I would LOVE to see Tate Thompson come back. He was my ultimate favourite!
Welcome to the forum Greg!

I would LOVE to see Tate Thompson come back. He was my ultimate favourite!
My return wishlist :
Zeno Kostas
Blake Bennett
LJ Richards
Tyler Griffin
Jnr Fernandez
Kaden Alexander Porter
All these guys were great power bottoms (even Dakota when we were lucky for him to do so). For me, nothing better than seeing them being active about bottoming - and when they asked their partner to go 'harder' or 'deeper', WOW. More please.
My return wishlist :
Zeno Kostas
Blake Bennett
LJ Richards
Tyler Griffin
Jnr Fernandez
Kaden Alexander Porter
All these guys were great power bottoms (even Dakota when we were lucky for him to do so). For me, nothing better than seeing them being active about bottoming - and when they asked their partner to go 'harder' or 'deeper', WOW. More please.
Thanks for your post Bartitah. It's nice that forum members are so welcoming. Love your Churchill quote on your message.
Aaah, Dakota. It's one thing to be hot, it's another to be a really nice guy. He scores high points in both. We had him back briefly - let's hope he will return and entertain us again. Having a quick think, I'd also like to see Anthony back. In his early scenes he was really turned on and into it. Makes you wonder where they all are now - performing on other sites ?
Cheers from over here.
You can add me to the welcoming committee, kingvalley and I have even more posts than Tampa, lol, and I've actually watched a few scenes here and here as well.Thanks for the welcome, Tampa24. I'm sure there are more I'd like to see back, but these were off the top of my head. Looks like you've been a very busy guy on here ! 13,012 posts ? I'm surprised you have time to view the scenesCheers !
My return wishlist :
Zeno Kostas
Blake Bennett
LJ Richards
Tyler Griffin
Jnr Fernandez
Kaden Alexander Porter
All these guys were great power bottoms (even Dakota when we were lucky for him to do so). For me, nothing better than seeing them being active about bottoming - and when they asked their partner to go 'harder' or 'deeper', WOW. More please.
Which Anthony are you referring to? I think there are at least 3 I can recall... Anthony High is now Tony Paradise and he works for others studio. He is still hot, in my opinion! I think Anthony Torn is not working in porn anymore... I think he got married and have kids... His Cousin Mikey talks about him in his interview scene... Anthony Hunt appeared on a scene for Fraternity X in 2015 but I couldn't find anything else about him...
Thanks for your post Bartitah. It's nice that forum members are so welcoming. Love your Churchill quote on your message.
Aaah, Dakota. It's one thing to be hot, it's another to be a really nice guy. He scores high points in both. We had him back briefly - let's hope he will return and entertain us again. Having a quick think, I'd also like to see Anthony back. In his early scenes he was really turned on and into it. Makes you wonder where they all are now - performing on other sites ?
Cheers from over here.
Now, until I can work out how to insert a permanent quote, here's a substitute :
Thanks Tyler - you've saved me a lot of time with your great instructions. As for the shaving etc, it's not only the red burn marks, it's also the ingrown hairs that aren't appealing. I like men to be men - if they are naturally smooth, fine, but leave the pre-pubescent look to those who legitimately haven't reached puberty. I had hoped this denuding the body of hair was a phase that would've come and gone by now. I know Chaos Men actively seek guys who don't shave - maybe Broke Straight Boys could make an effort in this direction ?
Cheers from me.
As for the shaving etc, it's not only the red burn marks, it's also the ingrown hairs that aren't appealing. I like men to be men - if they are naturally smooth, fine, but leave the pre-pubescent look to those who legitimately haven't reached puberty. Cheers from me.