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WARNING - Do NOT enter this thread if you are easily "offended" by words.


Feb 8, 2009
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Now that sufficient warning has been given in the thread title, I suppose those of us who are not "offended" by controversial and intellectually stimulating topics can carry on without interference. The wimps and whiners have been warned so hopefully they will stay away. So let us devour red meat!

Here we are. I will start.

In The Edge of the Sword Charles De Gaulle wrote:

"It is the worst of policies to exclude men of strong character for no better reason than that they are difficult. Easy relationships are all very well when things are going smoothly, but in times of crises, they may well lead to disaster...Powerful personalities...capable of standing up to the test of great events, frequently lack that surface charm which wins popularity in ordinary life. Strong characters are, as a rule, rough, disagreeable, and aggressive."

In his 1990 book In The Arena, President Nixon wrote:

"Brilliant people are often difficult and contentious. It is a mistake to exclude them ... for the sake of peace and quiet. The alternative is the kind...once described as choosing to please....possessed of leanings rather than opinion, without firmness of mind or genuine passions."

Some on this Forum would prefer that we all be "without firmness of mind or genuine passions." But that is not me, that is not Slim, and I know that is not Mike. I don't think it is Tampa either. Believe it or not, that is not Jayman, if you get him on a topic that lights his fire, like gay rights.
Do we want to only possess "that surface charm which wins popularity in ordinary life"? If that is what you value most, then you are indeed a weak and shallow man without balls or brains.

Laisser les jeux commencent !

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Mitch, my friend, I am not at all offended. Certainly not by the words of the 2 gentlemen you quoted. I agree with them.

You love to stir the pot! I like that about you! I'm gonna go make some popcorn and grab a beer, and I'll check back to see where this thread leads! Carry on!!

Mitch, my friend, I am not at all offended. Certainly not by the words of the 2 gentlemen you quoted. I agree with them.

You love to stir the pot! I like that about you! I'm gonna go make some popcorn and grab a beer, and I'll check back to see where this thread leads! Carry on!!


Paris, my dear boy.......welcome to the ARENA. :cursing:


(I am eating store bought white cheddar popcorn and drinking tea. I think I will smoke a cigarette too.)
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OK, let me know when the smoke clears I have allergies to cigarettes. :thumbup:
Paris, my dear boy.......welcome to the ARENA. :cursing:


(I am eating store bought white cheddar popcorn and drinking tea. I think I will smoke a cigarette too.)

Bless me Father for I have sinned!

Mitch, you are scaring me!! :scared:
Bless me Father for I have sinned!

Mitch, you are scaring me!! :scared:

Paris, you better get out that rosary boy!

Hail Mary, full of grace.
The Lord is with thee.
Blessed art thou amongst women,
and blessed is the fruit of thy womb,
Holy Mary, Mother of God,
pray for us sinners,
now and at the hour of our death.
OK, Paris I hope these holy relics help... :thumbup:


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Jayman, ROFLMAO !!!!

I will take religious relic #5 please.

The graphic is titles "Basic Male Angel Penis." I figure that qualifies as a holy relic right. If not I guess your fucked. LOL:thumbup:
Now that sufficient warning has been given in the thread title, I suppose those of us who are not "offended" by controversial and intellectually stimulating topics can carry on without interference. The wimps and whiners have been warned so hopefully they will stay away. So let us devour red meat!

Here we are. I will start.

In The Edge of the Sword Charles De Gaulle wrote:

"It is the worst of policies to exclude men of strong character for no better reason than that they are difficult. Easy relationships are all very well when things are going smoothly, but in times of crises, they may well lead to disaster...Powerful personalities...capable of standing up to the test of great events, frequently lack that surface charm which wins popularity in ordinary life. Strong characters are, as a rule, rough, disagreeable, and aggressive."

In his 1990 book In The Arena, President Nixon wrote:

"Brilliant people are often difficult and contentious. It is a mistake to exclude them ... for the sake of peace and quiet. The alternative is the kind...once described as choosing to please....possessed of leanings rather than opinion, without firmness of mind or genuine passions."

Some on this Forum would prefer that we all be "without firmness of mind or genuine passions." But that is not me, that is not Slim, and I know that is not Mike. I don't think it is Tampa either. Believe it or not, that is not Jayman, if you get him on a topic that lights his fire, like gay rights.
Do we want to only possess "that surface charm which wins popularity in ordinary life"? If that is what you value most, then you are indeed a weak and shallow man without balls or brains.

Laisser les jeux commencent !

I'm gone for just a short while, and boy did this thread take a turn! :thumbup1:

I'm not Catholic, but neither was Linda Blair. I have a feeling I WILL need all those religous relics! Since Mitch has dibs on #5, I'll have to hide behind the marines!
"Brilliant people are often difficult and contentious. It is a mistake to exclude them ... for the sake of peace and quiet."

Amen my brother.

The tricky part is the distinction that not all difficult, contentious people are brilliant.

To paraphrase Freud, sometimes an :booty: is just an :booty:

(In no way am I referring to anyone here. I just meant in general.)
I posted this on another thread, but it is worth repeating here.

Here are a few things to think about.

I have been insulted repeatedly. Slim insults me, ViceKid, and MikeYank on a few occasions. I don't like what they said, it offended me, but dammit they have a right to say it, even if it does offend me, insult me, and piss me off. Are you going to "ban" them because I feel "insulted"? Rubbish. How ridiculous that would be. I say three cheers for them for having some balls and speaking their mind. We need more people like that, not less.

This talk of "banning" could have a chilling effect on the forum, it will reduce the discussions to no more than idle chit chat on topics like the weather. Any intellectual benefit will be lost and worst of all, it would become boring and useless. You don't want to scare people to the point that everybody is afraid to say anything. You can always, always, find somebody who will say they are "insulted" or "offended" by something somebody said, no matter how innocent or innocuous.

A forum is for robust, uninhibited, and at times, fierce debate.

And what is an insult to one man is flattery to another. What is an insult? You can't say that an insult is anything that offends the other party? That is totally subjective. You must have an objective standard by which to measure. But so what if it is an "insult." So what? Big deal. Get over it. If this idea, banning anyone who "insults" somebody, were applied to Congress then we would have no government left. Do you watch the news every day? Those politicians say some nasty, ugly stuff about each other. Buy hey, that is all part of the game. We are not children or old ladies. We are adult men.

When I was a kid we used to say "Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words can never hurt me." I think everybody needs to take that to heart. If one is that sensitive, go somewhere else and chat. Join a garden club or something. Jesus.
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Whatever you say man. The problem i have with you is that you don't argue, you attack.
Anyway, i'm not gonna play this game... I'm so done with all this.

Do as you please :) I'll just stop being a poster and simply do my job.
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Here are a few things to think about.

I have been insulted repeatedly. Slim insults me, ViceKid, and MikeYank on a few occasions. I don't like what they said, it offended me, but dammit they have a right to say it, even if it does offend me, insult me, and piss me off. Are you going to "ban" them because I feel "insulted"? Rubbish. How ridiculous that would be. I say three cheers for them for having some balls and speaking their mind. We need more people like that, not less.

This talk of "banning" could have a chilling effect on the forum, it will reduce the discussions to no more than idle chit chat on topics like the weather. Any intellectual benefit will be lost and worst of all, it would become boring and useless. You don't want to scare people to the point that everybody is afraid to say anything. You can always, always, find somebody who will say they are "insulted" or "offended" by something somebody said, no matter how innocent or innocuous.

A forum is for robust, uninhibited, and at times, fierce debate.

And what is an insult to one man is flattery to another. What is an insult? You can't say that an insult is anything that offends the other party? That is totally subjective. You must have an objective standard by which to measure. But so what if it is an "insult." So what? Big deal. Get over it. If this idea, banning anyone who "insults" somebody, were applied to Congress then we would have no government left. Do you watch the news every day? Those politicians say some nasty, ugly stuff about each other. Buy hey, that is all part of the game. We are not children or old ladies. We are adult men.

When I was a kid we used to say "Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words can never hurt me." I think everybody needs to take that to heart. If one is that sensitive, go somewhere else and chat. Join a garden club or something. Jesus.

You, sir, are what used to be called a pistol!! Just so you know, I think ALL politicians are whores in a suit. My apologies to all whores in their birthday suits!
Whatever you say man. The problem i have with you is that you don't argue, you attack.
Anyway, i'm not gonna play this game... I'm so done with all this.

Do as you please :) I'll just stop being a poster and simply do my job.

I think you should post and speak up, no matter who agrees or does not agree with you. You are entitled to the same freedoms as everyone else. That is what this particular thread is all about. That is why it has an odd title, so anybody who enters knows that this is a thread for people to say what is on their mind, regardless of who might be offended.