in the quest to make America great again, I have to ask at what point America stopped being great? when the Kenyan was elected president or when he ended the two wars the country was in? when the country invaded Iraq to destroy non-existent wmd and started a fire storm in the mid-east? when Reagan sold arms to iran to support a war in central America that the congress refused to fund? when Johnson setup medicare for poor seniors or head start? when fdr setup the social security or build a military powerful enough to end a war in Europe and in the pacific? when tr setup the national parks? when Lincoln freed the slaves, in warring states? when America took the southwest from mexico? when Jefferson expanded the nation into the Louisiana territory? when Washington used troops to put down shea's rebellion, in new England? when did America stop being great?
I think you hit the nail on the head Another1. To my mind at least there is an inherent racism and Waspish xenophobia to Trump's call of, "Making America great again!" (Keep out the dark-skinned Mexicans and all the Muslims of course.) Did the country's fall from greatness happen under the Republican president Bush? Maybe it was when 9/11 happened under Bush's watch. Maybe it was when Bush took us into a war we all but lost in Iraq on the lie of WMD's. Maybe it was when we got so preoccupied with Iraq that we all but lost the war in Afghanistan. Maybe it was when the U.S. abandoned the moral high ground of some of its best and most cherished human rights principles, and openly got us into the torture business. Maybe it was when Bush presided over the worst financial disaster to hit the U.S. since the Great Depression. Maybe it was the inexcusable, inept federal non-response to Hurricane Katrina.
They can't stand that a black man is in the White House. And America will not be great again until a white, straight, protestant male is in charge and the Natural Order of things (as they see them) are restored. Maybe America stopped being great when the supposedly foreign-born Kenyan, and secret Muslim, Barak Hussein Obama took charge after winning the vote. Maybe America stopped being great when Obama got us out of two major (losing) wars as a promise he campaigned on before winning the election. Maybe America stopped being great when he kept the American and world economy from sliding into another cataclysmic Depression. Maybe America stopped being great when he bailed out the auto industry and kept all those jobs from being co-opted by manufacturers in foreign countries, and kept America's domestic heavy industrial production base intact.
Maybe America stopped being great when Obama's administration tracked down and killed Osama Bin Ladin. Maybe America stopped being great when under Obama's administration the U.S. military services allowed gay personnel to serve openly in the armed forces without fear of being dishonorably discharged. Maybe America stopped being great when he passed Obamacare and allowed large numbers of previously uninsured people to get affordable access to health insurance for the first time. Maybe it was when the U.S. dropped its dependence on imported oil annually by 60%. And when the U.S. is on track to potentially become a net
exporter of oil.
The other thing that galls me about Trump's assertion is that it doesn't come from somebody of low income. It doesn't come from somebody who is disillusioned and believes that the deck was always stacked, or is even currently stacked, against him in this country. It comes from someone who has become immensely wealthy, who enjoys enormous material wealth, and has power and influence that many would love to emulate.
This country has been exceedingly, exceedingly good to Donald Trump.
Of course with people as arrogant as him they usually delude themselves into believing that they are completely self-made men who accomplished everything on their own. With no credit given or acknowledged to any of their previously inherited wealth, or the financial system, the legal system, and the culture of the country which gave them that very opportunity in the first place.
For someone like Trump who sits on all his billions and all that material wealth and power, to then stand up and say that he lives in a second-rate country, or one that isn't the height of chutzpah. It's divisive cynical propaganda. He should be ashamed to be touting that talking point for political gain.