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We are a unique bunch of People!

I am hitting my twelfth anniversary of my 39th birthday and remember the days when there were no computers in homes. We had no cellphones and the Atari system was brand new. Calculators were big and clumsy but they were coming out with ones that could fit in the palm of your hand.

Then the first computers came out and people had to connect them to the TV to use as a monitor. It made the regular TV watchers mad as someone was watching writing across the screen and having a grand ole' time.

Now we wonder what we ever did without computers. We wonder how we can live without a cellphone. I do recall my grandparents telling me they grew up in homes not hooked up to electricity. We have come a long way, but is it better?

We don't talk to people in person. We claim thousands of anonymous joes out there as friends because they hit a like button on a page. We don't even have to sneak off to that adult bookstore to buy our porn. Now young people ask what a magazine is.

But the good news is we are connected to each other now in many ways. Before we thought we were all alone. We thought we were the only ones getting boners in gym class locker rooms and having that secret crush on our best friends. But we now know we are not alone.

So we take the good with the bad in this new era. We need to make sure we still connect with reality and go out and smell the roses and pet the cat.

Louis knows about how life was and how it is today. We have come a long way, baby. And we have many here to prove it.
Let me take a moment out to apologize to Louis for "straying" from his original topic; if I indeed did. I do this out of respect not because anyone takes it upon themselves to police my comment because they don't agree with it. However, the responses that I did read which included the use of "communications" of the times and the fact that people find it convenient to indulge in the electronic forms of communication rather than speaking directly to each other, and then this quote "I guess by dysfunctional I/we(?) mean that we forumites are divided by a virtual shield that prevents us from interacting in person. But with all of us being from such diverse backgrounds and age groups we still laugh together, cry together, support each other, get annoyed with each other, argue with each other...and then still manage to always make up in the end", I don't see that my comment was so far afield either!

None the less, my apologize to the author of the thread.
Jon is Ozzy, Tampa is Sharon, Mikeyank is Jack and Johnny is Kelly lol

OMG. I wish I could find fault with those choices. On the other hand I can live with being compared to Sharon. :blush: I admire her for many of the reasons that you possibly compared me to. I don't see Jon quite as much of an Ozzy. Mainly I guess because he isn't drug addled from past abuse like Ozzie. lol But Jon does bring an over the top British charm, humor and cantankerousness whenever he writes. haha
Let me take a moment out to apologize to Louis for "straying" from his original topic; if I indeed did. I do this out of respect not because anyone takes it upon themselves to police my comment because they don't agree with it. However, the responses that I did read which included the use of "communications" of the times and the fact that people find it convenient to indulge in the electronic forms of communication rather than speaking directly to each other, and then this quote "I guess by dysfunctional I/we(?) mean that we forumites are divided by a virtual shield that prevents us from interacting in person. But with all of us being from such diverse backgrounds and age groups we still laugh together, cry together, support each other, get annoyed with each other, argue with each other...and then still manage to always make up in the end", I don't see that my comment was so far afield either!

None the less, my apologize to the author of the thread.

Aww! Quoting a line from the movie Love Story "Love means never having to say you're sorry!"

Geez, how sappy was that?

I did not take any offense. Actually, I found it all rather humorous and entertaining.
It's called directness and wit Tampa. Something we didn't leave behind back in 1776 lol.
We'd better watch our step Tampa, for the next week or two as Jon gets testy every year around July 4th! lol


We'd better watch our step Tampa, for the next week or two as Jon gets testy every year around July 4th! lol


I actually like your celebrations tbh. You have something to celebrate by ditching us Brits, we can only regret and are now a far worse off country. Of course who would have know that in the 1700s - a lot of water has flowed under the bridge since then..
Well since the unpleasantness of the Revolutionary War and the War of 1812...I'd say it's been a very amicable divorce. haha We all started out as one family. Then with time and distance, it became an unequal and unpleasant marriage of first cousins. It just wasn't gonna work out in the long term. lol

As I walked through the halls of Westminster Abbey I was struck by the tributes to all of the saints and the great leaders in the fields of science, medicine, philosophy, literature, architecture, the arts and so on. They contributed so much to the Western Civilization we know today. As English speaking people and descendants of former subjects of the crown, we all share in that history. So we're still part of the same family and can proudly claim part of that great British heritage for ourselves. :)
On a serious note and in response to Louis' original post. We are indeed very fortunate to have found each other via a gay porn site. Fate is a wonderful thing as well as a cruel thing but it's wonderful as far as this subject is concerned. It is a great pity Louis that you did not get to know Laura (LoveLumps), Grace (from New Zealand), RRHills (Robert from Amsterdam) and of course Ms K. Here's hoping they will be back soon.
jon, I too hope they will return to the forum.

as to the separation of our two nations, we have maintained our sense of oneness since before the announcement of separation and were told to push off. we did! we became one of the richest, the largest, the most populated, the most powerful nation states in the world.
also the most violent, the most incarcerated, and the highest user of death as a penalty. we did all this with little help from our cousins.
still the sense of oneness continues as witnessed by viewing of royal weddings and other royal things. we are separated by our forms of government and our use of the language. the separation saved the british people the task of taming America. the gun thing.
I think that what makes us unique is that we believe as a people, individuals can make a difference. as individuals we love those the most who least deserve it, because those are the ones who need our love the most. cousin
I have a great love for the United Kingdom and its inhabitants. Besides my land of origin, Spain, England is what fascinated me the most in their determination to cross the seas in hope of finding a better place. I take great pride in knowing that our Native People were instrumental in assisting the new settlers to make this land their new home. Knowing the history and reasons the Pilgrims risked their lives to make themselves a better place to live, they found a place of acceptance and free from persecution. We did go through much adjustment and at times were in war with each other. Yet, we did come together and learned to live with one another, in a new land and new family from afar.

Today, we speak your language (with our own unique accents, sorry about that, guess part of the rebellion). We have streets, cities, states named after your homeland: New York, New Jersey, New England just to mention a few.

I have great respect for all the people of the entire United Kingdom, from Canada to New Zealand to Australia. I did forget to mention, our college has a campus in London on Gower Street where our students go every year to study.

ON A PERSONAL NOTE: When the Royal Wedding was broadcast live I got up at 1:00 am to watch the coverage in its entirety. After it was released I purchased the DVD of the wedding and the College Dudes of the music performed. It brought back so much memories of my youth. When I was young, my father took our family to the Falk Theater in Tampa. This was in the 50's. We watched the film of Queen Elizabeth getting married and then her coronation. I can still remember every scene of that showing.

It feels great sharing this with all of you.

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You can always count on Americans to do the right thing - after they've tried everything else.

Winston Churchill
I have a great love for the United Kingdom and its inhabitants. Besides my land of origin, Spain, England is what fascinated me the most in their determination to cross the seas in hope of finding a better place. I take great pride in knowing that our Native People were instrumental in assisting the new settlers to make this land their new home. Knowing the history and reasons the Pilgrims risked their lives to make themselves a better place to live, they found a place of acceptance and free from persecution. We did go through much adjustment and at times were in war with each other. Yet, we did come together and learned to live with one another, in a new land and new family from afar.

Today, we speak your language (with our own unique accents, sorry about that, guess part of the rebellion). We have streets, cities, states named after your homeland: New York, New Jersey, New England just to mention a few.

I have great respect for all the people of the entire United Kingdom, from Canada to New Zealand to Australia. I did forget to mention, our college has a campus in London on Gower Street where our students go every year to study.

ON A PERSONAL NOTE: When the Royal Wedding was broadcast live I got up at 1:00 am to watch the coverage in its entirety. After it was released I purchased the DVD of the wedding and the College Dudes of the music performed. It brought back so much memories of my youth. When I was young, my father took our family to the Falk Theater in Tampa. This was in the 50's. We watched the film of Queen Elizabeth getting married and then her coronation. I can still remember every scene of that showing.

It feels great sharing this with all of you.


Thanks Louis. I now pronounce you ex pat status lol. Also to A1 - great statement that dude.

I must however, correct myself regarding the lovely Grace. She is in fact from Tasmania and not New Zealand.
“God has a special providence for fools, drunks, and the United States of America.”

― Otto von Bismarck
I Love Kate..LOL When I was about 15 I road on a cable car with Princess Margret and Lord Snowdon.. She was REAL PRETTY.
Very Tiny... Another one of those great memories from my youth... It was a photo op for her she road about two blokes...
I will remember it all my life....johnny
Blocks...Sorry...All these fine young English men got me.Damn 900 posts seem like just
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