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We are a unique bunch of People!


BSB Addict
Mar 17, 2014
Reaction score
Florida, USA
We are a unique group of people. I am referring to the forumites on this site.

We have come such a long way since the inception of this cyber world we live in today. I remember my first exposure to communicating was through Usenet. After a long procedure of logging on, one could search topics and start participating in several discussions. These were usually one liners. From there the techonolgy exploded. I even still remember an announcement from Xerox in the late 50's, early 60's where they said they had formulated a system where a document could be copied and transported by telephone across the country. It developed into the faxing practices most of us are familiar with today. I was there when the fax began and I will probably see it's demise in the near future. Today we are in a most advanced state of communication. I cannot even begin to list where we are. We can do everything from email, to paying bills online, to video chatting with friends and the list is endless.

My purpose for this is to talk about you, the forumites of this site. In the past recent years I have belonged to many forums and chat rooms. These were usually restricted to the nature of those sites, i.e., male gay issues, political stuff, religious stuff, and so on. I first subscribed to Broke Straight Boys to be able to view all the scenes my heart throb had done. Occasionally I would glance at the forum discussions for curiousity but I was not interested in joining the converations. One day I saw a post about dead porn stars. I wanted to respond but could not because I was not registered. A couple of weeks passed and I kept reading the continuing posts. I gave in and registered primarily to respond to the original post I had read. And, here I am today.

You folks are GEMS in my being. This is the most unique experience I have had in recent years. Not only do we talk about Broke Straight Boys, the models, the scenes, but also ourselves. We share thoughts, music, history, experiences and at times things we would never dream of sharing with others outside of the confines of these forums. In the few months I have been a member I have gone through the entire range of emotions from hurt, anger, acceptance, and more importantly LOVE. You have made me cry and you have made me laugh.

I offer to you, my forumite family, my huge hugs and kisses. I also extend my deepest apprecitation to the owners and staff of Broke Straight Boys for providing such an excellent site and forum to allow us, your members, to be a part of your family also.

Peace, and Love!

That was beautifully said Louis. I feel the same way about the forum and only wish we had even more active members. I'm so glad that you were drawn in to join by a particular post, I believe linked by my friend Stowe, but whatever the reason I am so glad you are here Louis!!! :thumbup:
We are a unique group of people. I am referring to the forumites on this site.

We have come such a long way since the inception of this cyber world we live in today. I remember my first exposure to communicating was through Usenet. After a long procedure of logging on, one could search topics and start participating in several discussions. These were usually one liners. From there the techonolgy exploded. I even still remember an announcement from Xerox in the late 50's, early 60's where they said they had formulated a system where a document could be copied and transported by telephone across the country. It developed into the faxing practices most of us are familiar with today. I was there when the fax began and I will probably see it's demise in the near future. Today we are in a most advanced state of communication. I cannot even begin to list where we are. We can do everything from email, to paying bills online, to video chatting with friends and the list is endless.

My purpose for this is to talk about you, the forumites of this site. In the past recent years I have belonged to many forums and chat rooms. These were usually restricted to the nature of those sites, i.e., male gay issues, political stuff, religious stuff, and so on. I first subscribed to Broke Straight Boys to be able to view all the scenes my heart throb had done. Occasionally I would glance at the forum discussions for curiousity but I was not interested in joining the converations. One day I saw a post about dead porn stars. I wanted to respond but could not because I was not registered. A couple of weeks passed and I kept reading the continuing posts. I gave in and registered primarily to respond to the original post I had read. And, here I am today.

You folks are GEMS in my being. This is the most unique experience I have had in recent years. Not only do we talk about Broke Straight Boys, the models, the scenes, but also ourselves. We share thoughts, music, history, experiences and at times things we would never dream of sharing with others outside of the confines of these forums. In the few months I have been a member I have gone through the entire range of emotions from hurt, anger, acceptance, and more importantly LOVE. You have made me cry and you have made me laugh.

I offer to you, my forumite family, my huge hugs and kisses. I also extend my deepest apprecitation to the owners and staff of Broke Straight Boys for providing such an excellent site and forum to allow us, your members, to be a part of your family also.

Peace, and Love!

that is beautifully put and thank you you are right people can say things on here they normally can't and it's a great place to be. May I also say that the forum is lucky to have you and wouldn't be the same with out you. X
that is beautifully put and thank you you are right people can say things on here they normally can't and it's a great place to be. May I also say that the forum is lucky to have you and wouldn't be the same with out you. X
Dear Louis
Just wanted to say You wrote a Beautiful Post. I feel the same way about the forum. And feel so grateful to have made some wonderfu friends.
But right now I am feeling very sad about the news of Paul and Damien. Paul has been my face for at least the last year.
So I feel a part of me will be gone. But before your post go's into the beautiful post file. It was seen and read and
appreciated. Lovely words Louis...xoxo johnny.....Now I need to find that old black Vail.
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Dear Louis
Just wanted to say You wrote a Beautiful Post. I feel the same way about the forum. And feel so grateful to have made some wonderfu friends.
But right now I am feeling very sad about the news of Paul and Damien. Paul has been my face for at least the last year.
So I feel a part of me will be gone. But before your post go's into the beautiful post file. It was seen and read and
appreciated. Lovely words Louis...xoxo johnny.....Now I need to find that old black Vail.
Is this the one you were looking for Johnny?


Or perhaps this one?

I like the second one down.....Are we the only ones looking at a quite screen ? Maybe now I will have to get a life?
Doubt that ..xoxo johnny .... You the man.....xoxo.....
That was so beautiful Louis. Thank you for sharing that with us. You're part of the wonderful and sometimes dysfunctional family here too. haha
Sometimes dysfunctional Tampa??? Try all the time, just like my real life family!!! lol the difference here is I get to chose this family and I really love being a part of it. Damn I'm getting sappy like Mikeyank and Johnny, Jon you have my permission to kick my yankee but!!!:nicethread:
Sometimes dysfunctional Tampa??? Try all the time, just like my real life family!!! lol the difference here is I get to chose this family and I really love being a part of it. Damn I'm getting sappy like Mikeyank and Johnny, Jon you have my permission to kick my yankee but!!!:nicethread:
Like it or not ...Love You Peter.......Your (( REAL)) dysfunctional buddy......Johnny...Who is now crying over a porn star...LOL
I don't like the word dysfunctional, it indicates - to me, that we are maybe retarded - which of course we are not. That's a good post Louis but don't get too sentimental, it's only the goddamn internet lol.

Butt lick - oops kick, for Peter lol x
I guess by dysfunctional I/we(?) mean that we forumites are divided by a virtual shield that prevents us from interacting in person. But with all of us being from such diverse backgrounds and age groups we still laugh together, cry together, support each other, get annoyed with each other, argue with each other...and then still manage to always make up in the end.

Heck. That sounds like my biological family. haha
I guess by dysfunctional I/we(?) mean that we forumites are divided by a virtual shield that prevents us from interacting in person. But with all of us being from such diverse backgrounds and age groups we still laugh together, cry together, support each other, get annoyed with each other, argue with each other...and then still manage to always make up in the end.

Heck. That sounds like my biological family. haha

Heck is right, Tampa. I am still waiting for my son to apologize for all the nasty things he said to me recently. All because he thought I loved my granddaughter more than his son.
I guess by dysfunctional I/we(?) mean that we forumites are divided by a virtual shield that prevents us from interacting in person. But with all of us being from such diverse backgrounds and age groups we still laugh together, cry together, support each other, get annoyed with each other, argue with each other...and then still manage to always make up in the end.

Heck. That sounds like my biological family. haha

I still don't get it. Now if there was such a dysfunctional family then it would be the Adam's Family, or maybe in real life The Osbourne's.
I haven't read all the posts on this thread but, the title caught my attention! I am sure I will catch hell from a member or members because I am going to post my thoughts from another thread hear but, I don't give a damn!

With all of the resources at our disposal, namely the internet and social media, when someone brings a question about something they heard and wants to know if it has any merit, they are attacked and it's insinuated that they are trying to "Stir the Pot". As I am just as much a fan of the site and some of the models who are featured on it, those whom I truly enjoy, I participate in the "Social Media" that they use to promote themselves and offer "Me" a fan to use to Support them.

The recent swirl of concern and questions about two very popular model leaving was given a "Confirmation" stamp by a relatively new member who went straight to the source. How he did it? He set up a separate Facebook account to follow Broke Straight Boys models who use it. I took his suggestion and also set up a "separate Facebook account". Much to my surprise, there are many other Broke Straight Boys forum members who also follow models (and each other) there. So, if people are so concerned about getting the right information and not pleased with having to get it via "rumors", why not go to the source, or resource someone who does? Jon, I know doesn't do Facebook, there are a few members who don't, but, like Nobelegg once suggested, he knows people who have Twitter accounts, or other social media accounts to find information he would like to access. Rick Bell, Lilo wks, Beth, Dan....are just some of the resources I found there.

So, I guess "We are a Unique Bunch of people" who sometimes remind me of the birds at my feeders; Some birds get right in there and feed, in the process, they knock food to the ground. The other birds, squirrels and chipmunks, remain on the ground waiting for the seeds to fall, to get their fill.
I haven't read all the posts on this thread but, the title caught my attention! I am sure I will catch hell from a member or members because I am going to post my thoughts from another thread hear but, I don't give a damn!

With all of the resources at our disposal, namely the internet and social media, when someone brings a question about something they heard and wants to know if it has any merit, they are attacked and it's insinuated that they are trying to "Stir the Pot". As I am just as much a fan of the site and some of the models who are featured on it, those whom I truly enjoy, I participate in the "Social Media" that they use to promote themselves and offer "Me" a fan to use to Support them.

The recent swirl of concern and questions about two very popular model leaving was given a "Confirmation" stamp by a relatively new member who went straight to the source. How he did it? He set up a separate Facebook account to follow Broke Straight Boys models who use it. I took his suggestion and also set up a "separate Facebook account". Much to my surprise, there are many other Broke Straight Boys forum members who also follow models (and each other) there. So, if people are so concerned about getting the right information and not pleased with having to get it via "rumors", why not go to the source, or resource someone who does? Jon, I know doesn't do Facebook, there are a few members who don't, but, like Nobelegg once suggested, he knows people who have Twitter accounts, or other social media accounts to find information he would like to access. Rick Bell, Lilo wks, Beth, Dan....are just some of the resources I found there.

So, I guess "We are a Unique Bunch of people" who sometimes remind me of the birds at my feeders; Some birds get right in there and feed, in the process, they knock food to the ground. The other birds, squirrels and chipmunks, remain on the ground waiting for the seeds to fall, to get their fill.


I do not understand why you chose to sabotage this thread by bringing in the Damien Kyle/Paul scenario into it. Maybe you should have read Louis first decent post and it may have mellowed you down and convinced you to post what you have done in the appropriate thread.

I will not argue with you on hear about your under the cuff remarks about stirring the pot. If you want a fight then do so elsewhere. Was gonna say you surprise me, but you don't.

I do not understand why you chose to sabotage this thread by bringing in the Damien Kyle/Paul scenario into it. Maybe you should have read Louis first decent post and it may have mellowed you down and convinced you to post what you have done in the appropriate thread.

I will not argue with you on hear about your under the cuff remarks about stirring the pot. If you want a fight then do so elsewhere. Was gonna say you surprise me, but you don't.

You can call it sabotage if you like. I call it "keeping with the title of the thread". I am expressing my concerns and thoughts and I did keep it under the umbrella of the title. I also said that I don't give a damn! And Jon; as always, your are entitled to your thoughts even if I don't see things the way you do!
You can call it sabotage if you like. I call it "keeping with the title of the thread". I am expressing my concerns and thoughts and I did keep it under the umbrella of the title. I also said that I don't give a damn! And Jon; as always, your are entitled to your thoughts even if I don't see things the way you do!

Don't try and wrangle out Betu. As I said you should have read Louis post as well as the title; Isn't that what a thread is all about ?

Sorry Louis.. your post was marvellous and not deserved of such off topic intervention.