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What are you reading?


Well-known Member
Dec 1, 2009
Reaction score
Phoenix, AZ
In an obvious copy of Jon's thread about music, I'm curious what everyone is reading, or are you? Obviously as a writer and publisher I spend a lot of time reading, but not always finishing, books. Sadly my pile of books that I haven't finished because I don't like them, or they're so badly written it makes my brain hurt, is pretty big these days.

What books do you like?
I don't read as much as I should Scott. But I do tend to read a lot when on holiday - surprising I know, but it helps me relax. When I was in Vegas for 3 weeks a few years ago I went through 3 novels.
I am reading The Island Before Yesterday by Umberto Eco it is mind boggling and amazing
I am reading The Island Before Yesterday by Umberto Eco it is mind boggling and amazing

I love Eco, and have that on my TBR (to be read pile). foucalt's Pendulum is one of my favorite books.

Yabba: which bio of Morgan are you reading?

I'm one of those people that have 3-4 books going on at the same time, and currently I've got:
True Compass - Ted Kennedy's autobiography
Under the Dome - Stephen King's newest doorstop of a book, but his best in the past 10 years or so.
Blue Canoe -the newest mindfuck of a novella by one of the great underappreciated writers around, T.M. Wright. This one is a reread actually, as it demands a second and third read through.
Vanilla Ride - Another Hap and Leonard novel from Joe Lansdale.
Finished History of God by Karen Armstrong - great book for curious minds. And now reading a commentary on the Book of Leviticus by Erhard S. Gerstenberger - heavy!
I love Eco, and have that on my TBR (to be read pile). foucalt's Pendulum is one of my favorite books.

Yabba: which bio of Morgan are you reading?
"Morgan" by Jean Strouse
I'm on a Bernard Cornwell kick right now; deep into the Dark Ages, Saxon times, etc. Also,Ken Follett's World Without End and Pillars of the Earth.

Recent favorites: At Swim Two Boys, The Story of Edgar Sawtell, The Elusive Embrace.
I bought Divine Misdemeanors by Laurel K Hamilton and First Lord's Fury by Jim Butcher yesterday. Divine Misdemeanors was so good I even read it while walking to get breakfast and so far, First Lord's Fury shows every sign of being as good or better!
I bought Divine Misdemeanors by Laurel K Hamilton and First Lord's Fury by Jim Butcher yesterday. Divine Misdemeanors was so good I even read it while walking to get breakfast and so far, First Lord's Fury shows every sign of being as good or better!

Whos the dude getting a good seeing to in the avator Baal. :tongue_smilie:
I think it's from Bait Bus but I don't always attribute things I save...