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What do you guys think of Trump?


BSB Addict
Nov 29, 2008
Reaction score
brooklyn ny
I don't understand how he became a candidate to begin with. The things he says and does are beyond belief. I can NOT imagine him as president. He doesn't like FOX so he won't be on their debate. Imagine if a president of another country said something he didn't like what would he do? Anyhow anyone have any thoughts?
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I don't understand how he became a candidate to begin with. The things he says and does are beyond belief. I can NOT imagine him as president. He doesn't like FOX so he won't be on their debate. Imagine if a president of another country said something he didn't like what would he do? Anyhow anyone have any thoughts?
I'm with you. He is the most narcissistic person I have ever seen or heard of and I never thought I would say these words but I'm going to. Here goes: "YOU GO FOX NEWS!!"
Blowhard. Carnival barker. Narcissist. Arrogant. He still acts like he's playing a role on a reality tv show rather than living in the real world.
I'm with you. He is the most narcissistic person I have ever seen or heard of and I never thought I would say these words but I'm going to. Here goes: "YOU GO FOX NEWS!!"

Since I rarely if ever watch Faux News... What are they saying about him? haha
Trump has decided he isn't going to be on the debate Thursday on Fox because Megyn Kelly was being mean to him.
Oh, boo hoo. Does he think dealing with Daesh (ISIS), Putin or the clerics in Iran would be a walk in the park? Or is he going to scamper off to a corner and pout like a little tot if he thinks they're being mean or unfair to him?
It just makes no sense. The following he has.Hearing him talk. Seeing him just makes me sick. I could just see the White House now. All Gold leaf.
But it is scary for US.Just don't understand Americans some time. It is like we are blind.
But what do I know? Just very sad.And SCARY.
He's a joke and an embarrassment. What I can't figure out is how and why he's targeting his particular group of supporters -- the poor, racists, rednecks, and bigots, none of whom Trump would ever associate with and whom he has nothing in common with him. I guess he's also going for dumb and gullible as well as those fed up with government and the economy and grasping at anything they see as playing to them and their needs.
Trump represents what the country is feeling now. We the people are angry, inpatient and wary of the direction the country is heading. We the people are fed up with government and as such we look for someone to express our unheard thoughts. This is the role Trump,is playing. This election cycle is important and can be used as a learning item. I am a staunch Republican, but that does not mean I believe in their entire political platform but my views more closely align with them. I am a Texan and believe in small government, support for small business, family, harsh punishment for criminals, States' rights, the authority of the people, prayer in school and openly anywhere, a strong military, hunting down and killing all terrorists and threats to our country and even torture. Even people that align as democrat are looking at Trump because he is sounding the anger they feel. Don't be confused by the media that states only racists and haters are aligned with Trump. Not sure who I will vote for yet but it will be a Republican that is certain.
He's not running for the Presidency folks. He's trying to get the Republican nominee. He won't get past that!!! He's made a mockery of our political system and I hope "we the people" aren't that gullible.......
I am reminded of the scene in casablanca when ugarte says to rick, you don't like me very much, do you? rick says, I don't think about at all, but if I did, I probably wouldn't like you.
the same goes for trump. what a choice! a new york billionaire developer or a canadian conservative vs. a democratic socialist or a democratic conservative.
Trump represents what the country is feeling now. We the people are angry, inpatient and wary of the direction the country is heading. We the people are fed up with government and as such we look for someone to express our unheard thoughts. This is the role Trump,is playing. This election cycle is important and can be used as a learning item. I am a staunch Republican, but that does not mean I believe in their entire political platform but my views more closely align with them. I am a Texan and believe in small government, support for small business, family, harsh punishment for criminals, States' rights, the authority of the people, prayer in school and openly anywhere, a strong military, hunting down and killing all terrorists and threats to our country and even torture. Even people that align as democrat are looking at Trump because he is sounding the anger they feel. Don't be confused by the media that states only racists and haters are aligned with Trump. Not sure who I will vote for yet but it will be a Republican that is certain.
Up to a point you may be right but when you use words like "bimbo" and "on the rag" and state wrongly that a man who spent 5 years as a POW when he could have used his fathers name to get out isn't a hero is fast alienating more and more of the population. Please remember that he hasn't, so far, won a single vote. My most fervent hope is he crashes and burns.
Trump represents what the country is feeling now. We the people are angry, inpatient and wary of the direction the country is heading. We the people are fed up with government and as such we look for someone to express our unheard thoughts. This is the role Trump,is playing. This election cycle is important and can be used as a learning item. I am a staunch Republican, but that does not mean I believe in their entire political platform but my views more closely align with them. I am a Texan and believe in small government, support for small business, family, harsh punishment for criminals, States' rights, the authority of the people, prayer in school and openly anywhere, a strong military, hunting down and killing all terrorists and threats to our country and even torture. Even people that align as democrat are looking at Trump because he is sounding the anger they feel. Don't be confused by the media that states only racists and haters are aligned with Trump. Not sure who I will vote for yet but it will be a Republican that is certain.

Is it safe to presume that, since you are on this site and a participant in this forum, you fall into one of the glbt designations? If, in fact you do, then what you are saying is that you will vote for a candidate who opposes, to a varying degree depending who it is, equal rights for yourself as one of the glbt people?
Is it safe to presume that, since you are on this site and a participant in this forum, you fall into one of the glbt designations? If, in fact you do, then what you are saying is that you will vote for a candidate who opposes, to a varying degree depending who it is, equal rights for yourself as one of the glbt people?

As a Republican I do not necessarily agree with every political platform agenda that the party espouses. However their views more closely match mine. Please recall that it was the Clintons that pushed for and passed DOMA (Defense of Marriage Act) which caused the vast majority of states to pass Constitutional amendments making same-sex marriage illegal. Which by way of the U.S. Supreme Court threw out. I do not feel and have never felt my rights deterred in anyway. I believe in the rule of law and the process which has proven right through the Supreme Court to safeguard my God given rights. I am much more than a member of glbt. I wake in the morning and look in the mirror and see a highly educated and respected American citizen who loves my country and wants it great once again. I am first and foremost a citizen and that is how I self-identify.
I will not get into this discussion here. I have spent too much time and energy on how I feel about that man on other forums. He is no longer worth my time to even think of his existence.
His rhetoric is divisive. That isn't helpful. His solutions simplistic and not practical. He seems to spend more time name calling than actually putting forth a plan that really will make America great again. Wait, America already is great and its only those people telling us it isn't that give the impression it isn't. What the guy really wants is a number one TV show, not the Presidency. If he were President he would have to answer to the Constitution, The Laws of the Land and the American people.
I wake in the morning and look in the mirror and see a highly educated and respected American citizen who loves my country and wants it great once again.

Trump spoon feeds that line. But when did our country ever stop being great?
His rhetoric is divisive. That isn't helpful. His solutions simplistic and not practical. He seems to spend more time name calling than actually putting forth a plan that really will make America great again. Wait, America already is great and its only those people telling us it isn't that give the impression it isn't. What the guy really wants is a number one TV show, not the Presidency. If he were President he would have to answer to the Constitution, The Laws of the Land and the American people.
Elyot, I see that I agree with you on more than porn. Why don't you get into politics? You are a young, bright, articulate fellow. We've had our first black president, Hillary may be our first woman president, or Bernie our first Jewish one and you can be our first openly gay president.

But in all seriousness, you make a lot of sense Elyot!