The rejection by the senior citizens on the forum, cantankerous, obsessive and prissy bachelors that they are, of anything but chicken breast, makes me wonder if
Broke Straight Boys is not only niche, fetishist and retro, but out of date as well. What's really happening in the big bad world of bi curious sex has more to do with corey and smoore than you think.
Things are getting curiouser and curiouser on this forum, and particularly on this thread. I am also reading what appears to me to be a case of convoluted logic bringing posters from point A to point B. And while I detest discrimination as much as anyone, I'm wondering why homophobia is considered a sin, but ageist discriminatory comments have been allowed to fly around here lately with impunity.
This web site was created by BluMedia, as a fetishist niche web site for the entertainment of adults, who enjoy seeing young straight guys performing gay sex acts. It may be an illogical fetish, but it is one that non the less does exist, and BluMedia saw this as a market that still had potential to be tapped, and it has apparently been extremely successful and is thriving, despite the occasional complainer to the forum that the site has too many femme boys, or those who vociferously complain that there are too many "pseudo-straight fratties, rednecks, trailer trash and future convict" types. If the web site is doing well, then apparently Mark and David know what they are doing.
It would be like a site being created and devoted to people who love and are obsessed with Yorkshire terriers. And then people complaining that not enough attention is being paid to Beagles or Rottweilers or Labrador Retrievers. Why join a site devoted to Yorkshire terriers, when that is not what you are into, and why say that the owner's of the site are out of touch or "out of date"? I don't get it.
Broke Straight Boys, David has very effectively used "gay boys" to draw out the best in the "straight boys" on the site. I believe that Aiden in the highly controversial, (in some circles) Torin, Steve and Aiden series was very effective. David has explained many times, that he will continue to use openly, gay, totally out guys in scenes from time to time.
But as recently as today, David also said,
"If there are members here on
Broke Straight Boys that like watching femme gay boys...then they are watching the wrong site
I say, if you don't enjoy looking exclusively at Yorkshire terriers, you are watching the wrong site, too.
Finally, on ageism, which is also called age discrimination, why are two members of the forum correlating a fetish to watch straight guys on this site with being "senior citizens on the forum, (who are) cantankerous, obsessive and prissy bachelors". If you would have polled me when I was 20 years old, and asked me to describe the type of guy who was my sexual ideal, it would be pretty damn close to the same type that turns me on today. And if you scroll back in our forum to the "10 things about me" thread, you would find that our esteemed Scorpio, who was begged and cajoled into almost giving us an on screen interview this past Christmas, said "I can't stand nelly guys.". Is Scorpio one of the senior citizens on the forum?
I sincerely do keep wanting to let this now silly , repetitive debate end, but when I read comments like I did today, I feel compelled to comment.