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Where have I been?.... The answer inside...


BSB Model
BSB Model
Sep 21, 2011
Reaction score
Pompano Beach, FL
I have been reading a lot of the recent forum posts. Including the one, "Getting to know Chad," that Mark posted. In response to that I would like to say thank you to Mark for the compliment. My eyes seem to get people's attention and I am not sure why. But I appreciate it :biggrin:

Everyone has been wondering where I went. Well the answer is no where. I am still here. You just can't see me haha. I have moved from on camera to behind the camera working hard alongside of Clay, Mark, and the rest of the production crew to help bring about some of the changes that you are starting to see on Broke Straight Boys I know that this news may bring about some tears but please do not cry. This decision was of my own accord. As much as I like bringing joy to all my fans on here, especially the lovely Ms K., I have decided that behind the scenes is where I want to be and the truth is I suck at porn... haha just kidding.... but seriously I suck. I however will be on tour this year so you can watch for me in the behind the scenes footage or come see me live and in person.

I have really enjoyed being on film and I will miss all the forum comments about me but you can still talk to me on here. I will continue to post and talk to all of you and will even give Ms K. my phone number, just ask baby!!
My heart is breaking..........into little tiny pieces.:bawl:

............And, my friend Mikeyank informed me that if YOU:001_wub: don't make any more scenes, than WE automatically lose the CHAD vs. Kodi debate/battle/war.............I may not recover from that one.:frown:

..........And the phone number thing, my sarcastic texts, during lulls at work would either have you laughing your ass off, or changing your phone number.:ohmy:
My heart is breaking..........into little tiny pieces.

............And, my friend Mikeyank informed me that if YOU:001_wub: don't make any more scenes, than WE automatically lose the CHAD vs. Kodi debate/battle/war.............I may not recover from that one.:frown:

..........And the phone number thing, my sarcastic texts, during lulls at work would either have you laughing your ass off, or changing your phone number.:ohmy:
I'm not so sure about who "won" this, Ms. K. I may have Kodi to watch on the site, but you have the real Chad offering you his phone number, so please don't declare yourself the loser here. :001_tongue:
This indeed does suck. I had a feeling that this was going to happen seeing as how chad hasn't been in any new scenes since the beginning of January. The only real thing that disappoints me in the fact that chad didn't even have that many scenes. I feel like there shouldn't been more epic scenes. I'm not mad but really happy for his choice. As my avatar suggests I'm a huge fan.
Dearest Chad,

Please know that you have been greatly missed in here. Even if you have been keeping tabs on things it's not the same as seeing you posting. I am of two minds with your announcement. I am very sad to hear that you will not be working in front of the camera anymore. It makes me regret even more that your talents were wasted in some scenes due to bad pairings and so on. You have been such a handsome and charismatic presence in front of the camera. I can't thank you enough for being such a good performer and a shining light based on your personality alone. Of course none of that goes away just because you are behind the camera instead of in front of it. You are such a fine young man. Any parent would be proud to have a son like you.

I am pleased though that you will be staying with the company. Possibly you will end up being with us even longer due to the fact that you will be working behind the camera. So that's comforting to know. Because you really are an exceptional person. I hope you will still stay in touch with your many fans in here.

I don't know if you are free to tell us this now or not...but do you have any more scenes of yourself in the can? Or is what's already posted the last of your onscreen work? Fingers crossed... I may have to huddle in a corner with Ms.K and cry. :(
as the chessmasters planned they moves, the white king left the board.

i think the winner here is [size=+4]CHAD[/size]

a Broke Straight Boys makes good. i am happy for you. i hope to see you at one of the stops on the tour. i am planning on making three this year, so hope to see you at one of them.
as the chessmasters planned they moves, the white king left the board.

i think the winner here is [size=+4]CHAD[/size]

a Broke Straight Boys makes good. i am happy for you. i hope to see you at one of the stops on the tour. i am planning on making three this year, so hope to see you at one of them.

My friend, Another1, you may only see CHAD:001_wub: at one event this summer. I may just go to the first California event, and take my CHAD home with me when it is over..........I think I will want to keep him.:001_wub:
[size=+3]CHAD[/size] may meet you in long beach and the two of you will run off.
so now i have to go to phoenix to increase my face time with [size=+3]CHAD[/size].
This is indeed sad news for all of your fans, Chad! Alot of us wanted to see a Chad-Kodi flip-flop. But we do have to remember that taking you at your word that you are straight, perhaps you discovered that gay porn was just not for you, money nothwithsanding. But I'm glad that you will be working behind the camera because having been an actor on site you can give valuable advice to the newbies. Good luck in all you future endeavors and thanks for giving us, your fans, the product of your wonderful work.


Sorry to hear you won't be in any more episodes, but that makes your past ones, even more exceptional. I don't know why you think you sucked at porn, I always thought you were pretty damned good, and I am not alone, obviously!

Still, I am so glad you are still around and will continue to post. You are such an exceptional young man, we are lucky to have you in any capacity here. Stay in touch!
Chad, you just broke my heart. You have always been one of my favorite guys. How will I fill the void? You were before the camera too short of a time. I wanted many more episodes with you in them. I want you to be happy,so if being behind the camera does that, it's just my loss. May you have the best of luck in all you do in life. Do you think you could just agree to make an episode now and again to let your fans get another glimpse of your beautiful self? It has been a true pleasure seeing you in the few episodes you made. Again, best of luck to a nice,cute man. I really need to go to my room now and have a good cry.
Okay, so I'm going take a different approach to this. First off, I hope that this opportunity means you will not be keeping your "porncorn" position at the theatre. Secondly, as part of the team that shot the Blake/Ty oral scene, I think you are exactly where you should be; that was an awesome episode! So yeah, I'm not really happy you are not in front of the camera, but you know where you should be and it's all about what makes you happy. Life is too fun not to try everything! Enjoy, I know I will!
Chad, I posted some comments on another thread not realizing this one even existed. However, in short, I congratulate you on your choice. The shelf life of a porn star can be very short and for you to move to the business side of things is a smart move. Perhaps you will find time to do an occasional scene just for old time's sake and to make your many fans happy. From all of the accolades that you have received since joining Broke Straight Boys, you certainly don't 'suck', as you said, in your on-camera performances. My very best wishes and I think we all hope you won't completely disappear form in front of the camera.
Chad, you just broke my heart. You have always been one of my favorite guys. How will I fill the void? You were before the camera too short of a time. I wanted many more episodes with you in them. I want you to be happy,so if being behind the camera does that, it's just my loss. May you have the best of luck in all you do in life. Do you think you could just agree to make an episode now and again to let your fans get another glimpse of your beautiful self? It has been a true pleasure seeing you in the few episodes you made. Again, best of luck to a nice,cute man. I really need to go to my room now and have a good cry.

I have to say that I'm still going through a few stages of grief here. You Chad are the only model here who I actually adore with such short hair. Your infectious smile and positive can-do energy has given us so much more to be cheerful about when you are around. At times the sex was secondary to the joy of just knowing that you would be in a future scene. Ms. K I'm sure, knows exactly what I mean. haha

I know that getting out of performing is your preference. On the other hand I still can't help myself from hoping that you might either have a couple more scenes in the can or would be willing to do a couple more before calling it quits for good. The last 2 scenes you had (with Jimmy and Cliff) just seem like such a sad farewell sendoff for an absolutely stellar performer like yourself. Again I feel your many talents were wasted and taken for granted there, both times, through no fault of your own. I'm sorry if that sounds too harsh. But as I say, I'm working through grief here. :001_unsure:

On the other hand you are so popular that old and new fans alike will likely always be asking you to do more scenes. So of course it is your choice. We want you to be happy too.
I noticed a major typo in my last post. The name "Chad" I would much prefer to be spelled "Chad". :001_wub: :blush:
I agree. His last scenes were both medicore because of the models he was paired with. He deserves to go out with a bang not a fizzle. I just feel like he had a lot of good scenes left in him.
I have to say that I'm still going through a few stages of grief here. You Chad are the only model here who I actually adore with such short hair. Your infectious smile and positive can-do energy has given us so much more to be cheerful about when you are around. At times the sex was secondary to the joy of just knowing that you would be in a future scene. Ms. K I'm sure, knows exactly what I mean. haha

I know that getting out of performing is your preference. On the other hand I still can't help myself from hoping that you might either have a couple more scenes in the can or would be willing to do a couple more before calling it quits for good. The last 2 scenes you had (with Jimmy and Cliff) just seem like such a sad farewell sendoff for an absolutely stellar performer like yourself. Again I feel your many talents were wasted and taken for granted there, both times, through no fault of your own. I'm sorry if that sounds too harsh. But as I say, I'm working through grief here. :001_unsure:

On the other hand you are so popular that old and new fans alike will likely always be asking you to do more scenes. So of course it is your choice. We want you to be happy too.

You're right Tampa, for me, the sex had nothing to do with my adoration of CHAD:001_wub:. In fact, I actually didn't watch hardly any of his scenes all the way until the end.........I really hate facials, and Clay seems to love them. I always hated seeing that done to CHAD, so I stopped watching the end. Then CHAD was on that BTS and said that the facials were what he hated the most.........

What I loved about CHAD from the very first scene was his smile, I will post that smile here. That smile melts my heart. In all of Broke Straight Boys, 1 or 2, only CHAD and JIMMIE ever melted my heart.


Then we got to know the personality, and CHAD became CHAD:001_wub:
I am sorry that I am upsetting everyone but I am still very much a part of Broke Straight Boys I would like for things to be different but at this time on film is not where I want to be. You all have been wonderful and I hope that you continue to show the same support you showed me toward our new faces.

I have had the opportunity to meet and work with Blake Bennet who is a rather cool kid and I can see that you all have taking a liking to him as well. But like I said I am not going anywhere. I will be here helping to bring you all new and exciting videos and please feel free to drop me a line anytime.
the process of getting to a better place requires looking ahead without regret.
lot's wife turn to salt rooted in the same spot because she choose to look back with regret.
i had a boy work in the yard for years. one day he said he was leaving early for college.
i was happy for him. i was mad at him. my little boy became a college man.
my little [size=+3]CHAD[/size] has a job! happy days are here again! for him.