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William on SBJO


BSB Executive Senior Member
Oct 28, 2008
Reaction score
Wow, that guy William could pass as a brother or twin look a like for Maverick...:confused1: I can definitely tell they are not the same person but they have very similar looks, builds, and mannerisms. Things that make you go hummmm! He seemed like a pretty laid back guy just enjoying himself sexually. I kind of miss Maverick and Brady from Broke Straight Boys So, this guy brought back some good memories for me...:thumbup:
Maverick missed here too!

I always enjoyed Maverick. He had a wonderful smile and just seemed like someone you would like to know. Besides working with Broke Straight Boys, he worked with Straight Boys Jerk Off one of our bonus sites. I admired his work on both sites until recently.

In his last appearance on Straight Boys Jerk Off to my great disappointment, Maverick seemed to be in a drug-induced stupor and could barely keep his eyes opened or his concentration focused. He seemed much the worse for the wear and wasn't that shining, smiling, unassuming, and shy boy I had so admired not so long ago. I sincerely hope that Maverick has gotten some help and is on his way to being the Maverick we once knew!

Then again, I might be totally off-base with his health appraisal when he could have been on some prescription drugs that he reacted to badly. I sincerely hope the latter is true!


I always enjoyed Maverick. He had a wonderful smile and just seemed like someone you would like to know. Besides working with Broke Straight Boys, he worked with Straight Boys Jerk Off one of our bonus sites. I admired his work on both sites until recently.

In his last appearance on Straight Boys Jerk Off to my great disappointment, Maverick seemed to be in a drug-induced stupor and could barely keep his eyes opened or his concentration focused. He seemed much the worse for the wear and wasn't that shining, smiling, unassuming, and shy boy I had so admired not so long ago. I sincerely hope that Maverick has gotten some help and is on his way to being the Maverick we once knew!

Then again, I might be totally off-base with his health appraisal when he could have been on some prescription drugs that he reacted to badly. I sincerely hope the latter is true!



I hear you. The last I remember David telling us was that Maverick was in the service and he was called to Iraq. There was also a link that was posted at one time by a member on here that he had actually came out as Gay and he had a web page out there somewhere. I am trusting that both are probably true. Hopefully one day we will see him again.:blush:
Boy, yes Will does look like he could be Maverick's brother or first cousin! Cute guy, great set of balls and lil cock you cold suck all night long!
Boy, yes Will does look like he could be Maverick's brother or first cousin! Cute guy, great set of balls and lil cock you cold suck all night long!

I agree, and his ass is not too bad either.