I'm not posting here in response to any specific ideas expressed in the thread, but just doing some Saturday musing on themes I've noticed over the last few days. So this is some of the stuff I think about some of the drift I've been noticing on the forum's more theoretical threads lately. To start with, Symbols.
The far right had it's apogee in Hitler's Germany. Many right wing extremists, at the popular level, identify themselves with symbols like the swastica, the skull and crossbones, even, mistakenly, with the Confederate Flag. The left likes the Peace symbol, and the far left may still use the hammer and sickle to identify their cause. The far left and the far right are mainly discredited elements of mainstream political thought, the adherents of which wouldn't be pleased to be identified with extremist symbols.
Another thing I think, and this is because of my age: I find it tiresome to have to respond to the same retrograde ideas time and again year after year. During the winter I read David McCullough's excellent John Adams, written about a time when the states were obliged to come together to form a fledgling nation. The southern states were leery about throwing their lot with a bunch of anti-slavery puritans even then. Over time the whole idea of slavery became repugnant and shameful even in the south, where apart from prejudice, important and understandable economic concerns were in play. All that is thankfully over, and the stench that emanated from the discredited philosophy that blacks were inferior to whites has long since blown away, away.
You guys who are so incensed by examples of government corruption surely know that politicians are often dishonest people and US politics is sometimes a dirty business. Just a fact. And not in any way apocalyptic since there are functioning mechanisms to get rid of the crooks. These sometimes work frustratingly slowly, but even that is defensible since judicial mistakes create instability. I hope that the terrible municipal abuses which so infuriate Mitch will, with the help of vocal whistle blowers like him, be eventually remedied. I personally don't think he does his cause a favor by flavoring his perfectly defensible complaints with what could be construed by suspicious people as anti-black rhetoric. That shit is so boringly passé. And unproductive. When you're trying to get something done, you want to keep from sounding wildly out of touch, since a lot of people are so dismissive of crazies.
It's a beautiful day. I'm gonna get out for a run. Wish you could join me.