (Voyager) while shooting and I've sat in "The Big Chair".
8. I'm an eclipse chaser.
9. I play racketball whenever I can.
10. I like to read.

Live Long and Prosper,
1) I am part Irish part English.
2) Im a twin i have a brother who is 15 mins older than me.
3) I hate flying which is a problem as my brother lives in Western Australia, i am of the if god wanted me to fly i'd have wings school. Have been to Oz 5 times.
4) Im gay have never been with a female.
5) I have a passion for guys with ginger hair, ( more on Broke Straight Boys please. )
6) I have a kidney disease, and have been told i could be on a kidney machine by the time i retire from work
7) I nurse for a living and do mostly nights. More patient contact less paperwork
8) Love men in uniform. There was a guy in America who put out DVD's of USMC guys i have several ( yum )
9) I love doing my family tree if i am not on Broke Straight Boys i am doing my tree.
10) i love country and western music i listen to the country bear from America on the internet i am listening now.

1. I am English/Italian
2. My mother and father both teach at a university
3. I will be 20 in April
4. I am a film major (want to write and direct)
5. I am a jock. Love to work out every morning and some nights I go to the
rec center to work out and check out the action in the steam room.
6. I think I'm gay but I have been attacted to some women and had sex with
7. I'm out to my parents. My Mom is great. (She's very loving and spiritual)
8. I say I want a relationship but always wind up with Mr Right Now
9. Keep telling myself as the list of my sex partners gets longer that it is
because of raging hormones and I will eventually find someone to share
my life.
10. I really don't like nelly guys. If I want a girl I find one.
random facts about me

l. retired high school English teacher
2. Played "straight" most of my life (wife, children)
3. Still married (same wife). She knows and supports my "gayness"
4. What today would be termed "molested" by a h.s. teenager when I was 6.
5. I loved the "molestation" and have never forgotten it
6. Rediscovered my sexuality in NYC with a former sitcom star in my nephew's apt.
7. Love musical theater--favorite shows: "Mame" and "Le Cage Kafig"
8. Favorite cities: NYC and London
9. Favorite nude beach: Orient Beach--St. Maarten (it's the only one I've been to)
10.Oh, by the way, Irish and German
Tell us 10 facts about you. I'll start.

1. I'm French.
2. My name is Stephane but everybody calls me Steve.
3. I've been Mark's designer since 2002.
4. I bite my nails.
5. I love being single, and promised myself i would never get into another
6. I was in the army for 2 years, and loved it.
7. I was in a 3way relationship once.
8. I collect trolls.
9. I'd go straight for Kylie :001_tt2:
10. I can't stand nelly guys.

Your turn :)

What part of France are you from? Comment allez vous?
1.I am a twin my brother is 15 min. younger then me.
2.my first gay encounter was when I was 8 yrs old and have not stop sucking since.
3.I love to travel, that is why I love my job. commodities relocation specialist.
4.I am a Chippewa indian from da Upper Peninsula of Michigan. (All how live below the bridge are trolls.lol.)
5.I am a treker. love and own the whole series.
6.I am single.
7.I am attempting to remodel my duplex.
8.I HATE COMPUTERS.:cursing:
9.I love the snow and cold weather.
10.I still hate computers!:cursing:
I'm a Pacific Islander from Guam.
A basket-weaver.
9 year veteran of USAF
hold BA and BS
work with HIV/AIDS patients
Native shaman
love sushi
love English lit
love Finnish men
into folk lore and legends
1. Im a direct descendant of Napoleon
2. Im gay
3. I have brown hair
4. I have blue/green eyes
5. I love the outdoors
6. I just moved
7. I am newly single
8. I love to meet new people :)
9. My favortie place to vacation would be New Zealand
10. Im originally from San Antonio TX