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What is everyone up too


Oct 25, 2009
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Nobody calls, nobody writes. I hope everyone is having a wonderful New Year and that you got everything you wanted for Christmas. I hope you are all up to your neck in wild un-adulterated sex. The kind of stuff that is worth writing home about but you dare not because it is so good that noone would believe you anyway.:blushing:
It's time to hit the gym and lose this baby fat I accumulated over the holidays. OK over my lifetime. Anyone for fuzzball?
This year is proving way too busy so far. in addition to the final edit on my novella, we're preparing our first three books to come out this month. I started open submissions for an anthology of Weird Western stories, and going through the 57 submissions I've received so far. That's in addition to the editing on another book we have coming out in May, in addition to looking for daytime employment.

Through all that though, I did manage to meet someone who I like quite a bit, and who apparently likes me just as much, so we'll see where that goes.
Holidays were relaxing with a road trip to visit some friends for New Years. Work has been more exhausting then I'd imagine - started a new role and have taken on lots more responsibility...yuck!
I will provide more details when I can. I have just been really busy and haven't had time to do much. the only thing I'm keeping track of right now is how many times I jerk off for 2010. I'm trying to keep a record because I'm obsessive (haha) so far I'm up to 24 and its only the 11th. I tell you what, if I could I would be a slut for sure. I love to cum. Anyone want to place a bet as to when (what day I will actually loose count) of my personal exploitaition?


if anyone actually gets it right I will have to do something for you...anything you ask...that can be done on a computer. ( I'm scared of Heights so I'm not flying anywhere to service anyone.)

Why has Casper been banned ?

Mark - I have tried to delete the above post but the only options I get is to quote or q reply. I don't even have an option to modify.

I have now found the reason for Casper's ban and have replied on the appropriate thread - hence me trying to delete the above post.

Aha - I have just seen the Edit button and pressed it and found Save, Go Advanced, Delete and Cancel options at the bottom. Is this a new function ? If so how long does a poster get to Edit his post ?

This apparently new function may well be the reason for Caspers inability to find the delete function.
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Jon, I still don't think I have found the reason why casper was banned.
I hope it had nothing to do with me when I started a thread about where to find a particular web site.

Gary in Tacoma
Jon, I still don't think I have found the reason why casper was banned.
I hope it had nothing to do with me when I started a thread about where to find a particular web site.

Gary in Tacoma

Hi Gary, No mate it's nothing to do with you. Check out the other section regarding Tyler. You'll find it all in there - sad as it may.
Jon, thanks for responding to my post.
I did go back and read all five pages of the Tyler thread.
It's too bad that Casper didn't know when to put a lid on it or just ignored to. I really didn't respond to many of his posts. I've always in my mind questioned Casper's legitimacy, about who he is and all that stuff.
Will chat to everyone later. It's going on 5pm and it's time for the news and to think about getting supper started. Besides, my cat is staring me down wanting to eat too.
Later Jon and everyone.
