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What do you collect?


Well-known Member
Oct 14, 2008
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Dallas TX
I've been collecting trolls for the past 9 years. I have about 50 and which i could find them here in the States instead of having to buy them online.

These are called NYFORM trolls and they're the only ones i collect. Pink hair trolls are not for me hehe


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Any antique I can afford. Telephones, typewriter, books, adding machines, firearms, china, some furniture, chamber pots, silverware.
I collect Dust or at least my collections do...

Great question!

I collect:

Raku pottery (some 35 pieces)
Pink Doric Depression Glass
Morgantown "Golf Ball" stemware
Various items from antiquity (I have roman coin 2d century and a chinese lamp ca 25-225 ce) I am just getting started on this one.
Small trickets from the places I have traveled to.

Yours always,

I collect vintage boardgames and books
I collect quartz crystals and stones for my work in healing. I wish I had the time and patience to gather them all in one room. I have them all over my house.

It is OK. I smudge every room twice a week and after negative people leave the premises. I never say anything about the crystals and stones all over my house to my guests. Most people love to look at them and they will ask if they are interested. One day when I was in the kitchen making hot tea for my company; She grabbed for a central crystal to look at it with out asking and she was knocked on her ass and thrown three feet away by a static electric charge. Hummm! I wonder why that never happens to me. :001_unsure::biggrin:

I have allot of clients who come in sick and leave well. Negative people often times: become very nauseated, seem to develop migraine head aches, and develop hot flashes. Funny, they seem to stay long and chat less than 15 min. I can't imagine why... LOL :001_cool:

I like it though it is kind of like living in Merlin's crystal cave. Nah, not quite. LOL Oh, the things could tell of my experiences while mining my own quartz crystals and Herkimer diamonds inside the crystal caves. If you ever get a chance meditate inside one of those caves...:thumbup:


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What do I collect? Well that is one hell of a loaded question. Within the past month I gave a program to one of the local clubs titled, "Collecting from A-Z". I had at least one collectible for every letter of the alphabet with some multiple items for selected letters.

I'll just give a broad overview of what I collect:

Coins, medals, Star Trek/Star Wars, Space Shuttle memorabilia, books, autographs, plates, Three Stooges, some artwork, postcards, stamps, sports memorabilia, did I say books, jewelry, and last but not least Jayman's favorites, Gems, Minerals, meteorites, fossils and crystals. As a geology major I have specimens all over my home many of which I collected myself.

I know, it is all my Fault!

Live Long and Prosper,

What do I collect? Well that is one hell of a loaded question. Within the past month I gave a program to one of the local clubs titled, "Collecting from A-Z". I had at least one collectible for every letter of the alphabet with some multiple items for selected letters.

I'll just give a broad overview of what I collect:

Coins, medals, Star Trek/Star Wars, Space Shuttle memorabilia, books, autographs, plates, Three Stooges, some artwork, postcards, stamps, sports memorabilia, did I say books, jewelry, and last but not least Jayman's favorites, Gems, Minerals, meteorites, fossils and crystals. As a geology major I have specimens all over my home many of which I collected myself.

I know, it is all my Fault!

Live Long and Prosper,


Let me pass on some great advice I learned as a presidential guard. Neither admit nor deny anything. Let them collect their own evidence and let your attorneys work at dismissing the evidence they have collected. It is the American way, besides this way you always have plausible deniability. :thumbup:
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I collect porn - gay porn

Do you have a pornograph?


If you check out my albums you will know that I collect edged weapons, shields, daggers, crossbows, long bows, steel, flint and obsidian arrowheads, basically all items which relate to personal combat from the period between 1000 CE and the mid 1700's. Probably something to do with a prior life.

With love, I am,
I love you guys, all members of Collectors Anonymous. I'm a hopeless case. My students used to call me Capitán Contenedor in reference to my penchant for checking out the contents of any recycling bin or garbage skip I found on the street in Barcelona. You can't imagine the great stuff people throw out. Moreover, one evening a month, on rotation, the citizens of the 28 different neighborhoods of BCN can leave the stuff they have no room for on the curb, to be collected by city maintenance just before midnight. I always got there first, in my trusty Renault-4. In Palma it's easier, and you find stuff any day of the month.

The restoration projects are all done using only re-cycled doors, windows and shutters, bathroom and kitchen sinks, beds (but not mattresses), wardrobes, lighting, etc. If it's cool, clean, useful, free and fits the esthetic, I collect it and put it back to work. The house I'm finishing has 5 bathrooms (just to help use up some of the stuff I've lumbered myself with) all supplied with amazing 1930s fixtures found on the street. I'll post some photos when the whitewashing is done. And there are masses of clawfoot tubs, pedestal basins, bidets and johns waiting for the next project.

Apart from that I like to wear Chuck Taylor Converse high tops, and bid for them on eBay. Have maybe 6 or 7 pairs and occasionally go online to try my luck for a "new" pair when one of mine goes to vintage footware heaven.

I natch clean and fumigate all this stuff, so everything is, as they say, drug and disease free.
I collect otters (not live) and anything about them
I use to collect comic books when in high school and college. Several are now quite valuable. Have about 8 boxes which are about a yard long. One day I want to inventory and make sure they are packaged. Mostly have Marvel, but do have some DC and independent.

Also, have a small collection of rocks which I picked up traveling or at local gem shows.

Also have (wouldn't say 'collect') some old photos of movie stars. Only recognize Alfred Hitchcock, but there are several other stars from the '60's...a little before my time for me to recognize. Have an unpublished picture of Marilyn Monroe. And lastly, have an original Star Wars cardboard display which was set up in the lobby of the movie theater (my wife and I both at times managed movie theaters). My understanding is this may be worth quite a bit....