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What's your beef?


Well-known Member
Dec 21, 2008
Reaction score
Marion, OH
OK, new thread. Time to unload. This is a freebee, but it has rules. Post here what pisses you off. I mean, really turns your crank.

But, here's the rule. Since it is your beef, and very personal and real to you, no one can say anything negative about it. After all, what you are stating is a fact and cannot be denied. It's your beef.

If someone wants to say something positive to agree with you and reinforce your beef, so be it. Let's support each other and co-vent, if you will.

Here I go: If you have read the Dylan thread, you will see a rather heated exchange between myself and another member. I support that member's right to disagree with me and to bring me to task about my opinions. What my beef is, is people who think they are better than someone else and talk down to that person, escpecially if they don't even know that person. Nothing more than a bully.

That's my beef. What's yours?
OK, new thread. Time to unload. This is a freebee, but it has rules. Post here what pisses you off. I mean, really turns your crank.

But, here's the rule. Since it is your beef, and very personal and real to you, no one can say anything negative about it. After all, what you are stating is a fact and cannot be denied. It's your beef.

If someone wants to say something positive to agree with you and reinforce your beef, so be it. Let's support each other and co-vent, if you will.

Here I go: If you have read the Dylan thread, you will see a rather heated exchange between myself and another member. I support that member's right to disagree with me and to bring me to task about my opinions. What my beef is, is people who think they are better than someone else and talk down to that person, escpecially if they don't even know that person. Nothing more than a bully.

That's my beef. What's yours?

Ok I will use this post to support your beef. A forum is about interchange of ideas and thoughts and ideas however, in all forms of communication in life there are bound to be disagreements. However, talkding down to a person is, in my opinion, the lowest form of wit and shows that they have to resort to insults because they have no viable argument left. Of course the internet assists those people who like to talk down or bully others within a forum, due to people being anonymous and not having the ability to punch them on the nose. :001_smile:
My beef is when people can't watch their children while shopping in one of my stores. One of the Blockbuster's I run is on the southside of Tucson, which is the "ghetto" if you can really consider that. The majority of my customers in that neighborhood have multiple children and bring them to my store and let them run around unsupervised tearing the place to shreads, or stealing, and even sometimes letting them urinate on the floor. They automatically assume that the Blockbuster employees will mind and pick up after their children. I CAN'T FUCKING STAND IT! I think you should have to pass a damned test to have kids. I am never having them. I just cant even fathom bringing a child into this world after working at that store....that's my beef. I BLAME THE LAZY PARENTS!

P.S. Please don't start arguing in this thread too!
My beef is when people can't watch their children while shopping in one of my stores. One of the Blockbuster's I run is on the southside of Tucson, which is the "ghetto" if you can really consider that. The majority of my customers in that neighborhood have multiple children and bring them to my store and let them run around unsupervised tearing the place to shreads, or stealing, and even sometimes letting them urinate on the floor. They automatically assume that the Blockbuster employees will mind and pick up after their children. I CAN'T FUCKING STAND IT! I think you should have to pass a damned test to have kids. I am never having them. I just cant even fathom bringing a child into this world after working at that store....that's my beef. I BLAME THE LAZY PARENTS!

P.S. Please don't start arguing in this thread too!

I support your beef, BUT IN EVERY STORE. As a not lazy parent, it really sucks to be in Target and have to "tactfully" explain to my 5 year old, why other kids can play football in the isles and he can't.:thumbdown:

My beef is the issue of corrupt MPs making false monetory claims and getting away with it. The latest in the UK is David Laws who claimed £950 pounds per month which he paid to his male lover as rent. The House of Commons rulebook states that you are not allowed to claim for payments your wife or partner but Law claims that because he was in the closet then it would have outted him.

So David Laws, is claiming 40k from the taxpayer over 5 years okay because you don't want to be outted. This guy owns a home in France, another home in Somerset which he remortged to help his "partner" so is not exactly in poverty. If he didn't want to be outted then he should not have made the claims. He also said that he didn't think it was a real partnership because they lived separate lives - omg how fucking annoying. I bet he wasnt thinking that when he was shagging him every night, or going on holidays together etc etc. Laws tried to get sympathy for his fraud by using the gay angle - I'm afraid it didn't work with me and I've been gay and supported gay rights all my short life.

These people in Govt pass laws that prohibit fraudulant acts which still is a serious offence in the UK. People are often fined and/or sent to jail if they are prosecuted - unless apparently you are a Member of Parliament.
My beef is when people can't watch their children while shopping in one of my stores. One of the Blockbuster's I run is on the southside of Tucson, which is the "ghetto" if you can really consider that. The majority of my customers in that neighborhood have multiple children and bring them to my store and let them run around unsupervised tearing the place to shreads, or stealing, and even sometimes letting them urinate on the floor. They automatically assume that the Blockbuster employees will mind and pick up after their children. I CAN'T FUCKING STAND IT! I think you should have to pass a damned test to have kids. I am never having them. I just cant even fathom bringing a child into this world after working at that store....that's my beef. I BLAME THE LAZY PARENTS!

P.S. Please don't start arguing in this thread too!

I fully support your beef too MissDeidra. If they bring the kids in then they should supervise their behaviour. I once went to a supermarket here in the uk and noticed a kid taking a ride on his mother's trolley. As she passed the sweet/candy area the kid grabbed a packet of jelly babies. Instead of the parent putting them back on the shelf, she opened the packet and the kids ate a few then threw the rest on the floor.
Intolerance and rudeness. I can't stand other people thinking they know what's best for anyone else. It's infuriating when people have no patience for other people's errors. I can't stand when people refuse to apologize for bad behavior. I'd like us all able to live our lives without others judging and for people to remember that in a civilized society it's not ok to only think of yourself.
i have to get in on this! i fully support everyone's beef up to here! rage on!

i loathe when someone attempts an intellectual conversation/debate with me and they just clearly misrepresent every fact possible and are so poorly informed they win my argument for me. :cursing:

i hate when my boss gets on my case and than 5 minutes later turns around and tells me that what progress i've made in a short time is incredible. :cursing:

i absolutely despise rudeness and selfish behavior. i know it's human nature to be a little selfish, but really??? come on! :cursing: karma's a bitch... that's all i have to say.

One thing that bothers me the most is being in class with people who question every little thing the teacher does when they have not a clue. Right now I am taking a juvenile delinquency class and many of the people in the class were offenders at one point. Some assume their experiance is the only one that is had. I get the system sucks but if they think that so much why are they going into the field.

One more I am thinking about as writting, Tattoos. I love tattoos dont get me wrong I have them more than one even. What I can't stand to see is tasteless ones like why put your other half name one side of your neck or have stuff that cant be covered if in a bussiness or teaching envoirment. In the community that I live in I see waaaay to many people walking around with baby momma names and west side tattoos.
I have always dispaired over those whose singleminded take on life is "taking care of #one" to the exclusion of the rest of society. They have no tolerance or empathy to extend towards others. Unless you plan to live alone on an island with no outside contact, every decision made should realize this essential interconnectedness we must maintain allowing every individual an equal stake in society.
To follow along with the same theme I'm hearing from alot of you in here... I like it when people follow the rules. I'm a big believer in following rules, laws and basic social etiquette. There are so many people out there who think that the rules don't apply to them. That rules are for other lesser mortals to follow... but not them. Because they are so freakin special I guess. Where does this sense of entitlement come from? And whoever told them that they were so special that rules don't apply to them? Or that society owed them any special favors?
To follow along with the same theme I'm hearing from alot of you in here... I like it when people follow the rules. I'm a big believer in following rules, laws and basic social etiquette. There are so many people out there who think that the rules don't apply to them. That rules are for other lesser mortals to follow... but not them. Because they are so freakin special I guess. Where does this sense of entitlement come from? And whoever told them that they were so special that rules don't apply to them? Or that society owed them any special favors?

Oh, you just landed on the hot button, there! I don't even think I should get started! It'll just end in a rant, and no one wants that!
tampa24, that encompasses a lot from minor to major. It brings to mind one of my biggest beefs although it is really a minor one. I can't stand people who are too friggin' lazy to at least put their shopping carts in one of the cart corrals in the lot. How long would it take and how much effort would it take? And, the people who do not do this are the ones who bitch about high prices, but do not realize that the merchant has to pay someone to round up the damn carts. How self-centered can one get?

And, before someone jumps on me about the possibility of the cart-non-returner being handicapped, I don't know about you, but I live in a state whose law states that someone who is handicapped must be helped to their car with their purchases. Every merchant must comply, even self-serve gas stations. It's usually the handicapped people you see actually returning their carts, and the lazy capable people who crap on society.
my beef lately has been with "if its yellow, let it mellow. if its brown, flush it down".

i'm all about conservation, but its just gross. especially when pee sits in the pot forever. it discolors the bowl. plus if you happen to poop in the toilet and a little bit of the water splashes up and hits your bum, thats just dirty!
tampa24, that encompasses a lot from minor to major. It brings to mind one of my biggest beefs although it is really a minor one. I can't stand people who are too friggin' lazy to at least put their shopping carts in one of the cart corrals in the lot. How long would it take and how much effort would it take? And, the people who do not do this are the ones who bitch about high prices, but do not realize that the merchant has to pay someone to round up the damn carts. How self-centered can one get?

And, before someone jumps on me about the possibility of the cart-non-returner being handicapped, I don't know about you, but I live in a state whose law states that someone who is handicapped must be helped to their car with their purchases. Every merchant must comply, even self-serve gas stations. It's usually the handicapped people you see actually returning their carts, and the lazy capable people who crap on society.

Totally agree but there are people over here in the UK that actually bring their carts to the port but choose to overfill the ports so that it causes a hazard to drivers, instead of going to the next car port which is probably about 50 yards away.
my beef lately has been with "if its yellow, let it mellow. if its brown, flush it down".

i'm all about conservation, but its just gross. especially when pee sits in the pot forever. it discolors the bowl. plus if you happen to poop in the toilet and a little bit of the water splashes up and hits your bum, thats just dirty!

Can I say the F word here? F-ing Ick!!!!!
My beef is a guy who tries to get his point across about something, but ends up pulling others in with himself and giving facts that are not true..... And when you point out that they are wrong, they back away saying "that's not what I said" or try to insult you rather than having a mature discussion. Grow the fuck up and check your facts before you use them to make your point. Because I will be there to show you, you are wrong!!!

Also what happend to being nice and decent? Hello, how are you, have a great day. Most would rather say fuck you than say hello..... What's up with that? Trashing places, destroy property, generally wreckin a place. Do you treat your own home like that..... no then don't do it somewhere else. What ever happened to "do unto others as you would have them do to you".

Try a smile, I promise it won't break your face to do it.

Jeff V.
I got so wrapped up in making the thread, I forgot my biggest one. The worst thing, I mean the absolute worst thing you can do to me is to tell me you are going to do something and then not do it. I pride myself on being a man of my word, but there are people all over who will say they will do something and have no intention of following through.
One of my beefs is when people show up at my job, i'm a bank teller, with no form of id on them and then want to get mad or upset (one woman was on the verge of tears) at me because it is the rule that i need to have id to do the transaction
I have been in a similar situation, and I simply tell the customer, if you are who you say you are, then I am protecting you.