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What I like to see most

i enjoy watching the guys progress through the aspects of solos to duos and more...... it makes them seem more real in there exploration of things regardless of money
For that last number of years, I have found standard pornography boring. Each film is like the one preceding it and the one following. No story line, no build up, just sucking and fucking. However, I have found Broke Straight Boys refreshing. It starts with an interview, then builds up when the straights are being talked into doing whatever they are going to do. I prefer it when they take their clothes off slowly rather than a sudden strip. By time they are undressed and start messing around, I am horny. Normal porn just doesn't make me horny. Richard
i enjoy watching the guys progress through the aspects of solos to duos and more...... it makes them seem more real in there exploration of things regardless of money

i enjoy watching the guys progress through the aspects of solos to duos and more...... it makes them seem more real in there exploration of things regardless of money
ITA with you! I love to watch the progression.

Oddly enough, sometimes they seem to regress back to an inexperienced state..............
If I see a dick, I get horny. I like just about any (cut) dick. Don't care if they are gay, straight, bi, tri or whatever.
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When the straight boys first remove their underwear (skivvies or whatever), the moderate should get each one to stand and post front, right side, left side. We are interested in seeing they have, aren't we?
There is an implication here I am beginning to find disturbing. I have slept with gay men who are every bit as "manly" and sometimes why more than many of the "straight " guys on here. I appreciate this site for the hot guys but let's not put ourselves down in the process

Here here I totally agree ....... Dam i just chipped a nail

NO I BLOODY WELL Diddnt lmao JK:thumbup1:
I'm with you on this one. How do we know these guys are str8? One or two of them are convincing. There are some that simply are not.

Yes i have to agree, if i had to bet money on a lot of these guys that say they are straight ............. id keep my money in my pocket.

because if they havent been with a guy befor, i havent been either and im still a virgin.
Yes i have to agree, if i had to bet money on a lot of these guys that say they are straight ............. id keep my money in my pocket.

because if they havent been with a guy befor, i havent been either and im still a virgin.

Again, I ask this question why do we need the labels. If they are sucking your dick, fucking you, or bottoming for you and you are both having fun isn't that all that matters? They are not going to be gay or bisexual no matter how much cock they eat, cum they swallow, cock they give or receive until they admit it to themselves they are gay or bisexual. Until then they are straight in their own minds. So, let's just enjoy them and not question their orientation. Besides it is much harder for them to scream gay or faggot in your general direction when they are sitting on their own pile of guilt literally.

Live long, love much, be well, be at peace, and prosper. :thumbup:

Sorry if ive upset you , i wasnt labeling anyone... Im just not the one sitting on the couch saying im straight ... when i blind man can tell im not.
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Again, I ask this question why do we need the labels. If they are sucking your dick, fucking you, or bottoming for you and you are both having fun isn't that all that matters? They are not going to be gay or bisexual no matter how much cock they eat, cum they swallow, cock they give or receive until they admit it to themselves they are gay or bisexual. Until then they are straight in their own minds. So, let's just enjoy them and not question their orientation. Besides it is much harder for them to scream gay or faggot in your general direction when they are sitting on their own pile of guilt literally.

Live long, love much, be well, be at peace, and prosper. :thumbup:

This question comes up fairly regularly here in the forum of if they are straight, and does it matter? There is no one answer to "if it matters", as each one of us has their own particular sexual attractions and turn-on's. For me, it is a very big turn on to be with a guy, or at least watch a guy on Broke Straight Boys who says he is straight, and then strip naked, show his body to gay guys and then perform gay sex acts. It is my sexual fetish, and obviously as this is a site all about Straight Boys, a fetish for many others too.

I was initially surprised reading posts on this forum, that so many guys have joined, and pay for this site that celebrates the "straightness" of hot young guys, and the members then say that they don't care if a guy is straight, bi or gay, as long as they are hot. I do find this incongruous, however I do respect everyone's individual desires, and fetishes, so it is all good. But I joined and belong to this site because I like to see the guys who identify themselves as straight doing what they do here for my entertainment.

Well when it comes to the crunch for me i dont care i just get a laugh out of the ones that say they are straight when it sticks out like doggies balls their not lmao


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Sorry if ive upset you , i wasnt labeling anyone... Im just not the one sitting on the couch saying im straight ... when i blind man can tell im not.

I wasn't upset in the least. I just think sometimes we put too much emphasis on labeling. What I have found is that many straight guys are perfectly content with making out with a friend or two from time to time just to get their rocks off. Many prefer total strangers for anonymity purposes. However; regardless of how the gay the act is that they engage in they personally have to identify with being gay or bisexual to be gay or bisexual.

This was also a huge issue during the HIV/AIDS pandemic and still is today. I have worked extensively with faculty members at the University of Pittsburgh's Graduate School of Public Health on the topic of out reach to Men who have sex with Men. We came up with the title Men who have sex with Men or MSM for short because it targets gay men, bisexual men, sex workers, straight men doing gay porn, and men who have sex with men for fun but do not identify as being gay or bisexual. It is this population that tends to be at the highest risk of infection because they are often married men or men in supposedly monogamous relationships. LOL Anyway. Having talked with a number of these guys they just consider them selves sexual. For many of these guys they appear as straight or exploring for the first time. Many just want to get off with no strings attached and they love the thrill of making out with someone they have never met before and probably never will. I and three professors actually published a paper for the Department of Health and the North East AIDS Education Training center outlining MSM behaviors in rural communities and their non verbal communications at road side rests and adult book stores. In PA these two areas seemed to be the areas where the most MSM action took place the most. State parks and campgrounds are among the next highest rated areas for sexual encounters. However; these areas frequently have lots of children frequenting the sites so out reach efforts in these areas are done minimally.

I understand that for many of us if a guy sucks a cock, fucks a guy, or gets fucked by a guy they are gay or bisexual... However; my point is unless they personally own the label they will never identify as being gay or bisexual. :thumbup::confused1::001_unsure:
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I wasn't upset in the least. I just think sometimes we put too much emphasis on labeling. What I have found is that many straight guys are perfectly content with making out with a friend or two from time to time just to get their rocks off. Many prefer total strangers for anonymity purposes. However; regardless of how the gay the act is that they engage in they personally have to identify with being gay or bisexual to be gay or bisexual.

This was also a huge issue during the HIV/AIDS pandemic and still is today. I have worked extensively with faculty members at the University of Pittsburgh's Graduate School of Public Health on the topic of out reach to Men who have sex with Men. We came up with the title Men who have sex with Men or MSM for short because it targets gay men, bisexual men, sex workers, straight men doing gay porn, and men who have sex with men for fun but do not identify as being gay or bisexual. It is this population that tends to be at the highest risk of infection because they are often married men or men in supposedly monogamous relationships. LOL Anyway. Having talked with a number of these guys they just consider them selves sexual. For many or these guys they appear as straight or exploring for the first time. Many just want to get off with no strings attached and they love the thrill of making out wit someone they have never met before and probably never will. I and three professors actually published a paper for the Department of Health and the North East AIDS Education Training center outlining MSM behaviors and non verbal communications at road side rests and adult book stores. In PA these two areas seemed to be the areas where the most MSM action took place. State parks and campgrounds are among the next highest rated areas for sexual encounters. However; these areas frequently have lots of children frequenting the sites so out reach efforts in these areas are done minimally.

I understand that for many of us if a guy sucks a cock, fucks a guy, or gets fucked by a guy they are gay or bisexual... However; my point is unless they personally own the label they will never identify as being gay or bisexual. :thumbup::confused1::001_unsure:
I do so agree with you, Jay. And I understand where you're coming from Mike. I think the problem is, we're the one's who bring it up. I would never have known about Ross'n'Eric's prior experience if I hadn't read it here in the Forum. That's not Broke Straight Boys's fault for violating our trust by breaking the fantasy, that's our fault.Same thing with Dustin, same thing with Jason. On that same line, in front of Straight is the word Broke. If we accept one we have to accept the other. Who knows what tales are told for money?

In the end I think Jayman is right - if labels are so import, turn off the sound until the groans start.
Well a dog could call its self a blah blah blah if it could........... it doesnt make it so its still a dog..

hahaha but when it comes to the crunch ......... me myself and i dont really care..
Well a dog could call its self a blah blah blah if it could........... it doesnt make it so its still a dog..

hahaha but when it comes to the crunch ......... me myself and i dont really care..

Dont nake me slap you with a wet fish........... you know i can do it.

Ive done it befor ...

he's right you know , i could call myself anything ... but im still a dog

You are right I cannot and will not argue with a person (or a dog LOL) when they have already made up their mind. I respect your opinion. It is not an issue worth going to war over. I believe now and will always believe that people have free will and freedom of choice. I propose we agree to disagree. At this point in time I don't see myself changing my opinion nor do I see you changing yours.

I would like to point out that it is this kind of stubbornness that allows our politicians to railroad our civil rights by grouping people into any category they choose to. If we cannot even decide on the issue our selves; how can they ever be expected to? :wink:

Personally, I don't care about the labels. Labels are not important. When it comes to labels I see shades of gray. What is important is that same sex couples are granted equal and should they should have the same marital rights as heterosexual couples.

I am saying the designation of: gay, straight, bisexual, trisexual, occupationally sexual, or just plain sexual is up to the individual person engaging in the act to decide for them selves how they perceive them self. The Kinsey scale is irrelevant to most people because they just don't understand it. What ever a person believes in his/her heart of hearts they are, they are. It is their perception, that becomes their reality. I am not saying that the person may have a false sense of reality. I am saying it is their reality from their perspective. You cannot change that without years of medication and therapy in most times.

You are saying if they are having sexual encounters with people of the same sex then they are gay or bisexual regardless of the reason for engaging in the behavior. (I guess forced rape would be an exception here). I agree by definition you are right. Beyond that it is a matter of where they fall on the Kinsey scale.

I guess what I was asking is why is it so important for the person who is having sex with others of the same sex to verbalize or identify with the statement: "I am gay." or "I am bisexual." The only thing I can say here is it must help determine their rational level of sanity or something... Personally, I have had sex with Marine officers who were married with kids, other Marines who were married with kids, other Marines who had girlfriends, and I have had sex with many other friends that I grew up with who are now married while at hunting camp, while out fishing, or while camping. Strange they are all straight according to them. So,are there really that many people out there that need to go and get therapy so they can adopt a gay or bisexual label or could it be that they are just plain sexual beings having a good time with a good friend?

Kodiboy, I love you buddy. I cannot in good consciousness agree with you when it comes to labels. I can and I do respect your opinion. I do understand your point of view. Bless your heart you are an awesome person with great convictions.